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Recent content by Khrizantema

  1. Khrizantema

    Jubasim Helvete-Amorosa | Biography

    i fear this woman, 10/10
  2. Khrizantema

    Tell me your favourite char on SRP but..

    Glai deLorica! Never meant to be A man of many faces; The world his own stage.
  3. Khrizantema

    Crazy people talk

    A rubber room...
  4. Khrizantema

    Furniture Item Lost

    IGN: Khrizanthemums VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Harp Furniture EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I accidentally left clicked piece of furniture in editmode and broke it by accident instead of right clicking since I'd assumed either click would work to rotate it. The video might take a moment to...
  5. Khrizantema

    "Mr. Morgue" | THE BIOGRAPHY

    I'm deathly afraid of this man, but also intrigued! Also, the bio format looks very cool!
  6. Khrizantema


    Welcome!! Hope you enjoy your time here!
  7. Khrizantema

    Glai deLorica

    Cute isn't the word I would describe him with, but yes! I am open to having pretty much anyone interact with him for almost any reason. Just be aware that he's... An odd one.
  8. Khrizantema

    Glai deLorica

    This is a major WIP! Sorry!
  9. Khrizantema

    Glai deLorica

    ◈[Glai deLorica]◈ A toothpick of an idiot with a manic smile always present on his face. His voice is rather expressive, always carrying a tone of excitement and mirth. With acid-green eyes that always seem to be open just a little bit too widely, the dark bags under his them only add to the...
  10. Khrizantema

    [ART CONTEST] Bobcats & Spartans Fan Poster Contest! WIN A CAR!!

    I had a lot of fun drawing this! Thank you for hosting this contest, and good luck to everyone else who participates! If you're afraid to just remember: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. You've got this! IGN is Khrizanthemums!
  11. Khrizantema

    Role Request

    IGN: Ildrei (Alternate Account) WHAT ROLE DO YOU NEED?: College Bachelor WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT ROLE?: Grade 7 EVIDENCE: The last I had this role was a while ago, so I have a broken Diploma with my previous username. Also, my grade is stuck at 7 and is unable to go any higher automatically...
  12. Khrizantema

    FEEDBACK | Kill Permissions Re-Evaluation

    +1. I am not going to sugarcoat my reasoning. Many Gang Roleplayers kill characters just because they want to without having a good IC reason to. Of course, there are still those who properly roleplay out the circumstances and kill for a good, valid reason. I applaud those people! However, the...
  13. Khrizantema

    Is my wardrobe glitched?

    Yeahhhhh, everyone's wardrobes are glitched like that at the moment. Mine does that, my friend's does that, and I've heard people mention it happening in OOC. Pretty sure it's just a plugin issue.
  14. Khrizantema

    Pride Month

    My list of characters isn't as long as others, but!! Rei - Bisexual, Transgender FtM Deirdre - Lesbian, Cisgender Glai - Pansexual, Non-Binary (When asked, will only refer to himself as a 'Gremlin')