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Tsubaki Watanabe - Memoir


Level 134
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The heart of the story, Tsubaki Watanabe, holds three ethnicities, intertwined with a history fraught with adversity yet shows a promised and brighter future. From her earliest memories, Tsubaki’s childhood was defined with shadows, abuse, and the trauma she went through. Born within a world where security and safety were scarce commodities, Tsubaki fought through the horrendous terrain of her childhood to escape it all. Despite the darkness, Tsubaki wouldn’t let it consume her as she forged a path of hope and resilience to see a brighter tomorrow. Now standing at the age of 24, Tsubaki resides on an island called Karakura in Japan. Her adulthood awaits her, as her story has just begun not letting her past stop her. With the scars she holds physically and mentally she will not let that define who she is as her story forges.


Tsubaki Watanabe possesses a striking appearance that reflects the uniqueness. Standing at 5 '9, her presence commands attention, displaying a quiet confidence that is well hidden in the depths of her inner strength. Her most distinctive feature is her blonde hair, cascading in waves down her back as a soft golden halo frames her face. Complementing her golden hair are her piercing hazel eyes as it shimmers with a blend of warmth and intensity. Taking a closer look, one may notice the tapestry of scars that adorn her skin, each telling a story that she went through. A scar would trace its way over her lower abdomen. Another one would trace her left palm. Lastly one would trace above her left eyebrow. Despite those scars reminding her of the past, Tsubaki’s skin would be fair as it glows with an ethereal radiance. Her appearance is further shown as a pair of glasses perch on the bridge of her nose. Adding a touch of intrigue to her appearance would be a tattoo embedded in her left arm, a tiger rendered in exquisite detail, representing a promise she made to her sister. As it represents the delicate balance of Yin and Yang.


Tsubaki holds the rare and enigmatic personality type INFJ, also known as the Advocate. Behind her quiet appearance lies a well of empathy, intuition, and insight as it guides her interactions with a profound sense of purpose and compassion. Though at times it is veiled by a wave of self-doubt and uncertainty. Having the INFJ type, Tsubaki is deeply attuned to emotions and experiences those around her, holding an uncanny ability to intuitively understand the thoughts and feelings of others. Her empathetic side fosters meaningful connections and allows herself to offer solace and support to those in need. Which often serves as a pillar of strength and guidance to her friends and loved ones. Sometimes leaving her vulnerable to the weight of their burdens. Driven to make a positive change in the world, Tsubaki approaches life with a sense of idealism and optimism, striving to create a better society. Her intuition enables her to see beyond the surface of the underlying patterns and motivations that shape human behavior. As she holds an introspective nature, Tsubaki has a quiet confidence and inner strength that belies her gentle demeanor. Making her not hesitate to stand up for what she believes in and is willingly ready to fight tirelessly for causes she holds dearly, having a sense of justice and integrity. Though she is left with hesitancy due to the fear of causing conflict or discomfort to others. Which leads to her holding in her emotions and overthinking.

Academic Pursuits

Tsubaki is a dual major in psychology and criminology as it serves as a testament to her multifaceted interests and curiosity about the human mind and behavior. On the psychology side, Tsubaki strives to study the human psyche, exploring the complexities of cognition, emotion, and behavior. Being fascinated by the inner workings of the mind she seeks to unravel the mysteries of consciousness, she takes on studies and researches to find theories to help her ****ysis. On the criminology side, Tsubaki dives into the societal factors and systematic inequalities that contribute to crime and deviance, trying to understand the root causes of criminal behavior and what motivates it. Through her academic endeavors, Tsubaki seeks to find the gap with theory and research, by applying her knowledge and insights to effect positive change within the world. With an INFJ personality guiding her she is poised to make a meaningful impact towards the fields of psychology and criminology.


Tsubaki’s mannerisms are a reflection of her personality and inner complexities, manifesting subtle yet meaningful ways that add depth and richness to her. Her movements are characterized by gentle grace and fluidity, conveying a sense of poise and elegance that belies her inner struggles she battles with. Whether that's giving a hug or offering comfort to one in need her gestures are quite the warmth and compassion. Behind her hazel eyes lie a world of thought and introspectiveness, often manifesting in pensive expressions that betray the inner depth of her turmoil. Whether she’s lost in thought or wrestling with complex emotions, her furrowed brow and distant gaze serve as revealing inner workings of her mind to those who want to look closer. Having the INFJ type personality, lends her a reserved demeanor, characterized by a quiet confidence and understated presence. Tsubaki is not the one to seek the spotlight or draw attention to herself, instead she prefers to be on the sideland to observe and absorb the world around her with a keen eye and attentive ear. Despite the composed exterior, Tsubaki’s mannerisms can often betray her inner restlessness, manifesting subtle fidgeting or nervous habits such as bouncing her leg or playing with her hands. This portrays the internal struggles she battles with.

Mental Health

Through her life Tsubaki is challenged by her mental health, a balance between resilience and vulnerability that forges her perceptions, experiences, and interactions she’s faced with. Tsubaki’s diagnosed PTSD is a haunting reminder from her traumatic past with the trauma she was left with in her childhood and past over the years. Her diagnosed Bipolar Personality Disorder adds another layer of her mental health, characterized by periods of elevated moods and depression. During manic episodes, she can experience heightened energy levels, impulsivity, and euphoria, while depressive episodes are portrayed by sadness, lethargy and hopelessness. With it being undiagnosed, Tsubaki’s schizophrenia is a chronic mental health condition characterized by perception, thinking, and behavior through disruptions. Delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized thoughts may be portrayed during periods of heightened stress or emotion. Which causes further complications in her life towards her stability and well-being. The anxiety that portrays a shadow over Tsubaki’s daily life, gives her worry, restlessness and sometimes panic attacks which are common symptoms of her anxiety. Undermining her sense of control and contribution to feelings and isolation of despair.


Tsubaki’s heritage is a tapestry woven from the cultures of Japan, Korea, and France. Each thread contributes to the mosaic of her identity and shaping the worldview she sees in profound ways. Tsubaki’s Japanese heritage infuses her identity with a deep resemblance of tradition, harmony, and respect for nature. From centuries and rituals in her family bloodline, her Japanese lineage reflects a culture steeped of art, philosophy and Zen spirituality. Her Korean heritage adds another layer of resemblance and perseverance towards her identity. From fiery passion, her Korean lineage embodies a culture marked by its fierce determination and strong sense of community, unwavering a commitment towards her family. Lastly, Tsubaki’s French heritage lends a touch of elegance, sophistication, and joie de vivre towards her identity. Her French lineage, embodies a culture steeped into romance, creativity, and intellectual curiosity. These three heritages form a kaleidoscope to portray Tsubaki’s heritage, values and perceptiveness that enrich her to understand the world around her.


Tsubaki’s fashion is a resemblance to portray her personality and her story. By blending elements of elegance with a hint of edginess to forge her own unique style. Having an eye for detail and an urge for experiments, Tsubaki combines silhouettes with contemporary trends, forging her wardrobe with a sense of individuality and courage. Tailoring her own clothes to portray her figure, from favoring sleek blazers, unique tops and trousers that lend a sense of distinguish her look. Whether she’s attending a formal event or out in public she will always manage to strike the perfect balance between polished and practical. Despite her elegance, Tsubaki isn’t afraid to add boldness to her wardrobe. To command attention-seeking style, Tsubaki experiments with unexpected textures, patterns, and eye-catching accessories. To add a playful twist to her ensembles. Her fashion also has a sense of edginess to set her apart from the crowd. Tsubaki isn’t afraid to push her boundaries of style, such as leather jackets, distressed denim, and boots into her outfits to add a dose of her attitude. Representing her confidence and fearless approach to her fashion. Tsubaki’s fashion also includes an effortless chic. Approaching with a laid back attitude, combining pieces in unexpected ways to create looks that are rather relaxed. Tsubaki will manage to pull off glamor that is her own.

Music Taste

Having the realm of alternative music, Tsubaki finds a solace for her restless spirit and heart. With an affinity for sounds and a status quo and defy conventional norms, her music taste is a reflection of her independent spirit and sensibilities, drawing inspiration from a diverse array of artists within the alternative spectrum. The core of her alternative music taste lies a deep appreciation for indie icons who push the boundaries of innovation. Bands like The Strokes, Mother Mother, Cults, and Beach House are genre-defying compositions that help her captivate her imagination and ignite her passion and exploration. Tsubaki also finds raw energy and rebellious spirits towards grunge and punk rock. Drawn to bands like Nirvana, Green Day, and Soundgarden. Helping her inner voice roar out in her mind towards the band's raw energy.

Moral Alignment

Tsubaki’s moral alignment represents Lawful Good. Reflecting a strong commitment to upholding principles and justice, order, and compassion. Guided by the sense to obey laws and rules that are established, Tsubaki strives to make ethical decisions that prioritize the well-being of others to uphold a greater good. Being aligned on the Lawful Good portion, Tsubaki holds a deep-seated belief in the value of justice and fairness. She is committed to upholding legal and moral codes, seeking to ensure that the good is treated fairly and the bad are punished. With the sense of justice this motivates Tsubaki to stand up for what's right. Tsubaki respects the high authority and believes in the importance of maintaining order and stability within society. Tsubaki’s respect for order extends to her interactions with others, as she values honesty, integrity, and accountability in all her dealings. With her adherence to rules and order, Tsubaki’s Lawful Good alignment is characterized by a deep sense of compassion and empathy towards others. Making her genuinely concerned about the welfare of others around her and strives to alleviate suffering and injustice whenever needed. Tsubaki’s compassion makes her take action to help those in need, whether through acts of kindness or advocacy for social cues. At the core of Tsubaki’s moral alignment is a determination of goodness and altruism. She believes every individual is worth the dignity to seek a sense of community and cooperation. Tsubaki’s actions are motivated by a desire to make a better change in the world.


With her demanding academic pursuits and the challenges she has faced in her personal life, Tsubaki finds solace in a variety of hobbies that allow her to explore new interests, creativity, and her mind. With an ear of rhythm and melody, Tsubaki immerses herself in the world of music, finding motivation and inspiration in its diverse soundscape. From discovering new artists and genres to creating personalized playlists for every emotion, Tsubaki finds the power of music to uplift and inspire her. Tsubaki finds clarity within pen to paper through creative writing, journaling or doodling. Writing serves as a the****utic outlet for processing her thoughts and emotions, allowing her to see her inner world. Another hobby that fills Tsubaki with joy is in the meticulous art of couture sewing. With a passion for fashion and having an eye for detail, Tsubaki drives herself in the world of couture, creating exquisite pieces from scratch using traditional sewing techniques and high-quality fabrics. Tsubaki transforms balls of fabric into unique clothing pieces that reflect her distinguished style and craftsmanship. She revels in the creative process of bringing her fashion visions to life. Couture allows Tsubaki to express her creativity and her own style.


With her past and the trauma she has dealt with, Tsubaki may be wary of opening up and being vulnerable with others. Tsubaki might be feared of being hurt or rejected if she lets her guard down. Tsubaki’s childhood experiences of parental neglect and family dysfunction could instill her deep-seated fear of abandonment. She may worry about those that are close to her to betray her and leave her all alone. With her ambitious nature and desire to succeed may be tempered by a fear of failure. Tsubaki may worry about not living up to her own expectations or the expectations of others. Which leads to her putting pressure on herself to excel in all areas of life. With her childhood, trauma and abuse Tsubaki may have a fear of rejection or judgment from others. She may worry that if others knew her true past they’d reject or condemn her, leading to keeping her true self hidden. By holding the INFJ personality type and the Aries zodiac sign Tsubaki may fear losing control over her life or circumstances. She may worry about unexpected plans coming to derail her other plans or disrupting the order and stability she craves. With her going through trauma and abuse Tsubaki may have the fear of being powerless or helpless in certain situations. She might fear losing control during her panic attacks or triggered episodes.

Zodiac Sign

Born on March 27, Tsubaki holds the zodiac sign, Aries. Having INFJ as a personality type and holding Aries as her zodiac sign combine a unique blend of traits that influence her behavior and outlook on life. Her personality imbues her with a deep sense of idealism and a desire to make a positive difference in the world. Idealism aligns with the Aries drive for success, fueling her determination to achieve any goals she has set and to leave an impact. Despite the assertive nature of Aries nature, her INFJ empathy makes her highly attuned to the emotions of those around her. Tsubaki approaches relationships with warmth and compassion, striving to support those in need and uplift them. Holding the INFJ personality type holds an intuition for Tsubaki as it allows her to see a big picture and envision the possibilities she could accomplish. With the visionary outlook, combined with her Aries determination, she strives to pursue ambitious goals she has set and overcome the impossible. While her INFJ personality keeps Tsubaki to be reserved and introspective, her Aries adds a layer of boldness and confidence to her demeanor. Tsubaki knows when to stand up for herself and for her own beliefs. While her INFJ helps her creativity, her Aries desire for adventure and novelty. She enjoys exploring new things to approach using her innovative mindset to tackle challenges she may come across. Tsubaki’s INFJ helps her flexibility to change circumstances and embrace new opportunities. With this and her Aries resilience enables her to thrive in dynamic environments.


As a PhD student at Karakura Community College, Tsubaki is deeply immersed in the world of academia. Pursuing advanced studies and conducting research in her field of expertise. Tsubaki is a dedicated PhD student with a passion for underlying complexities of human behavior and the criminal justice system. Focused on the intersection of criminology and psychology, Tsubaki delves into the underlying factors that contribute to criminal behavior, victimization, and the administration of justice. As a role of a PhD student, Tsubaki ensures to engage in rigorous research and scholarly inquiries, seeking to expand her knowledge of her chosen field. From her past experience of trauma and abuse, Tsubaki brings up a unique perspective to her studies on trauma and victimization, and finding ways on how trauma can intersect with the criminal justice system, advocating for more victim-center approaches to crime prevention and intervention. Being a PhD student, Tsubaki does not only study but also advocates for social justices and equity. Committed to use her research and studies to inform policies and practices to promote fairness, equity, and human rights within the criminal justice system and society at large.

Early Life

Tsubaki’s life began in a household filled with turmoil and dysfunction. Her father, Gin, was a volatile man and abusive figure that cast a long shadow over Tsubaki. His anger, alcoholism and violence filled the home. Her mother, Choi, was a surgeon at the local hospital, which led to her being absent, consumed by all the demands and tasks she was told to do in her career was unable to recognize what her husband was doing to Tsubaki and couldn’t provide a shield for her behind the horrendous terrors behind the doors. Tsubaki’s childhood was a battleground, each day was marked by fear, uncertainty and was desperate to escape. Gin’s anger, manipulation, and alcohol had no bounds as his words formed a web of deceit and gaslighting that left Tsubaki questioning her own reality. Gin’s unpredictable behavior was always a constant threat, lurking just beneath the surface of the house, ready to erupt with devastating force at the slightest provocation. One fateful night, Gin asked Tsubaki to get a beer from the fridge, however, she accidentally grabbed water making Tsubaki regret what was about to come. The chaos and violence reached a crescendo, culminating in a harrowing confrontation that would change Tsubaki forever. With his anger boiling up, Gin threw Tsubaki in a closet with the door being banged up with nails, screws, and anything sharp in it piercing on the inside. Once inside, Tsubaki’s eyes only saw the sharp objects coming straight at her and her luck was out. One of the objects struck Tsubaki in the lower abdomen causing the physical pain to be agonizing. Though her emotional scars would leave a deeper scar. A painful reminder towards a man that was supposed to love and protect her.

Returning from the hospital, Choi came home to find Tsubaki bleeding out from her lower abdomen. She was on the edge of death, luckily Choi rushed Tsubaki to the hospital to get the help she needed. Once returning home, Choi found out that this was Gin’s doing. To protect Tsubaki from Gin, Choi sent Tsubaki to Karakura in Japan, to live with her uncle, Norio, in hopes to provide her with a safe haven away from the chaos and violence. Once arriving in Karakura, all of the relief and hope Tsubaki had would soon disperse as her uncle would not turn out the way she hoped he’d be. Norio was a man with his own demons, manipulative, abusive, and prone to uncontrollable anger. Instead of providing Tsubaki with solace and sanctuary, Tsubaki was met with a new nightmare trapped in another yet endless cycle of abuse and manipulation that echoed in her mind.

The abusive and traumatic childhood left Tsubaki battling with mental health issues, among them was PTSD. Restless nights were caused due to the nightmares and flashbacks her mind gave her. Her episodes of heightened emotions and physiological response left her in what it seemed like an endless cycle of nightmares and despair. However, PTSD wasn’t the only demon Tsubaki had to battle with. Alongside it was her Bipolar Personality Disorder portrayed with manic episodes and alternating periods of highs and lows. Though this wasn’t the last demon, another specter was haunting her mind, a dark presence that whispered of unseen dangers and distorted realities. A presence that hinted at the possibility of undiagnosed schizophrenia.

Despiste the environment Norio had forged towards Tsubaki with his manipulation and abuse, Tsubaki refused to give up. With determination, Tsubaki was planning to escape Norio. On a fateful night, with a distraction in place Tsubaki made her escape covered in the darkness fleeing the household and the nightmare he had caused. Tsubaki was found in a better place in Karakura with shelter for now. Soon fate would be defined in the form of a chance that she would encounter her long lost half-sister, Yotsuba.

Their meeting was serendipitous, with a twist of fate that brought two kindred spirits together in an unexpected union. Tsubaki and Yotsuba formed an instant connection, their shared experiences that forged a bond transcended into mere biology. They both found solace, support, and unconditional love for each other. Going deeper, their bond would form into an unbreakable sisterhood that defied the constraints of biology. Yet, their journey took an unexpected turn when a letter was sent to Yotsuba from her father, which would soon turn out to also be Tsubaki’s. The letter asked for Yotsuba to find his daughter, Tsubaki with a picture attached to it. Curiosity piqued the two. The both of them would head to the hospital and get a DNA test, a decision that would confirm their suspicions and validate their bond that they already formed in their hearts. Even though the DNA results confirmed them to be half-sisters, in each other, they found the true meaning of sisterhood, a bond forged not by genetics, but by love, loyalty, and shared experiences.

As the two of them embarked on their newfound connection, Tsubaki and Yotsuba vowed to each other to be by each other’s side with a matching tattoo that represented Yin and Yang. Yotsuba’s right arm would display a majestic dragon while on Tsubaki’s left arm it would portray a tiger.


Yotsuba Watanabe | Half Sister

“You aren’t just my half sister, you ARE my sister.”

The bond Tsubaki shares with Yotsuba, transcends more blood ties, evolving into a deep and unbreakable bond of sisterly love. Yotsuba became more than just a sister to Tsubaki; she became her rock, her steadfast companion, her ride or die to face challenges. Together the two faced storms that life gave them, supporting and uplifting one another through the thick and thin. Yotsuba’s presence would bring light to Tsubaki’s darkest and lowest moments, offering solace and reassurance when the weight of the world overwhelms her. The bond these two share represent mutual respect, understanding, and unconditional love.

Oda Watanabe-Keeley | Aunt

“Never knew you existed until I met you.”

Though their encounter was out of surprise, Tsubaki quickly formed a bond with Oda. As an ex-surgeon, Oda’s presence in Tsubaki’s life brought uniqueness and perspective and a wealth of knowledge to the side of the family Tsubaki was unknown of. Tsubaki found solace in Oda as she understood the complexities of human nature, as well as her ability to slowly heal not physically but mentally. With Oda’s presence Tsubaki was slowly able to unravel the mysteries of that side of the family, gaining insight of her own identity and heritage.

Siobhan Keeley | Mother Figure

“If I could call you my real mother, I would.”

In the absence of Choi, Tsubaki found solace and guidance within Siobhan through Oda’s and Siobhan’s marriage. From Siobhan’s nurturing presence towards Tsubaki, she immediately cherished Siobhan as a mother figure. Siobhan’s maternal instincts shone brightly as she took Tsubaki under her wing, offering unconditional love, guidance, and support. Whether it was to be a listening ear or a comforting embrace, Siobhan was always there, representing a steady beacon of light in Tsubaki’s life.

Niall Keeley | Aunt

“Even though you aren’t around much, you’re still family.”

Niall holds a special bond with Tsubaki, even though they aren’t related by blood, their bond is no less profound. Nurtured by love, care, and unconditional support. Niall is a source of wisdom and guidance for Tsubaki. Offering a nurturing presence that provides reassurance and comfort in times of uncertainty.

Ganna Zelinski | Family Friend

“Y’know I’m glad that you showed up.”

Ganna Zelinski is a family friend due to the relationship she has with Niall Keeley. Ganna is a psychiatrist and holds a place for Tsubaki as a companion and a mentor. Their relationship extends beyond the friendship level, enriched by Ganna’s knowledge of mental health and her genuine care for Tsubaki. With Ganna, Tsubaki has a safe haven to explore her thoughts, feelings, and experiences without judgment or misunderstandment. With Tsubaki also majoring in psychology, Ganna is also seen as a mentor to help Tsubaki understand anything she struggles with. Thus, leading to her helping with her feedback to obtain her PhD degree.

Solvej Østergärd | Ex Wife

“Did I do something wrong-..”

Solvej once held a strong role in Tsubaki’s life as her wife, their union symbolized a bond that was unforgettable. Forged by love and commitment. However, their love story took a turn when Solvej abruptly ended their marriage, leaving Tsubaki battling with unanswered questions and a profound sense of loss. Their love story began as a fairy tale, when they first met they were connected almost instantly like magnets. Despite the strength their love bonded, Tsubaki soon watched helplessly as Solvej slowly became distant, her once vibrant spirit clouded by secrets and unspoken truths. The walls between the two only grew taller each passing day, until one day Solvej decided to make a painful decision to end their marriage and walked away. Leaving Tsubaki to pick up the pieces of her shattered heart.

Sora Sinclair Watanabe | Sister In Law

“If you ever break my sister’s heart… you don’t wanna know.”

Even though Sora and Tsubaki aren’t close they still support each other. Sora’s inner strength inspires Tsubaki to face obstacles with courage and determination. Tsubaki sees Sora as a companion that she can rely on if ever needed. If Sora ever broke Yotsuba’s heart, Tsubaki would go after her to defend her sister and for the pain she has caused Yotsuba.

Norio Watanabe | Uncle

“Don’t… come… after… me… again…”

Norio, Tsubaki’s uncle, lingers with fear and manipulation, his presence causing a dark shadow to coat over Tsubaki. Their relationship is carved with trauma, abuse, and a profound sense of betrayal, leaving Tsubaki scarred with nightmares by the memories of her past. During Tsubaki’s childhood, Norio was the definition of a nightmare. An endless nightmare where Tsubaki could not escape. His manipulative and abusive behavior would leave Tsubaki trapped in an endless cycle of terror and uncertainty. His betrayal and cruelty towards Tsubaki left her shattered with trust and security, leaving her wary of forming close relationships.

Gin Watanabe | Father

“Father..? No… you're not my father.. What did I do to deserve the pain?”

Once revered as Tsubaki’s father, now exists as a distant and detached figure in Tsubaki’s life. Their relationship was carved with emotional chasm, an unbridgeable gap of neglect and disappointment, and unfulfilled promises. Through Tsubaki’s eyes she does not see him as a parental figure and instead as an apathy and indifference. During her childhood Gin’s absence of a meaningful connection a figure who drifted in and out of her world with little regard for support and love. Gin continued to prioritize himself over his own daughter. Gin’s manipulative and abusive behaviors would be a shadow over Tsubaki deep down inside herself. Their interactions had left Tsubaki feeling adrift in a wave of emotional neglect. Gin’s alcoholism behavior fueled his anger issues, creating an environment towards Tsubaki with fear and tension. Gin remains as a void in Tsubaki’s mind though his actions he has done echoes in her mind to remind her of the painful relationship she had with him.

Choi Watanabe | Mother

“Where were you.. When I needed you?”

Once seen as a mother towards Tsubaki, Choi now exists as a distant and disconnected presence in her life. Their relationship is carved with abandonment and betrayal, leaving Tsubaki battling with unresolved feelings of resentment and disappointment. Despite the biological bond they hold, Tsubaki struggles to forgive Choi for her absence during the times when she needed it, the wounds of her childhood still raw and unhealed.

Lucien Cathoir Reyns | Potential Lover

“For once in my life… I think you’re the most gentle male I’ve ever met.”

Lucien stands as a potential lover towards Tsubaki. A figure whose presence ignites a spark of hope and longing in her heart. Despite her past relationships with women that have always failed, Lucien represents a new possibility. A chance of love and companionship Tsubaki has yet to explore. For Tsubaki, the prospect of a romantic relationship with Lucien represents a departure from the familiar patterns of her past. While she has found and been in relationships with women, her heart remains wary to be open with a man. Yet, there is something about Lucien that draws Tsubaki in. What’s even better is that Lucien is a Prince from Belgium as he holds royal blood from his descendants.

If you have a relationship with Tsubaki at any means and want to be included please dm me via discord: kustomzero.


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