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Recent content by _ScarlettRose_

  1. _ScarlettRose_

    Council Tag Not Going Away

    Basically, after I quit the council as the council vice president, I logged back on and when I talked, the tag was still there. Some of you are probably going to say "Just pretend it's not there," but I dunno, when I talk I don't want to have to say "hey, I'm not council-vice president it's just...
  2. _ScarlettRose_

    I have an accepted employee application but in game I have no tag or record of it?

    I have an accepted employee application but in game I have no tag or record of it?
  3. _ScarlettRose_

    Accepted Library Manager Application

    [OOC section] In Game Name: LilNerdy. School Employee Role you are Applying For: Library Manager. How often do you log onto the server?: For a while, I've been on the server every day. Do you have TeamSpeak3? Currently I don't, although if needed for the role I will download. Do you have a...
  4. _ScarlettRose_

    I can't do any commands WTHHHHH

    I can't do any commands WTHHHHH
  5. _ScarlettRose_

    Insufficent Permission?

    It seems that I can't see how much money I have, yes I'm doing /bal /balance /money and I can't do /help either?? Whats happening
  6. _ScarlettRose_

    Quit Vice President

    Something has been bugging me for a while and I really need help fixing it. Do any of you have a solution for this?: I quit Vice President a long time ago but when I speak in the chat in the server, my tag still has [Vice President] on it. I find it annoying because people always ask me "Why...
  7. _ScarlettRose_

    someone heeeelp meh i quit vice pres but in chat it still says im vice pres I dun like it ;-;

    someone heeeelp meh i quit vice pres but in chat it still says im vice pres I dun like it ;-;
  8. _ScarlettRose_

    Always think before you say something.. (Quote)

    Always think before you say something.. (Quote)
  9. _ScarlettRose_

    Grizzly I don't mean minecraft username I meant the forum name. Plus Yaku already answered my...

    Grizzly I don't mean minecraft username I meant the forum name. Plus Yaku already answered my question but thanks for trying to help!
  10. _ScarlettRose_

    How do you change your username??

    How do you change your username??
  11. _ScarlettRose_


  12. _ScarlettRose_

    New Username: ScarlettFurrEver

    New Username: ScarlettFurrEver
  13. _ScarlettRose_

    ilblueli you don't buy something to be a teacher you have to make an application and follow the...

    ilblueli you don't buy something to be a teacher you have to make an application and follow the format.
  14. _ScarlettRose_

    France was great! I got to see all the landmarks and I went to see the Mona Lisa.

    France was great! I got to see all the landmarks and I went to see the Mona Lisa.
  15. _ScarlettRose_

    Sorry I haven't been active on the server lately, I went to France for a while and forgot to...

    Sorry I haven't been active on the server lately, I went to France for a while and forgot to inform anyone. I'm back now. :)