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Recent content by DoDG34

  1. DoDG34

    Vehicles disapeard

    DoDG34 Red motorcycle and Lamibiranty aventador S (might not be exactly the same but i forgot) Proof: check attatchments me and my friend were on our way to the carshop store when we left the car and motorcycle on the street, when we came back they were gone
  2. DoDG34

    Lost Motorcycle

    IGN: DoDG34 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Red motorcycle EVIDENCE: check attachment ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I prob placed it somwhere and forgot to pick it up. Thank you for your time
  3. DoDG34

    /animal lay for dogs

    Maybe they could add the fresh animations resource pack to the srp resource pack?
  4. DoDG34

    /animal lay for dogs

    What's your Minecraft Username?: DoDG34 What's the title of your suggestion?: /animal lay for dogs What's your suggestion?: Just as the title saids. Add the feature to /animal lay for dogs too, other animals have it too so why not :D It would make rolleplaying with dogs more realistic and...
  5. DoDG34

    Car and Bike lost

    IGN: DoDG34 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Lambartti Aventor S & green bicycle EVIDENCE: check attatchments* Additional info: I lost the bike a long time ago but i just tought of making a vehicle requests, somone might have taken my bike or it might be gone cus of the server restart or maintaince, i lost...
  6. DoDG34

    Animal POV's

    What's your Minecraft Username?: DoDG34 What's the title of your suggestion?: Animal POV's What's your suggestion?: I would like to make this suggestion where animals have their first person POV matched with their characters 'height' as they would look through their eyes. This would be a...
  7. DoDG34

    Service dog role

    do you know why they got rid of it? and why it wouldn't make sense to have it
  8. DoDG34

    Service dog role

    It just disturbes the rp and if i have to say it eveytime, to everyone that wonders. It gets annoying. And i wonder why then dint add this role in the first place.
  9. DoDG34

    Service dog role

    well there are still some people who don't and thats the annoying part
  10. DoDG34

    Service dog role

    hm well as i said, i have it in my bio but still, people don't look at it ofter cus they will right away tell i can't be in school.. and its annoying to say it over and over again after a while if you can imagine that
  11. DoDG34

    Service dog role

    may i ask why?
  12. DoDG34

    Service dog role

    Well ye they can, but they dont. The first time i was in school after i got accepted immidietly a whole group came telling me i cant be in school, and it will disturb my rp everytime people come and say i cant be in school, it would just make it easier for everyone. and i mean i don't see why...
  13. DoDG34

    Service dog role

    What's your Minecraft Username?: DoDG34 What's the title of your suggestion?: Service dog role What's your suggestion?: I would like to make this suggestion for service dogs who got accepted, the suggestion is to make role, visible to other players so they know there is a service dog at...
  14. DoDG34

    Lost car

    IGN: DoDG34 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: 2020 McLaren Senna GTR EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (item besides the phone (blue car) btw i was lending this car from a friend, i think it despawned or somthing.
  15. DoDG34

    MotorcyleHelmet lost

    IGN:DoDG34 VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: i don't know EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: So i was just playing with some models while having my motorcyle helmet on, once i turned back to my original model, the helmet that was on my head was gone, the motorcycle helmet would have red flames coming out of...