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How would your character die?


Level 17
How would you kill off your character, if you needed to or wanted to and had to make it relate to the plot/storyline (of your character)?
I never plan on killing off my character, I would be too sad because she is just my favorite thing ever, but I still have ideas on how it could possibly relate to her storyline.
I mainly just want to hear a everyone else’s ideas for their characters!


Level 278
Tobias would, in my ideal world, just go fuckin psycho and get murdered by a friend

theo would lose his battle to the tumor in his lungs, hmmm


Level 17
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Tobias would, in my ideal world, just go fuckin psycho and get murdered by a friend

theo would lose his battle to the tumor in his lungs, hmmm
God that is really sad, but it makes sense. Sounds like you want Tobias dead - do you?


Level 88
Nozomi would get murdered by a fellow friend. She would ask her friend to take her life while being Russia as in she says "I want to die by my parents, I want to be home." She would probably write letters to everyone she knew so they would know.

Hyo-Sonn would die with her sister. She only wants to be with her twin sister. She would probably die from a sickness, she's mostly found sick.

Andriy, the poor boy would die because all he does is push his limits. He will push his limits to the point that someone would murder him.

Luke woud die from not taking care of himself. He's blind and has no one to take care of him.


Level 278
God that is really sad, but it makes sense. Sounds like you want Tobias dead - do you?
no.. but that’d be hell of an ending and realistically (without perms and weapon rules) thats where he’s headed. It would probably be KPD that put him down though because he would not care if it was in public


Level 278
Nozomi would get murdered by a fellow friend. She would ask her friend to take her life while being Russia as in she says "I want to die by my parents, I want to be home." She would probably write letters to everyone she knew so they would know.

Hyo-Sonn would die with her sister. She only wants to be with her twin sister. She would probably die from a sickness, she's mostly found sick.

Andriy, the poor boy would die because all he does is push his limits. He will push his limits to the point that someone would murder him.

Luke woud die from not taking care of himself. He's blind and has no one to take care of him.
:( luke


Level 278
Also! I forgot poor sammy, Sammy.. im jot sure where he’s headed yet so it’s hard to tell honestly, but! I think he’d end up freaking himself out because he’s scared of heights and falling off a cliff tbh..


Level 17
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Nozomi would get murdered by a fellow friend. She would ask her friend to take her life while being Russia as in she says "I want to die by my parents, I want to be home." She would probably write letters to everyone she knew so they would know.

Hyo-Sonn would die with her sister. She only wants to be with her twin sister. She would probably die from a sickness, she's mostly found sick.

Andriy, the poor boy would die because all he does is push his limits. He will push his limits to the point that someone would murder him.

Luke woud die from not taking care of himself. He's blind and has no one to take care of him.
Oh my god, Nozomi’s is so sad. It seems like you put a lot of work into her.
The others are also sad, it’s crazy how so many people think their characters would be murdered by their friends? Like that’s crazy to me, not outlandish though to be fair.


Level 17
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Also! I forgot poor sammy, Sammy.. im jot sure where he’s headed yet so it’s hard to tell honestly, but! I think he’d end up freaking himself out because he’s scared of heights and falling off a cliff tbh..
I can’t imagine having so many characters I forgot one of them, but that does make sense. That sounds like a really cruel end though, I would feel so bad if that did happen :[


Level 88
Oh my god, Nozomi’s is so sad. It seems like you put a lot of work into her.
The others are also sad, it’s crazy how so many people think their characters would be murdered by their friends? Like that’s crazy to me, not outlandish though to be fair.
well her brother did go behind her back I sadly did put a lot of work into Nozomi and lost so much with her char.


Level 278
Oh my god, Nozomi’s is so sad. It seems like you put a lot of work into her.
The others are also sad, it’s crazy how so many people think their characters would be murdered by their friends? Like that’s crazy to me, not outlandish though to be fair.
I had a character that was, His name was Natsuo Larcune. Nobody really knows how he died they just know he’s dead. @cam!! @saffronny killed him. He had a stroke and it sort of made living a task, he had his leg amputated because he lost feeling in it. He stopped taking his meds and had another one. He asked them to help him out. It was really sad… SOMEONE ALSO ALMOST WALKED IN ON THEM.. rip..

He was buried in the forest, actually my char theo visits him often because liam ( saffrony ) told him abt it and how it happened and helped him out after and has been encouraging liam to visit more often. Liam isnt around rn so theo visits instead c:


Level 278
I can’t imagine having so many characters I forgot one of them, but that does make sense. That sounds like a really cruel end though, I would feel so bad if that did happen :[
Yeah he isnt dying i love him too much

It isnt that i have too many, i only play 4, but its that im burnt out and my memory is pretty bad hehe- i knew i had a 3rd but i couldnt remember the name


Level 271
my char, myeong prob will die in the future from cancer. Why did I start rp it in late 2020? I have no idea. but it's a part of her rn


Level 69
Community Team
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Kyle McMoore would die of old age in an Alternate Universe if he didn't die.

Alan F. Jackson would just get shot in the back of the head on the streets by some thugs.

Wyatt M. Czar would die in a Car Crash.


Level 17
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my char, myeong prob will die in the future from cancer. Why did I start rp it in late 2020? I have no idea. but it's a part of her rn
OH NO that’s really sad, it seems like a lot of people have cancer. I think I’m concerned.


Level 17
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Kyle McMoore would die of old age in an Alternate Universe if he didn't die.

Alan F. Jackson would just get shot in the back of the head on the streets by some thugs.

Wyatt M. Czar would die in a Car Crash.
…I am wondering, why specifically a car crash? Like do they like cars (understandable, same), are they a street racer?


Level 194
Updated (:

Celeste O’Sullivan Hamilton - I almost killed her off a year or two ago before she was a caretaker, so glad I didn't now. She got to a low point in her life and jumped of a mountain infront of her sister but landed on the edge below so she only suffered brain damage. Now she would be killed off from three possible things; Her criminal life catches up to her finally, old age and peacefully, or a certain someone in her family takes vengeance and kills her. Recently; she got shot twice! She'd die in the most cliche but cool way ever.

Emer O'Sullivan - [REDACTED]

Oscar Aldridge - I plan on having him get a fatal disease which will slowly lead to him having a permanent oxygen tank at his side, and in an alternative universe he would either; go insane, die from the disease/naturally, or be killed for his reputation.

Tamiko Tsukumo - She will probably die of old age or she will get dragged into crime business and be used as a hostage since she isn't really big on crime and sucks at defending herself.

Ulyana Zaitsev - Overdose.
Last edited:


Level 17
Thread starter
Uhhh TW? I can't spoiler anything I'm not smart qwq

Celeste O’Sullivan Hamilton - i almost killed her off a year or two ago before she was a caretaker, so glad I didn't now. She got to a low point in her life and jumped of a mountain infront of her sister but landed on the edge below so she only suffered brain damage. Now she would be killed off from three possible things; Her criminal life catches up to her finally, old age and peacefully, or a certain someone in her family takes vengeance and kills her.

Ji-Jae Ukiyo or 'Monika' Hamilton - In an alternative universe one which she was still out to the public as alive she would possibly die from the following factors; after 8 years of being in Karakura and deflecting from North Korea she decides to go back and save the rest of her family. Ji-Jae would've either successful faked her documents, been shot on sight, or have been sent to [REDACTED]. Saving solely her oldest sister and younger brother, not being able to save her mother or 2 younger sisters. Or, the amount of people she's messed with - including two Yakuza's and six gangs - would've finally managed to tick her off of there list. Then there are two things she would do in Karakura: burn in a fire she set aflame - overdose.

Emer O'Sullivan - [REDACTED]

Oscar Aldridge - I plan on having him get a fatal disease which will slowly lead to him having a permanent oxygen tank at his side, he would either; go insane, die from the disease/naturally, or be killed for his reputation.
Wow you have these really planned out…THEYRE SO SAD. I remember seeing the first one on another post, but they’re all so well planned out and make so much sense. I love it!!


Level 194
Wow you have these really planned out…THEYRE SO SAD. I remember seeing the first one on another post, but they’re all so well planned out and make so much sense. I love it!!
Nah they aren't planned out, it was just me eyeballing it based upon lore which I've made up in my head along the way.. honestly I just made it based upon those factors and freestyled

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