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How would your character die?


Level 79
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Sky Edgeworth - Honestly I would see her getting assassinated by someone close. Im planning for her to make her own yakuza when she is older, so it would work, someone taking her out so they could have power.

Barbatos Archon - Would die from his sickness, he already has a pre-planned death so this is how he will go out. He will slow grow weaker and weaker while trying to hide the fact he's dying, until his whole body just, gives up.

Raiden Archon - Gets killed by someone, due to her being quite frank, someone would 100% kill her for what she says. Either a friend, or a foe, she would die from getting killed.

Morax Archon - Dies from old age, seeing everyone he loves die before him even though he's the oldest out of everyone.


Level 271
OH NO that’s really sad, it seems like a lot of people have cancer. I think I’m concerned.
Not a lot of people r rping it from what I know, but I started to rp it when I only made thr char; I wanted to make the rp be cool and decided to give her cancer, ptsd and one more little thing; it was horrible to rp the ptsd so I stupid bc in the end I got anxiety panic attacks with my char lol. In general, I'll make an event in the end bc I cant to handle the char anymore..


Level 17
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Sky Edgeworth - Honestly I would see her getting assassinated by someone close. Im planning for her to make her own yakuza when she is older, so it would work, someone taking her out so they could have power.

Barbatos Archon - Would die from his sickness, he already has a pre-planned death so this is how he will go out. He will slow grow weaker and weaker while trying to hide the fact he's dying, until his whole body just, gives up.

Raiden Archon - Gets killed by someone, due to her being quite frank, someone would 100% kill her for what she says. Either a friend, or a foe, she would die from getting killed.

Morax Archon - Dies from old age, seeing everyone he loves die before him even though he's the oldest out of everyone.
That is so saddddd, the dude dying of sickness is super sad. I read a book for an English class that was kind of like that. Those are always the most heartbreaking.


Level 17
Thread starter
Not a lot of people r rping it from what I know, but I started to rp it when I only made thr char; I wanted to make the rp be cool and decided to give her cancer, ptsd and one more little thing; it was horrible to rp the ptsd so I stupid bc in the end I got anxiety panic attacks with my char lol. In general, I'll make an event in the end bc I cant to handle the char anymore..
Yeah of course that makes sense, roleplaying out certain illnesses, mental or physical, can be super stressful. I wouldn’t be able to roleplay out ptsd, it would also take a lot of research.

Wrath ⛥

Level 99
Crow - Arm wrestling a bear probably
Leaf - Illness.
Kat - Electrocuted / Drowning
Bubbles - probably getting hit by a car tbh ... deaf moment


Level 27
Halo would get blown up by fireworks (on her own timing)

Ivan would probably break and die shortly after Halo

Subarashi would- uh...... well I can only imagine her dying while running from the cops, she has a very "My way" attitude and wouldn't wanna spend her days in Jail, so if she knew she was gonna get caught then she wouldn't give them the chance


Level 109
I dont play elora anymore but she woudl die from chemicals probably when shes in the school's boiler room trying to blow it up and kill everyone in karakura


Level 45
hakase intentionally overdoses
suyen would probably die at her own fault. hi-jacked helicopter crash maybe
tozen gets poisoned and dies of sickness


Level 23
How would you kill off your character, if you needed to or wanted to and had to make it relate to the plot/storyline (of your character)?
I never plan on killing off my character, I would be too sad because she is just my favorite thing ever, but I still have ideas on how it could possibly relate to her storyline.
I mainly just want to hear a everyone else’s ideas for their characters!
Well if its my main character a Judge, I would say from tripping down the stairs

If its my alt character Eloa Ichibangase well she will most likely die in every way possible, even eating 413 nuggets


Level 60
Atlas I feel like would die likely by murder of some sort. Not only because he’s now EMS but because he also is one to do his best to take any hits and be hurt than others, even if that means it’ll kill him.

Daichi.. As of right now my plans are for him to die of old age, since he doesn’t really know anyone other than the few he’s met and continued to talk to since he worked as a chef at the HS/college.


Level 194
Daichi.. As of right now my plans are for him to die of old age, since he doesn’t really know anyone other than the few he’s met and continued to talk to since he worked as a chef at the HS/college.
What if I kill him with my handy-dandy spatula?


Level 9
Neo Corvid has a lot of negative opinions against the government, I can see him being killed during a riot or murdered by a bounty hunter hired by a government worker to silence him.

Minah Bari Kirigaya would probably have a sad death since she's harmless and it wouldn't be her fault, the Kirigaya family has made a few enemies due to their rebellious college and high school members. I can see Minah easily getting kidnapped by one of the family's rivals and possibly killed.

Mr. Mediocre

Level 58
Kazuko De'bardi - Most likely to die by either getting mauled by a bear or if he doesn't he'll die of old age

Desmond Peckitt - Most likely to die from just old age or from natural causes


Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
Mee Jaibatsume - Either guilt and doing something idiotic or fighting to defend someone she loves

Ena Jaibatsume - She is blind, anything and everything is a hazard

Beatrice Hamilton - [Insert sports-related incident]

Yumi Jaibatsume - Old age or defending her children to the death

Twig - Old age, nothing is killing this dumbass fox, he's too stupid to die

Winter Celestiasume - Gang violence after committing literal genocide.

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