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Level 54

Do Our SLT Still Live?

by Tsugi Urushido Jahii on March 14

If you're like me, you have been wondering where all these new employees came from. Someone had to have hired them all, right? Our Principal? Vice Principal? Our Chancellor? But where are they? When was the last time you’ve seen them? We all go to school, but it’s rare to see the SLT.

You hear the classic SLT threats on the intercoms, but when SLT aren’t in school, would it be considered an empty threat? Come to think of it, the recent explosion of new employees may not be the reason why students misbehave. When it comes to the chain of punishment, you start with a detention threat, then detention…but what else? That’s right, SLT, suspension, and even expulsion! But without SLT, who will grant these punishments?

Notice Something Familiar?​

At a semi-recent event, SLT was holding a school fundraiser, selling dead trees for money. As you can see, I’ve been taking care of mine, placing it right next to me as a scratch my chin wondering, do they still live?

Of course they do! We saw them the day of the fundraiser, but ask meteorologists, they may tell you that the weather wants them dead! You got it right, the weather was out of control which resulted in the poor Vice Chancellor getting trapped under the tent! They finally come back just to get slammed by mother nature. I may have seen the Vice Principal around once or twice, training the new employees, but other than that, they’ve been gone!

Gone where, you may be wondering. I’m not sure myself, but I do have some theories!

Where Do They Hide?​

I personally think they’re hiding in their houses, doors and windows locked tight. They have their radios next to them as they watch the school through the CCTVs. They work from home in simpler terms. They only come out when absolutely needed, like when the PhD projects needed to be presented, and when the fundraiser was going on. However, there are some holes in this theory. What about college exams? Wouldn’t it be easier to grade them at home? Why wouldn’t they be hosted more?

I asked some students about what they believe happened to SLT. Here’s what they think!

“Well I personally have been gone for a while, I’m not sure where they’ve been or what they have been up to. I’d assume they’ve been around less because of personal things.” - Solic Varinsdottir, Grade 12

“Well didn’t one get slammed into a window? So I’d assume one is in the hospital or at home? The others, I dunno. There was a huge thing with the mayor and school right? Mayhaps they are talking to lawyers and stuff.” - Junichiro R. Osiris, Grade 12

“Some of them are around from time to time. Not just when needed, but the majority of the time sure. You could say that. Well in full honesty, they have a lot to deal with. They can’t be around all the time. And I’m not quite sure as to where they are now. That’s not my concern of business.” - Min-Jun Zennix, Bachelors of College Councillor

In conclusion, it seems like no one can agree on one thing. One thing for certain is that no one seems to be too worried about them currently. But here we stand. Do our SLT still live? I’m sure they do and so do the rest of us. So there shouldn’t be anything to worry about, right?



Level 76
they're all actually dead. SRP is actually just a murder mystery that has way too much build-up

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