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Recent content by Jenny

  1. Jenny

    Properties & Housing Suggestion

    "People with alts can just join the list and increase their chances." is the same as inviting a bunch of your friends to spam the sign with you to increase their chances. You said you could see it being worse than the current system, but you don't give any factual suggestions. I can see this...
  2. Jenny

    Properties & Housing Suggestion

    Please read the post properly before commenting. I have changed the "queue" to "list" instead so that it makes more sense. This is not a queueing system where the first person in the queue got first.
  3. Jenny

    Properties & Housing Suggestion

    I know. It's just a suggestion. And, I'm thinking of one day because it would allow more people in different time zone to also buy the property without waking up at 5am in the morning, but it's just my own opinion. Maybe I could put it to 4-5 hours, or 12 hours max. But yeah. Thanks for the input o7
  4. Jenny

    Properties & Housing Suggestion

    The post has been edited to try to fix these issues. Thank you guys for the suggestions. I'll stay on this post for a lot longer so that everything will be cleared.
  5. Jenny

    Properties & Housing Suggestion

    So you're saying other people did not wait on a property for more than a week? There are people who waited 2 weeks for different properties, running around the block like a headless chicken and fail to own them. I've fixed the post according to the queueing system. If you have the house, you...
  6. Jenny

    Properties & Housing Suggestion

    IGN: NepNeppu Date: 07/07/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: THIS IS A LONG TERM SUGGESTION! Not a fix that can be done in a day or two. As Nattyloo06 said below, everyone should give clear feedback in this comment, if disagreed or wanting to add something more. Instead of grouping up...
  7. Jenny

    Fishing Attribute Suggestion

    IGN: NepNeppu Date: 05/07/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: When fishing attributes increase to 50% or higher, decrease the margin of error, or decrease the chance of bad/annoying reeling scenarios to show up. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I want to relax and do fishing...
  8. Jenny

    Attributes: Fighting

    -1 Unfair combat
  9. Jenny

    This ladder at the beach.

    IGN: NepNeppu Date: 30/06/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: The ladder at the beach that leads to the fisherman if you're on the lower ground. Make it more easily accessible by adding one more ladder below it, or just add a ladder right near the fisherman. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE...
  10. Jenny

    Unbreakable Fishing Rods or Stronger ones or Cheaper Rods | ToughGangster

    +1 PLEASE I LOVE FISHING! I'm done running back and forth buying new fishing rods
  11. Jenny

    Longer Book Title

    IGN: NepNeppu Date: 26/06/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Signing books using command instead of the signing system to increase the amount of characters I can put on my title. For example /book sign -=Karakura High School Diary=- HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Longer...
  12. Jenny

    Appending in /whisper!

  13. Jenny

    New fun item

    -1 I don't want Batman in SchoolRP.
  14. Jenny


    +1 Yep egg.
  15. Jenny


    -1 / +1 Here's a thing: We already have that permanently in the form of school lockers. Yes, you can only access in school. But 18 extra slots that you can put unnecessary stuff in for just 20k, I think that's a good deal. Idea has potential, but as other people mentioned, has a lot of loop...