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Denied Heximix's P.A Teacher Application (#1)


Level 6
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Heximix [APPLYING]
Reximix [Main acc]

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:
I have a functioning microphone and fully open to VC's!

What is your time zone?:

What is your age? (Optional):
21 years old. DOB: 19/11/2002

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I am aware of the consequences, rest assured inactivity, if present, will always be justified!

Describe your activity on the server:
As of now, I have all the time in the world and I am completely focused on SRP, this may change in the future however not drastically. My online activity I would say, about 8 or more hours online daily. Additionally, when I'm not online in-game, I'm still very much active on discord!

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:
Chinese Application [Denied]
JSL Application #1 [Accepted]
(My first JSL app got accepted as Chinese for some reason)
Russian Application [Accepted]
JSL Application #2 [Denied]
JSL Application #3 [Accepted]
Third Language Authorization [Accepted]
German Application [Accepted]
JSL Application (Old alt account) [Accepted]
Romanian Application (Old alt account) [Accepted]

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
- [Grade-12] [Club-Leader]
- [Grade-12]

Have you ever been banned?
Nope, never! Not even any notable warnings of any severity. I'm keen on sticking to the rules of SRP whether it's roleplay or general rules.


What subject are you applying to teach?:

Performing Arts (Drama)

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
This question hits close to home as I am an English Education & Literature undergraduate! My motivation for becoming a teacher IRL is directly linked to my experiences in high school. At age 16, a lot of personal changes were happening that had lead to me spiraling towards depression. Everyday I'd show up to school more dead inside than the day before; till I've reached a point of no return... Surprisingly, out of nowhere, my English teacher asked to see me after class during recess in which she discussed of her concerns for my wellbeing. Sparing you the details, I owe my life to that English teacher so much so that I had become determined to become one. I didn't just want to be a teacher, but also a guardian to the children that may face difficulties during their education. Now, this does not directly translate to my motivation for becoming a teacher in SRP, but I would love to try it out and get an insight of what I could expect later on in life after I graduate! Moreover, I have been an active member for about a year and I'd like to begin branching my roleplay even further as an adult and mature character. I am looking forward to handling a more sophisticated and important role in the SRP community, meeting the various faculty members from a new point of view, exploring the possibilities and difficulties of being a teacher... Being accepted for this role will be a great honor and a splendid opportunity for me to implement what I had been taught in college in a virtual roleplay setting! Definitely a new and foreign experience, but it is one I am most excited for nonetheless!

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
Of course, one must start somewhere, right? I have a general if not a basic understanding of the teacher faction and I am ecstatic to begin this journey starting as an Unqualified Teacher. If there's something about me you should know, I'm a dreamer! My ambitious nature will surely carry me a long way in this department, hopefully to climb through the ranks.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
Fully aware of it, in fact, I've spoken to plenty of past faculty members that have explained this to me. I am prepared to undergo teacher training if the role is granted to me, no shot in denying this since I'll very much need it anyways!

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Class logs note down the number of classes hosted, the duration of each class, the number of participating students, the overall class review rating... These are things the SLT must be informed about in order to fully monitor a teacher's activity on the server similar to how a faction lead would monitor their member's activity. The class logs also play a big role in determining monthly quota and perhaps a possible promotion! Of course, these are basic information I've managed to research, I am inclined to spending time in learning more!

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
  1. Misbehavior will not be tolerated. Acts of being a nuisance or a distraction to fellow classmates will immediately catch my attention, granting the student a warning on their actions. Failure to mend the mistakes will ultimate lead to them being kicked out of the class.
  2. Everyone must remain seated unless prompted to do otherwise. As much as I would love to harbor a fun and interactive class environment, all students must first be seated before such plans can kick off! Otherwise, teaching shall be halted till I've gotten everyone's attention.
  3. Watch your language! This goes without saying, honestly.
  4. Not everyone is OBLIGED to participate, however I would at least ask for minimal effort. Say the class got filled up, what of the others who couldn't make it? Do not take up a position in my classroom unless you're willing to be part of the classroom.
  5. Phones can stay on, I am quite lenient on this since emergencies may come up at any moment. However, phones must always be on silent.
  6. Listen once, I mustn't repeat more than twice! Going against my instruction in the classroom will be seen as delinquency.
  7. Definitely and in under no circumstances will physical or verbal fighting be tolerated in my class. If you have an issue with someone, consult to me immediately to avoid further complications.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
Oh, I am absolutely crazy about roleplay! I remember it like it was yesterday when I was 11 first discovering the GREATEST MC role-player of all time, Aphmau. For many years I've watched roleplays on YouTube; this carries on till present date! I didn't just watch Aphmau's roleplay content, there were so many YouTubers from my childhood that played a great role in how I've turned out. My overall watch time of Minecraft roleplays is mirrored to my involvement in roleplay over the years. Memory is sort of foggy, but I believe it began in 2014 when I began playing a Minecraft server on pocket edition that was focused on economyRP. I no-lifed this server for 2 whole years before moving on to another Minecraft school roleplay server, also on pocket edition. Generally, it was all just casual roleplay; mainly made friends along the way. I've spent years on that server till it was taken down sadly. It was only about a year ago, a friend of mine and I reminisced over the roleplays we've had in 2014 which is how I've come to joining SRP! We gave roleplay hub an opportunity to see if it would allow us to relive those old memories, and boy it did! I've become an active SRP player, constantly roleplaying with friends, creating new memories, and developing my characters!

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:

Head of Department
↳ Description:
Top dogs of the given subject! They're the masters of what they teach, they're the examples of what teachers should strive to be, they're the queen of queens. The teachers of teachers! There's only one HD in each subject.

- QT
↳ Meaning:

Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Power houses, they're the teachers that showed a great deal of effort during their time in the faction. Only being one step below head of department in terms of dedication to their chosen subject. Their knowledge and experience is vast enough to answer any question a lower ranked teacher may have.

↳ Meaning:

Newly-Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Birds that can fly, they're teachers that were promoted from their former starter rank. They're not there yet, but they've come a long way from when they started! Fully capable of upholding their own, though not so reliable to be depended on by lower ranked teachers.

- UT
↳ Meaning:

Unqualified Teachers / Under Training
↳ Description:
Pests, rodents, vermin... No, just kidding! They're only a new comer to the faction doing equal amounts of learning as they are teaching. This is where most teachers have started at and only until they've proven themselves worthy of their occupation will they advance to the next step!

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers, as the name suggests, they teach! That is their primary role after all by hosting a maximum of 4 classes per OOC day. Teachers must give an intercom notice before the start of a period to notify students that a class will be held in that timeframe. The purpose they serve is essential to keep schoolRP true to its name! It's no doubt that many people may get too carried away with their roleplays and plots going on, so it's essential that a teacher upholds their duty to also play the role of a reminder that most people are playing as students. As such, they carry the task of maintaining peace in the school grounds as do fellow faculty members; requiring the realistic action taking of what a mature character would do under certain circumstances. It's come to my understanding that the major difference between teachers and professors is the audience in which a teacher's role may prove to be more troublesome due to having to deal with players unfamiliar to roleplay sometimes. I am well aware of this hurdle, I'm prepared to educate not only ICLY but also OOCLY!
Regarding the payment... A maximum of 500k per OOC month can be attained to all teachers of any rank. A base pay of 350k for both Unqualified and Newly Qualified Teachers; 400k for Qualified and Head of Department teachers. The minimum quota for all teachers is 10 classes per OOC month to receive their paycheck, 50k is granted as a bonus per 5 classes over the minimum requirement. Thus, getting the maximum pay of 500k for UT and NQT teachers would be 25 classes; 20 classes for QT and HD teachers.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
As stated above, it wouldn't be SchoolRP without faculty able to run the school! Every role in SRP is important despite being a hierarchy in every faction. From the newest of teachers to the most experienced, they're there to fill in for another's absence in order to sustain an active community in SRP. In other words, more teachers equates to more classes and thus more opportunity for the growth of the roleplay environment!

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The MosCoW system. Must do, may do, could do, would do.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Classy lady Gyunghui is, she presents herself in the most illustrious fashion; sparing no expense! Growing up in a household that valued fame and fortune, she's become a spitting image of her beautiful mother paired with the wit and intellect of her successful father. She is a traditional and refined woman at heart though her personality may show otherwise having been raised to be an actress. Her numerous experiences in her early years have shaped her out to be the sly giggly fox that she is; mischievous and alluring to everyone around her. Acquaintances of her would describe her to be a woman that speaks in sarcastic remarks often being a tease. Though those who take the time to uncover her guarded exterior will find out that she's not as scary as she seems. She's funny, talented, charismatic, and flawed in a flawless way. She's 5'6 (5'8 with heels) and weighs 117 lbs (~53 kg) with fair skin, red tinted black hair going just below her shoulders were always wavy carrying that blowout look. This woman is always found wearing heels, no matter the occasion.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
She speaks to students with the compassion of a mother; a side of her she only reveals to her class, whilst outside of class, she levies her fancy and high class demeanor. Keeping a constant balance of when she can allow herself to indulge in her true desire of being a supportive figure for the young ones. All the while being strong enough a character to manage her antics. She's high maintenance, she won't deny it, but she will not allow this factor about herself to prevent her from being a successful drama teacher. She loves her students as though they are her own children, especially those whom are invested in performing arts. Unfortunately, she possesses a slight issue gained from her past; favoritism is one of her flaws passed down to her from her father.
She keeps it professional with her co-workers though she always has room to tease when it's appropriate! She wants to exhibit a friendly outlook with everyone, perhaps with some scandals here and there. After all, she's a drama teacher! She's all for the juicy gossips; she simply cannot help it. Filling her time with learning more about another's life is her guilty pleasure though she lawfully accepts to help her peers when it is absolutely serious. Asides that, she's definitely a character that invokes a mysterious aura around her co-workers; not all is what it seems.

What are their plans for the future?
Aside from her current goal of becoming the ideal drama teacher for her students, she wishes to someday pursue her professional acting career. However, her family members need her here in Karakura for the time being.


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
Gyunghui would approach headfirst into the conflict, making sure her presence is well spotted. However if they continue to curse despite being right in front of them, she will tell them to keep their language in check; at least under school grounds. Still cursing? She would warn them with detention firstly to quiet them down before asking what's causing the entire situation. Having been played as the role of detective in some of her plays, she'll know exactly how to investigate the issue, getting to the bottom of it. This is an excellent way for Miss Yung to showcase how well she knows the students of Karakura, having a great sense of judgement she will surely pinpoint the root of the commotion. Of course, SLT will be contacted about the misbehavior if it persists; Gyunghui does not tolerate bad behavior.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Gyunghui does not have a short temper, but when she blows, she will yell at the top of her lungs demanding for silence. Of course, that's the last thing she would do. First of all, she'll try to figure out the source of the haywire behavior, eyeing out the class clown. After successfully determining the cause of the misbehavior, she will administer a series of warnings before having to resort to detention. However, this teacher is a crafty woman, rest assured that her methods of solving such problems will be creative, sometimes even rewarding to her students. Perhaps treating her students to a different and more fun class activity or maybe promising them a round of dodgeball after the main class objective is tackled.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Gyunghui would often be seen in the teacher's lounge if not grading assignments then fixing her makeup and appearance. In the case a conversation begins with a fellow teacher, she will be friendly and inviting; perhaps with a few teases here and there. Understanding that this job can be very mentally taxing, she loves to try her and best and uplift her peers' spirits with her charismatic tone. She's willing to give her time and energy to help out others if needed, lending an ear to hear out her fellow teachers of their class problems... Or marital, who knows! This lady is a gossip queen, some may find that she can keep secrets really well others might not trust her at all. Maintaining a clean image of herself is her priority, so she's not likely to begin these conversations. However, she wouldn't refuse them!

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
/me eyes widened after realizing that she forgot to print out the assignments for the rest of the class, she would roll her eyes placing both her hands on her waist. Huffing away her front hair and turning to face the class followed by a sudden clap! "How about we play a little game, darlings?" she'd smile warmly as though mocking her own clumsiness. After a brief silence, she'd snap her fingers to direct attention towards the stage. "Volunteers, do I see any hands?".

/me raised her index finger upwards to demand silence in the classroom as she twirled to turn the other way. She would strut over to the very front of the class, almost at a corner while she tilted her head to hear what was being said in the faculty radio. Silence. . . Then a gasp! "NO..!" Quickly putting her finger at the tip of her nose, demanding silence from an already silent classroom as her eyes were wide in shock. The other hand held the radio, holding down the button before yelling out in a melodramatic tone. "He did NOTTT..!!".

/me having been sat on a student's desk while the students on stage ended their performance. She jumped up from her seat, wiping away a tear before clapping ecstatically. "BRAVA..!! That was a breathtaking show!" Gasping for air, she'd turn to the rest of the students with a face colored with pride, raising an arm up and twisting her wrist around before pointing at a snoozing student in the backseats. "You! Your turn!" She smirked a mischievous little grin.

/me remained sat at her desk; one leg over the other as she awaited for her students to take their seats. Flipping a page of a book which its cover was scratched away for some reason, for a brief moment it'd seem she was biting her bottom lip. Looking away from the mysterious book to see her students all finally sat, she would set the book aside and locked it in her desk drawer. What is in this book..?! "Welcome class!- You've shown surprisingly early... Or perhaps I wasn't too attentive on the time- Eheh!~"

/me raised her arms high before slamming her hands together to create a loud clap. "Confidence!" crossed her arms then released a slight grunt after completing that sentence while her eyes trailed across the students on stage. "There is no need to be so stiff, darlings." lifted her sharp yet feminine shoulders upwards before resting them back down, taking deep breaths; clearly at her wits end though trying her best to keep it cool. Separating an arm while the other remains crossed, she would flick her fingers in a circular motion, signaling the students to repeat.

/me rushed towards her desk to grab her expensive handbag simultaneously fixing up her hair with the other hand. After a short cough, she would speak in an excited tone. "Darlings, the dean may visit our classroom on this period!!" excitement and a hint of nervousness was written all over her face as she continued to fix her appearance frantically. "Top notch behavior today, for both our sakes!" pointing a finger towards the general direction but not directly at [troublesome student name]. "Capiche?~" said melodically as she wore her sly smirk.

/mec bending over the student's desk while staring them face to face, she whispers, "You used to be first to raise your hand in class, is everything alright dear?" frowning at the student; it showed genuine tender care and concern about their wellbeing. Not intending the halt the class any further, she would take a few steps back maintaining eye contact with the student before saying. "After class, we'll talk, mmkay?" transforming her melancholic and understanding frown into that of a slight smile, hoping to raise their spirits.

Stardom. That was all that mattered to the parents of Gyunghui regardless of the accomplishment. A family that's gone through several generations behind the camera have led to Yung's childhood being the way it is. Born and raised in Germany, Berlin by a Japanese man and a Korean woman, they've starred in several big hits in TV shows and other dramas; living a life of complete luxury. Little Yung was featured in some of these films which eventually led to her being featured into more, and then even more... It was a hectic lifestyle having been forced to give up regular schooling to home schooling; this was something that really bothered her. She wasn't spoiled nor a brat growing up, but the small hopes and wishes she had were eventually crushed by the heavy weight of expectations set by her father to achieve stardom. Nonetheless, she was too little, about 10 years old, all that could be done was to smile in front the camera; she did exactly that with little to no refute.

Her teen years brought new possibilities as she managed to sneak brief escapes from her life on set. That escape was her co-star and romantic interest, Jonas. Her parents did not disapprove of this budding relationship; they've seen it as a beneficial contract of sorts unbeknownst to her. For once, she found a safe haven in which her feelings can be fully expressed, her stresses and worries no longer carried on her own. She was sure that this first love would also be her truest and the last. However, a scandal emerged from the union of these two, for many publicists sought out to drain the young couple for a good press report. The situation spread like wildfire as it began ruining the Akori reputation in Germany, eventually leading the once supportive parents to be against the idea of Yung and Jonas being together. They've made a great deal of effort to separate the two from hitting it off further, yet another dream crushed beneath the heel for achieving fame.

Following the later stages of her adolescence at age 17, a plan was sought out with Jonas in secret. The moment she would turn 18, they will marry and live a bountiful life together. All she needed to do was to be able to stomach the grief of separation for one more year. Unfortunately, this would prove to be her most challenging feat as she had struggled immensely with her career. She was no longer nailing any shows and her performance was dropping significantly due to her affected mental health at such an age. Her mother rarely had the time to listen to her daughter's needs, and her father was far too strict to even be able to mutter a word. This was a turning point in her life as she had felt stranded and on her own... She realized here that the only person she can fully depend on right now is nobody but herself. With newfound determination, she managed to push through till her 18th birthday! As was promised, on a sunset where the sky carried the glamour of that of a masterful artwork, Jonas proposed to her.

For once in her life, she's made a demand, an irrefutable decision. She has become free of her parents' will and she insisted on carrying on without their support. With a husband by her side, she clawed her way out of stardom's grasp, managing to attend a college for the first time! Although she's had many years of experience already, she sought to get a degree in the field of acting and drama to further solidify her craft to be worthy of the fame she's received, and not just from her Akori name. For 3 years, she's studied tirelessly overcoming various hurdles along her path concerning publicity, her parents, and worst of all, her husband whom was revealed to be a cheater. Divorced and yet again left alone and stranded, however this time she did not feel as powerless as she did before. Having earned a degree throughout her hardships, she secured a job as a teacher in Germany in which she felt a sense of completion due to being home schooled for most her life. Fortunately, she managed to push through 3 years of teaching theatre despite going through the struggle of hearing pleas from her parents to return back home.

She did not break ties with her family, but she did demand for some independence. No longer is she the voiceless and obedient little girl; she learned to stand up for herself and to go after her own desires. Having set goals for herself, she now walks onwards in life with an improved perspective. At age 25, she moved to Karakura, Japan in order to support her nieces and nephews temporarily halting her goals in Germany. Moreover, she took this as an opportunity to learn more of her Japanese roots since she's never been to Japan, and she wishes to remain in the island long enough to wash away the stresses of her past; to imbue herself with the calmness of a Japanese lifestyle before setting out once again to achieve her ambitious desires. This is not to say she will definitely leave in the future, for her true story had only just begun.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

"Gyunghui Akori, that's totally my name. Mnhehe!~"
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
"Miss, the days of being a Mrs are gone, thankfully."
Given Name(s):
"Gyunghui, it means beautiful, honor, and respect... Quite fitting, wouldn't you say darling? Ehehe!"
"Yung, that's what most people call me. Are you about to be most people?~"
"Ghui, a nickname given to me by my mother, only she may call me that."
"Starlight, a nickname from my father... I miss hearing it though I shouldn't."
"Nina, a character I played as in a TV show when I was 15. Having been one of my best roles, people whom seen the show tend to call me by her name!"
"Red wine, that's what Jonas, my ex-husband, used to call me. Hopefully I never get called that again."

Preferred Name:
"I prefer being called Yung, but you have creative liberty to call me whatever you.. err.. and I.. like! But if you're a student, it's Miss Akori! Mmkay?"
Age (Minimum is 25):
"I am 25 years old, I know, you couldn't tell. Here, check my ID!"
Religious Denomination:
"Recently... Shintoism, I've found it to be so calming and nurturing to the soul during my time in Karakura."
Marital Status:
"HAPPILY... Divorced. Emphasis on the happily, pretty please!"
Japanese, Korean
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

3 years
Academic Degree:
Bachelor's Degree
Year of Graduation:
Film & Theatre Acting
Child Psychology
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Japanese & JSL

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:

Additional notes about your application:
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my application! I had been stalling to apply for a faction for almost a whole year now in fear that I was not fully capable of detailRP. However with much practice, I've become quite confident at my long detailed writing ability! Also, if the backstory seemed lackluster, I apologize, she is a new character that I intend to develop overtime! Regardless, if I do get accepted into the role, it'll be the greatest honor and a decision you won't regret, I assure you! One Rex to another? ;D

Last edited:


Level 108
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! However, after careful consideration, I have decided to deny your application

  • Your application lacked detail in certain areas that needed it, and had too much other areas.

Please feel free to reapply! Any questions regarding your application, please DM me on discord.

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