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Recent content by _tud

  1. _tud

    lost items

    IGN: _tud VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: A lot of items EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I also had golden pearl earrings but they're not in the picture cause they were replaced with the construction hat Edit: G38C Nerf Gun, Toy Gun "SCAR-H Prime" and I don't remember the other one @Mariav
  2. _tud

    glitched phones

    IGN: _tud VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: gray phone EVIDENCE: Proof ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I had 7 gray phones stacked on top of each other. I right-clicked them by accident, then it all disappeared except one EDIT: @MikeShotZ it should work now
  3. _tud

    glitched item

    IGN: _tud VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: "No you" card EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: None, I just right-clicked it, then it turned into that (This is the same screenshot from last time, I'm just too lazy to take another one)
  4. _tud

    glitched item

    IGN: _tud VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: "No you" card EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: None, I just right-clicked it, then it turned into that
  5. _tud

    lost items

    IGN: _tud VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: I have 5 items that are missing; a pink bicycle, a sword reaper, a crowbar, a baseball bat, and a ballistic mask BALLISTIC MASK AND BASEBALL BAT EVIDENCE: SWORD REAPER EVIDENCE: BICYCLE EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I had these items on my bicycle, but I...
  6. _tud

    pink bike lost

    IGN: _tud VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Pink Bicycle EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: My bike despawned. The stuff that was in the bike came back but the bike didn't, and when I did /qav callback it said that I don't have any vehicles
  7. _tud

    lost sekki

    IGN: _tud VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Sekki toy katana EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I lost a sekki toy katana when the auction house plugin changed or something
  8. _tud

    lost item

    IGN:_tud VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: apple watch EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: the video explains everything
  9. _tud

    Yumiko 'Yumi' H. Shimasu's biography

    REMEMBER THESE PIECES OF INFORMATION ARE OOCLY, DON'T USE IT UNLESS YOUR CHARACTER KNOWS IT ICLY [PLEASE DON'T META] Character image: Basic Information Name: Yumiko Holland Shodai Shimasu Preferred Name: 'Yumi' Aliases: N/A Gender: Female Age: 18 Height: 5'6" Weight: 134lbs Eye...
  10. _tud

    lost 112k after the server died

    before the server died I had 112k in the bank but it kicked everyone out today so when I came back I found that I have 0 yen in the bank and 12k on me I only have screenshots before I put the money in the bank tho
  11. _tud

    How do you cook food?

    So I've been playing SRP for a while now but I've never bothered to learn how to cook food so I'm just wondering how the cooking mechanics work
  12. _tud


  13. _tud


    IGN (Minecraft Username):_tud WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK):grade 12 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY):suspended EVIDENCE: