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Recent content by DarkEclipic

  1. DarkEclipic

    Existential thoughts, put them here!

    Atoms that make up everything can't touch. So when you hug someone you arent toughing them
  2. DarkEclipic

    Extended areas, and a few more locations

  3. DarkEclipic

    Vehicle Terrain Traversal Logic | CAR RELATED SUGGESTION

    I'm sorry, as much as I would love to drive my car on the beach or places it's not supposed to. It's a no from me
  4. DarkEclipic

    What is your last saved photo

    Its not the latest, but its the funniest
  5. DarkEclipic

    What is your last saved photo

    huehueheuheuhhueuehuehuhe -Aania any time Arson is mentioned
  6. DarkEclipic


  7. DarkEclipic

    Hi I'm new.

    Hi new Im dark!! also welcome to the SRP forums!
  8. DarkEclipic

    AMA (Ask me Anything) [33 Question limit] [1 Question per Person]

    Favorite Shinto Kami and Yokai, and why
  9. DarkEclipic

    Hospital Recovery | xBonnie

  10. DarkEclipic

    Storage Units & Market Stalls

    Storage units were already suggested here; 3.7 Any property (house, apartment, tower, etc.) owned in-game must remain realistic to the server and roleplay. In addition to this, the builds should be appropriate and not...
  11. DarkEclipic

    Character Innovatory

  12. DarkEclipic

    Greenie books

    You are more than welcomed to assist new players buy guiding them in yourselves! We are a community and we have to help each other out!
  13. DarkEclipic

    It's their lead role, sometimes roles like that will make them the same black on the screen. its...

    It's their lead role, sometimes roles like that will make them the same black on the screen. its weird