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Recent content by A_Bag_Of_Takis

  1. A

    SomebodyRP's News Intern Application | 12/7/2020 ( 7/12/2020)

    [OOC Section] IGN (In Game Name): SomebodyRP Previous bans: None, I’m a good person. Describe your activity on the server: My activity on the server, if I put it in short words, I am online most of my day, unless I’m on holiday, or grounded. Do you have Discord? Of course, I do, I...
  2. A

    hi banter

    hi banter
  3. A

    Role App.

    IGN (Minecraft username): SomebodyRP WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) I'd like to be moved to the role 15 [Grade-9], because my character is supposed to be 15 instead of 18. I do understand that I become a green-tag, and I will follow all the rules with being a green-tag. YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF...