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Recent content by KingSaiko

  1. KingSaiko

    Items lost

    IGN: KingSaiko VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Saxaphone Kitty Ears Scythe Burger bag star headphones 2021 summer trophy, 2022 summer trophy acoustic guitar guitar red halloween knife toilet paper cyber mask penta earrings cow green guitar traffic light big scissors strawberry hat Sxtanic's custom green...
  2. KingSaiko

    Vehicle Request Bently

    I only have this old photo cuz I wiped my computer recently but here is a photo with the Bentley. Yonio has helped me with this request before. IGN: KingSaiko RP Name: Koni How did I lose this item: The courts glitched a while back but I never made a post to retrieve this vehicle. now I am though.
  3. KingSaiko

    Basketball Plugin and Community

    What's your Minecraft Username?: KingSaiko What's the title of your suggestion?: Basketball Plugin and Community What's your suggestion?: Been playing on SRP for quite some time, as entertaining as SRP is, I do think the basketball community and plugin has gotten less attention as time went on...
  4. KingSaiko

    Event Hall/Civic Center

  5. KingSaiko

    Butterfly clicking and limiting cps.

    I get around 10 CPS and destroy almost everyone in bball, so I definitely do think anymore than 15 is unnecessary. I think that anyone who goes above that cap should not be punished, but it should act as if they have 15 cps when they reach over it basically. Butterfly clicking shouldn't get...
  6. KingSaiko

    Red McClaren + Unique Situation

    IGN: KingSaiko VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Red McClaren EVIDENCE: Attachments ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: There has been a new rule where players can no longer buy custom cars which is understandable for sure. The rule added: "If you have already purchased a vehicle with IC money from somebody else, you...
  7. KingSaiko

    Basketball Score Sound

    Yeah lowering it would be the best solution, the sound is eh and it is pretty obnoxious.
  8. KingSaiko

    Animal Whitelist Suggestion

    I agree, the roleplay interaction is limited as an animal, and switching would add for a much better experience for everyone. It would make more sense as well because if you’re paying money for an animal whitelist it should not limit you so much. You’re basically paying money to sacrifice your...
  9. KingSaiko

    Lost inventory to basketball glitch

    IGN: KingSaiko VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Basketball Legendary Basketball Acoustic Guitar HS basketball bobcat basketball bag binoculars Bobcat phone Cigarette Bunny backpack Plant sprout accessory Unicorn Backpack Black devil Horns Clipboard Black neentendo Cyber mask Cyber backpack FAKE ID...
  10. KingSaiko

    Quick suggestion

    Alright so you guys do make good points and I do understand that I shouldn't walk around with a cigar without my Fake ID, or without my items coming back, but then again the suggestion was originally created in the first place because I feel as if there should be a safe zone where people who...
  11. KingSaiko

    Quick suggestion

    I wasn't marked AFK, since I had it in the background and I talked in /looc chat before going AFK again. Either way I normally would have a Fake ID but my inventory was glitched from the bball plugin the other day and I just find it unnecessary when it occurs in /warp spawn
  12. KingSaiko

    Quick suggestion

    IGN: KingSaiko DATE: December 12th WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: If someone’s inventory glitched due to a server bug, they should be exempted from ic punishments for not having ID, if provided proof or submitted a inventory request beforehand. I was afk at /warp spawn and when I tab back...
  13. KingSaiko

    Lost Vehicle

    IGN: KingSaiko VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Got proof of vehicle ownership, lost shock's red Mclaren to basketball glitch EVIDENCE: Lost all my items due to the basketball court glitch again almost immediately after the time before. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  14. KingSaiko

    Lost items in basketball again

    IGN: KingSaiko VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Listed below, also I lost 2 golden trophies for when I was captain for bobcat once and captain for college. EVIDENCE: Lost all my items due to the basketball court glitch again almost immediately after the time before. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Basketball...
  15. KingSaiko

    Lost all items and vehicles (2nd post with list)

    IGN: KingSaiko VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Listed below, also I lost 2 golden trophies for when I was captain for bobcat once and captain for college. EVIDENCE: Lost all my items due to the basketball court glitch ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Basketball Legendary Basketball Acoustic Guitar HS basketball...