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FearRP Suggestion


Level 2
IGN: MidFrank
DATE: 11/10/22
Editing the FearRP rules
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Well I was in a situation where I attempted to use FearRP on someone with a bladed weapon, I threatened to kill this person a few times but they disregarded it ICly and continued to ignore me and continue with what they did simply just saying 'bro' to me, I asked a mod about this later and I was informed FearRP was disregarded because this individual had a Metal Bat on them, this feels like one of possibly the easiest ways to loophole FearRP carrying the one legal weapon to negate FearRP from a Katana even. There is really no realistic sense to which someone who was in possession of a bat thought to themself 'Hey, I've got this bat. I can duel the guy with that blade!' No, they follow their commands and get themselves out of danger ASAP. I think it would have a much more realistic standpoint if FearRP was not negated solely by having a weapon in your inventory, but by having it actually brandished. Another thing that could be established is a sort of weapon perk, for example Bats need to fearrp Pocket Knives and above, A Katana would FearRP a Nagi and so on.

Also kind of wanted to point out I checked the rules and under FearRP it mentions nothing of Weaponry negating FearRP at all.


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Level 37

Fixing weapons would be nice. If someone has a wooden bat it doesn't make sense why they would not be afraid of a katana would be dope to see roll bonuses for weapons.


Level 15

mice had a similar interaction where the person had 4 weapons held against them and all because they had a weapon in their inv they didn’t have to fearrp which is pretty dumb


Level 105

Putting it in simple terms; Comparing a bat to a katana is like comparing a pistol to a rifle. Even if that pistol is in your pocket, you'd be a lot less scared than if you didn't have it at all. At the end of the day, they're both weapons that can easily majorly injure or end a person's life. The tier system you mentioned doesn't make any sense, either; again, they're all weapons that can easily cause fatal harm to someone

However, it does become excessive when a person doesn't have to roleplay out being scared when, say, being flanked with two guys with katanas while your weapon isn't in your hand. Personally, I'd be pretty damn scared, even if I had whatever weapon it is in my hands

Aside from that, FearRP is a weird term in general, even without all these rules surrounding it. It'd be so much easier if people would roleplay out bring afraid of something without the concept of FearRP in the back of their heads; it's unrealistic


Level 99
Community Team
Lore Team

The only real thing I have to say:
Comparing a bat to a katana is like comparing a pistol to a rifle
The difference is: A rifle and a pistol serve the same purpose. They both shoot. However, a bat cannot cut through flesh the way a katana can. I can see where Roy comes from here

Either way, I don't mind it changing or staying the same


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead

I will say I do believe you should be forced to FearRP if you do not have the weapon out, as I doubt you would keep full composure with a literal blade or bat being held to you. But the tier system would be too confusing and too much to deal with. I believe it should be kept to if you have a weapon physically in your hands, since you have a chance to fight back, instead of just having it on hand and it being difficult to take it out if a weapon is already being brandished in front of you.


Level 105
A rifle and a pistol serve the same purpose. They both shoot. However, a bat cannot cut through flesh the way a katana can
Both a bat and katana can incapitate someone in a single swing, if not two, but I get your point. The bat only has a slight disadvantage to the katana, though. I'd feel less scared having a bat out against a katana instead of my bare hands


Level 21
IGN: MidFrank
DATE: 11/10/22
Editing the FearRP rules
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Well I was in a situation where I attempted to use FearRP on someone with a bladed weapon, I threatened to kill this person a few times but they disregarded it ICly and continued to ignore me and continue with what they did simply just saying 'bro' to me, I asked a mod about this later and I was informed FearRP was disregarded because this individual had a Metal Bat on them, this feels like one of possibly the easiest ways to loophole FearRP carrying the one legal weapon to negate FearRP from a Katana even. There is really no realistic sense to which someone who was in possession of a bat thought to themself 'Hey, I've got this bat. I can duel the guy with that blade!' No, they follow their commands and get themselves out of danger ASAP. I think it would have a much more realistic standpoint if FearRP was not negated solely by having a weapon in your inventory, but by having it actually brandished. Another thing that could be established is a sort of weapon perk, for example Bats need to fearrp Pocket Knives and above, A Katana would FearRP a Nagi and so on.

Also kind of wanted to point out I checked the rules and under FearRP it mentions nothing of Weaponry negating FearRP at all.
You are forgetting to mention the fact that the store you waltzed into, had 3 people who were armed inside. You tried making them fearRP with a knife, while I had a machete, another had a bostaff, and a bat. You one, ICly had no information on who had keys to the door, Two, tried making the shopkeeper (WHO WAS ARMED) FearRP, which they didn't have to. Since they were armed. I support the idea of adding tiers to weapons for FearRP, but this is a poorly timed suggestion that I think could use some more time to fully flush out.


Level 130

Not only was your use of perms and fearrp in this situation not allowed (assuming this is referring to the shop situation), but in many cases, blunt weapons like baseball bats are actually more effective than a sword in a realistic life-or-death scenario. FearRP is fine the way it is in my opinion, I understand you weren't happy with the situation, but as cultist said... it's very badly timed, it seems like you're only writing this for your own personal gain and not the good of the server.1668105888905.png


Level 135
I think the current FearRP rules are fair, however I also believe in what your character is written to do in those specific scenarios (however that can be loopholed easily). It makes your character feel more safe if they have a weapon on them whilst being threatened by one. Just because they don't have it out doesn't mean it cannot be equipped in a fight. To back up what you said about the katana vs metal bat, I believe you can still win that type of duel with a KO and running away, hence where FearRP rules come into play. Yes your character should be wary of the individual threatening them with a weapon, but if they have a weapon of their own on hand I don't exactly see them running away with their tail between their legs when they know they have SOME sort of chance.


Level 211
Putting it in simple terms; Comparing a bat to a katana is like comparing a pistol to a rifle.
Good to point out that if this gets accepted, you'll have to fear RP tasers and Glocks even if you have bats, pocket knives, etc


Level 2
Thread starter
Well for situation was not going to be voided due to this regardless? So I have nothing to gain from this really so I am not sure what you think I expect to gain, second this weapon tier system was just a small idea but I see the complications it could have and yes..I would fearRP a Glock with a Katana? No way in hell am I gonna run at the dude with a Glock who has a line of sight on me by the time I even have a chance of reaching him I'll have 2 rounds in me it just feels rather odd all these normal law abiding citizens go around carrying these metal bats to take on deadly criminals if the case ever presents itself and quite honestly I think it's unrealistic especially if your character has no real criminal element/experience he would be terrified at the fact of someone threatening his life? 'Self defense' bat or not a Katana has a farther range and more much lethal then a bat, yes you could get lucky and get a quick 2 swings but most people maintain distance in combat as it is so I don't particularly see that happening


Level 2
Thread starter
@Kana To reply to the Attachment you sent yes, that was a pure screw up on my part that got past me as well as the mod handling the situation. Again not entirely sure what you think I wish to gain aside from some realism in the future but alright.

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