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Recent content by Anie

  1. Anie

    Olivia "Liv" Briarwood's Biography

    I love it. xd
  2. Anie

    Olivia "Liv" Briarwood's Biography

    Gracias! But it ain't mine. I can send you the link to the skindexer that made it, however? They have many great skins.
  3. Anie

    Hello fellow humans!

    Well, I've always felt my calling was to that. I took a Construction class during my Sophomore and Junior year of Highschool, and despite how painstaking it was to pick up boards or when I wanted to just go back to bed when I nailed something in wrong, it never failed to capture my heart. In...
  4. Anie

    BugzBunniez Intro

    Amazing to meet ya!