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Accepted Doctor Application | Nyreox


Level 1

(OOC) ; Out-Of-Character Information.

IGN (In-Game Name):

My In-Game Name is Nyreox.

What is your discord username?

My Discord username is nyreox

Describe your activity on the server:

I would rate my activity on the server as a 8/10. I rate it as this due to personal life such as school, spending time with family, friends etc. I can assure you will be notified if I have any inactivity moments. Specifically, the average amount of hours I would be able to play on the server a day would be more than 4-5+, I am dedicated to being apart of the hospital faction and will give it all of the effort and dedication that it requires from me.

What is your timezone?:

My time zone is UTC +1 / GMT +1 (Greenwich Mean Time)

List your current and past applications: [PENDING]

List your current roles on the server:

My current roles on the server are:

[Grade-12] Sosa Venanzi-Santos (The character which I will be applying with).
[College Bachelors] Takei Kasumi

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:

As of now, I have been playing on the SchoolRP server for roughly 2 years. In my first few months of being on the server, I played as a normal citizen, then I got offered a place on the baseball team, which I enjoyed. A few months into being on the baseball team, I decided to leave and try something new, which was the crime faction, joining the gang named ZEROS, which was fully P2L, and ensuring your actions were detailed and correct. After being inspired by ZEROS, I attempted to make my own gang named Blue Boys. During this time, I got asked to try out for the college basketball team on the character in which I am applying for the hospital faction with, leading to me securing a spot on the team. As of now, I am a normal citizen again, wanting to try something new. The hospital faction has inspired me as the effort that goes into it is noticeable as when they do actions, they put all their effort and time into doing so.

What is your motivation for applying?

I would like to join the hospital faction as the effort that goes into it is noticeable. You can experience new things while also teaching yourself something new. Putting other people's needs above mine has always been something I am willing to do while being patient and understanding. I will always try my best to ensure that everyone gets what they need, no matter how easy or difficult it may be. I have an understanding of how people may see being a hospital member as repetitive or boring but in reality, you get to do many things while also widening your roleplay experience and creating new friends and lore for your characters and others. Everybody on the school roleplay server knows that some of the main factions which are carrying the server is the KPD, Crime faction and the hospital faction.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist):

The role in which I am applying for is the Doctor role.

What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?

Some of the knowledge in which I have on Hospital Work is listed below:


As a doctor, your main focus and roles are to talk with members of the general community and diagnose them for illnesses, injuries etc. In your role, you are also entitled to ensuring that each patient gets the treatment that they deserve and come to you for. Although, there may be a specific field that you work in, meaning you would be better qualified for checking on a general member of the public rather than another doctor, this is highly unlikely though due to the total numbers of doctors there are. I will go into more detail about the main roles and focuses of what a doctor does. As a doctor, you examine patients, check their medical records (update them if needed), prescribe medications as well as order medication that a specific patient/member of the general community may need and finally, they may counsel a patient on their diet, hygiene and their healthcare. Lastly, a doctor doesn't have to stay as a doctor, they can go onto qualify in other fields if they feel it's necessary or if they want to try something new. Some medications that doctors can prescribe are:

Aspirin/ParacetamolAn over the counter drug used for temporary relief of pain, such as for cuts, abrasions, concussions, and so on. Paracetamol/Aspirin does not require a prescription and can be sold by any staff member. Some of the side effects of this drug are swelling, rashes or a fever. However, these symptoms are very unlikely.
TramadolAn opioid medication, in most cases it is used for short-term treatment of moderate-severe pain. This drug would most commonly be prescribed or given to a patient when Aspirin does not seem to be making an effect. Some side effects of this drug are drowsiness, swelling, sweating or even vomiting. A more serious side effect of tramadol are a shortness of breath.
HydrocodoneHydrocodone has a similar strength to morphine and is most commonly a misused drug, which is still prescribed to patients. Hydrocodone is prescribed in circumstances when prescription aspirin has proved to not be working how it should be or is intended to. Some side effects of this drug are that it is a depressant and continuous use of this drug may lead to respiratory difficulties, when mixing this drug with alcohol it may lead to respiratory arrest. Some more common side effects of Hydrocodone would be that you may recognise symptoms of bladder pain, difficulty breathing, fatigue or tingling in your body.
AmoxicillinAmoxicillin is a commonly used antibiotic, which is apart of the penicillin group. It is capable of treating multiple bacterial infections by battling with the bacteria. Amoxicillin is used as a first case scenario treatment for the common infections, some examples of the infections where amoxicillin may be used are respiratory infections, ear infections, skin infections, and urinary tract infections (UTI's). Some side effects when using this drug may be nausea, vomiting and rashes. Although, some of the more uncommon effects which should be taken into account are that you may experience are severe allergic reactions, liver issues and a reduced blood cell count.
ClarithromycinClarithromycin is an antibiotic belonging to the macrolides group, which is an alternative to using penicillin. However, this medication is still capable of treating a range of infections, such as chest infections (pneumonia),ear infections etc. The antibiotic prevents and stops the growth of the bacteria immediately. Despite all of this, please remember that this drug cannot treat viral infections such as colds, the flu or other infections. It is occasionally used by people who have allergies to penicillin or amoxicillin. In other words, clarithromycin is often used as an alternative for people who are in need of treatment but cannot use the drugs listed above. Some side effects on the use of this drug would be that you may experience indigestion, headaches, insomnia or vomiting. Some of the more serious side effects which should be taken seriously are as the following, severe allergic reactions, liver problems, hallucinations etc.


As a psychiatrist, the role is a medically qualified doctor who has chosen to specialize in the field of psychiatry. The main roles and focuses of a psychiatrist are that you can prescribe medication as well as perform other treatments for members of the general community. Most psychiatrists tend to work in the field of Mental Health, as a psychiatrist, you can treat mental illnesses such as:
Anxiety attacksAn anxiety attack is a sudden, oncoming wave of fear that may overcome you without any actual threat happening. In some cases, anxiety attacks can become intense with a sudden feeling of dread, discomfort etc. A patient that may be having an anxiety attack may feel like their life is in danger or being threatened, it is key to remember that frequent oncoming anxiety attacks may be a result of an anxiety disorder. Some symptoms of an anxiety attack are the following listed, nervousness, increased heartrate, sweating, trembling etc. Anxiety symptoms usually last more than the symptoms of a panic attack.
PhobiasPhobias are when a person has an exaggerated feeling of danger or fear over an object or situation that they may be in or experiencing. Phobias are a type of anxiety disorder if a phobia becomes severe or even intense in some cases, a person may try to avoid revolving their life around the thing that is a phobia to them. However, they will not know that it is a phobia. In some cases, a person may feel anxious or even begin to panic when thinking of their phobia. Some of the symptoms may be dizziness, a sudden feeling of being lightheaded, nausea, an increased heartrate and trembling or even shaking.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)Obsessive compulsive disorders are when you have a pattern of unwelcomed thoughts, fears or feelings which are also known as obsessions. These obsessions may lead you into a repetitive cycle of behaviour. In some cases, these obsessions and compulsions tend to get in the way of daily life and cause distress. One common example of an obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), is when you have a fear of getting contaminated by germs. To ease the fear, you may wash your hands repeatedly. I'll be going over the symptoms of both obsessions and compulsions. Some symptoms of obsessions may be that you have a fear of things other people may have came into contact with, doubts, stress when things are not in the right placement you wish for them to be etc. Some symptoms of compulsions are that you may do things multiple times, such as washing, cleaning, counting or even following a strict routine that you have.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), is where you have experienced something life changing and not in a good way. This is a condition that is caused from stressful, frightening or even distressing events you have been through. An example of Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), is where you may have been neglected or had something violent happen to you. Some causes of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are serious accidents you may have been involved in, violent scenarios you may have been involved in, health problems etc. Some common symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder are that you may have nightmares, flashbacks or insomnia.
Personality DisordersA personality disorder is when a person thinks, feels or acts differently than an average person would. Some causes of a personality disorder may be something a person has been affected by in their childhood, past or even in the present. Some common symptoms of a personality disorder is when a person may have distressed, uncontrollable thoughts, impulsive behaviour, issues controlling their emotions etc. Some ways that you could help is by referring them to a the******, therapy groups etc.
SchizophreniaSchizophrenia is another form of a personality disorder but I feel that it should be spoken about separately. When someone is dealing with schizophrenia, they have an altered vision on reality meaning that they see things differently than the average person would. Some symptoms of schizophrenia may be that a person can hallucinate, they may have delusions, an unusual way of thinking or a certain way of behaving which can affect them in public scenarios. Some ways to treat schizophrenia would be to recommend or refer them to therapy, advise them or prescribe them onto a medication specifically made for schizophrenia, also known as a antipsychotic medication. To add onto this, you could also recommend that they go to behaviour therapy, although you cannot force them.
Depression/Bipolar DisorderDepression/Bipolar is a condition that can affect your moods, it is also known as 'manic' depression. In most cases, people may be diagnosed with depression before being diagnosed with bipolar which is also a reason I have added both into the same category on the table. Some of the common causes of depression/bipolar are extreme or uncontrollable stress, overwhelming problems you may feel are out of your control, life changing scenarios or events that could have happened or that are happening. Some of the more 'common' symptoms of depression/bipolar may be that you get moods of energy, not eating or sleeping or even becoming annoyed quickly. Some treatments for depression/bipolar are medication also known as antidepressants/mood stabilizers, recognising what triggers your depression or bipolar etc. To add on, you may go to therapy, one-to-one or even in a therapy talk group.

As a psychiatrist, you also tend to support people with long-term, painful or uncurable physical or mental illnesses/health conditions. To add on, a psychiatrist may recommend you seeing them more than once if they feel that your situation hasn't improved.


As a paramedic, you are the first person to attend to a member of the general public in need of your assistance. Working in this field means that it's a fast-paced and vital role where you are in charge of a situation and in saving someone's life. Although some scenarios may not be life-threatening, you tend to quickly determine a patients situation and think on the spot of the best case scenario, what you can do which means making life-saving choices. To add onto this, as a paramedic, you will work alongside the other public service roles such as police, government etc. The main roles and focuses of a paramedic are ensuring you use your knowledge, skills and clinical knowledge as best as you can to diagnose, treat, supply medicines and lastly, you have to use your knowledge as best you can to get a patient out of a critical/life-threatening scenario.


As a veterinarian, your main role and focuses are to ensure that they can help the general wildlife. They can diagnose and treat sick animals as well as performing operations. The main role of a veterinarian is to ensure the safety of animals and even the public in doing so. Working in this field means that you will be trained professionally in animal healthcare as that is the main focus of becoming a veterinarian. However, dealing with animals and humans are entirely different things, a whole different matter. This sub-faction was created not so long ago aid in the focus on animals as not only the people of Karakura are a victim of the abuse but so are the animals. some people in Karakura are sick to the point where they start abusing animals, you heard that right, not only people need aid, the animals, dogs.. cats.. birds.. all of those require medical help, most people have no knowledge on how to aid animals, which is why the EMS has people specifically trained people to aid these poor things, these animals just like any other deserve a chance to get the help they need, they are no different to us and deserve a chance at life, veterinarians are equipped with the same equipment as the other EMS members are. Some of these items are listed in the table below.

A syringeA syringe would be used in a situation where if you are required to do run through a procedure quickly, causing you to administer medication swiftly to an animal, which could calm them down. Please note that some animals may need a higher dose than a smaller animal, due to their weight.
Medical kitA medical kit is one of the main things that you must ensure to bring along with you if you are apart of this department, the reasoning behind doing so would be that if you get a call to go to a scene and an animal is injured, you are required to use the medical kit then or in any scenarios where it may be used.
BreathalyserA breathalyser would be used in a scenario if you notice an animal having difficulty breathing, however you may only use this if you have done the correct steps of the procedure which you must be directed to do with your correct training. There are also other scenarios, however this is the one that stuck out to me the most.
Pepper SprayPepper spray must only be used in extreme cases where you feel you are in danger e.g. when an animal is hostile or attacking another member of your department. Ensure that you use all of the steps that you have been trained to do so.
Gas maskThe use of a gas mask is so that you can maintain a safe distance from any animal in which may harm you, the use of a gas mask is also hygienic and it gives you a less risk of catching anything from animals while also stopping you from transmitting to others of the general community.


As a surgeon, you are medically qualified in aiding patients back to positive health while also ensuring that you operate on them correctly in order to treat any injuries or diseases that a patient may have. You will be notified of their medical records beforehand. A surgeon does the best that they can in maintaining a patient has a high chance at surviving an operation or a surgery that they are going through in the moment, in other words, a life or death situation. Whilst in this department, you must always put your skills and brain to keep the patient alive, their precise movements and accuracy when working with the tools that they have on hand, they are quick yet precise in what they specialize in, ensuring that their patient does not go into a state of absence or even death. To add on, surgeons are required to stay at the hospital in case of someone needing surgery on the spot as fast as they possibly can, with their quick movements and quick work.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?

I understand that I am subject to being demoted at any given time if my application was to be accepted, yes.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?

I acknowledge that by applying for the role I desire within the Hospital faction, I am 100% dedicated to the role and the work that is to come along with it.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

I understand and acknowledge that if a training is held whilst I am online, I must attend or else it leads to punishment.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

I acknowledge that I am not to take things OOCly when dealing with training and situations, everything ICly should stay ICly and the same with OOC.


(IC) ; In-Character Information.

Section I ; Personal Details.

Character’s Full Name:

"Now for the standard questions. What is your forename, surname and any middle names if you have any?"

My forename is Sosa, surname? Santos. I do in fact have a middle name which is Venanzi. And yourself?

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:

"Your pronouns and gender, sir?"

I was born a male, and my pronouns are he/him.

Character’s Age (if accepted):

"Your exact date of birth and age, please."

I was born on the 29th of November, 1999, which makes me 25 years of age.

Character’s Academic Background

"Have you obtained any educational achievements? Degrees and such?"

I have obtained three educational achievements. Specifically, one bachelor degree in medicine and two major degrees, one in biology and the second in life science.

Character’s Nationality:

"Your nationality from birth?"

My ethnic group from birth would be Japanese. If I may ask in the politest manner, what would the next question be?

Character’s Marital Status:

"Sosa, tell me about your matrimonial status."

My matrimonial status? I am married, a proud husband at the least. How about you?

Character’s Religious Denomination:

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your article of faith."

My article of faith would be Christian, I am a strong believer in my beliefs. I often visit the church when I am able to do so.

Character’s Spoken Languages:

"The final question, can you speak any other languages?"

As of now, I can only speak Italian and Japanese. However, I am learning Spanish on the side, I enjoy being able to communicate with others in their preferred language, it's respectable and admirable. Do you know any other languages?

Backstory (100+ Words):

Let’s go back to the beginning, where it all began. In a city named Osaka, otherwise known as a city of the well known country, Japan. Sosa’s father, a hard working man of principle, had long been friends with a man, a man who had a son named Antonio, their connections dating back to their own childhood. It was a friendship that ran down the generations, Sosa’s father moving to Italy which began to lay a foundation for Sosa and Antonio to become inseparable from a young age. Growing up in the same neighborhood, Sosa and Antonio managed through their childhoods together, their friendship growing with each passing day due to their shared experiences and mutual trust. Whether it would be adventuring the streets of their hometown or the challenges they faced in school, they stood by each others side. Reaching their adolescence years, Sosa and Antonio found themselves facing the swift complexities of life. With that, one fateful night, Sosa and Antonio found themselves in the midst of a confrontation. Sosa’s instincts kicked in, and without hesitation, he stepped in as he saw Antonio was about to be harmed, shielding him. With a determined look to himself, he threw himself into the commotion, fists flying as he stood to protect the only person he saw as an older sibling figure. In doing so, an impactful fist landed onto Sosa’s face, the impact slicing across his face and leaving a deep scar beneath his left eye. The pain was evident however, Sosa’s main focus was to ensure Antonio’s safety. As they made their way to their separated homes, Sosa would nurse his wound, the physical scar leaving a reminder of his loyalty and sacrifice.

A year down the line, Antonio had different plans for himself, making the decision to leave his hometown behind. Sosa, feeling the same would follow behind shortly after. And with that. . In the crowded streets of Karakura, Sosa found himself colliding with an old friend. Catching up on lost time wasn’t an issue for these two, Sosa gaining a deal, a deal that would change his life forever. He had been offered to be taken under Antonio’s wing, welcoming him into the Corella family. Without a second thought, Sosa would agree. Determined to carve a better future for himself, with guidance and the support from his newfound family, he found himself in the underworld of the city, quickly making a name for himself as someone who was reliable. However, as Sosa found himself in this lifestyle, he never lost sight of his true goal - to secure a better life through education. In the quiet moments between jobs and his life on the streets, he educated himself on textbooks, determined to learn and earn his way into a brighter future. Although, caught in the midst of violence and fear, he found himself being forced into a delinquent crew. Each passing day, Sosa doubted that this was the lifestyle for him, he felt his thirst for recognition had gotten ahold of him, he was ready to face the consequences of his actions.

Sosa's newfound life was shaped in the Corella family, a well-known and respected family in Karakura, Japan. He took great pride in his status as a member of the Corella family and held their traditions and values close to his heart. However, his world was turned upside down when he discovered that he was not looked at proudly, for not being Corella by blood, but had been raised with the family as if he were. This revelation left him feeling betrayed and confused, as he had been living a lie for his entire life. Determined to uncover his true identity and lineage, Sosa left the Corella family behind and set out to find his real family. His search led him to his two siblings, Yasui and Oda, who, to his surprise, were both delinquents. Sosa was intrigued by their exciting and unconventional lifestyle and soon found himself drawn into their world. As he embraced the delinquent lifestyle, Sosa pushed his limits and discovered a strict set of morals that he was willing to defend at any cost. However, it soon became clear to Sosa that the delinquent lifestyle was not for him.

He struggled to reconcile his newfound identity with his past, and things only became more complicated when
Nyoko began to worry before hearing the familiar sound of the door creaking open, the weight of his footsteps evident through the floorboards. Sosa stumbled through the doorway, attempting to seem somewhat confident as usual. However, Nyoko had noticed his body battered and bruised from an altercation on the streets. Nyoko tended to Sosa’s injuries, her touch against his battered skin. She worked in silence, her thoughts swirling with unanswered questions and fears she was afraid of asking. As she wrapped a bandage around his bruised knuckles, Nyoko voiced a question that had been lingering in the back of her mind, “Why did you become a delinquent?” Her voice coming out soft and genuine. Noticing Sosa’s gaze flicker between emotions - pain, regret and a hint of defiance - as he remembered the uneasy path that led him down this path. He spoke about his ties with the Corella family, of the expectations and the pressure that shaped his identity from childhood.

Nyoko, feeling a wave of guilt as she heard Sosa explain, made a decision - one that would change their lives forever. She spoke unsurely yet a slight hint of confidence would be there, she offered to leave the criminal lifestyle, her gaze set on Sosa. She wouldn’t do it easily though, she had something to ask of Sosa Venanzi, after all. That one condition was - he stops being a delinquent. Sosa’s eyes widening as he hears her offer, his expression a mix of disbelief and admiration for her to choose that. As he saw how determined Nyoko looked, he accepted her offer. Nyoko checked on his wounds, making sure they were all accounted for as the weight of their shared decision could be felt in the air. As Nyoko and Sosa sat together, conversing about what the plans for them were, a sudden knock at the door stiffened the conversation, jolting them from their thoughts. Nyoko’s heart skipped a beat as she glanced towards the entrance. With a glance towards Sosa, she rose from the sofa, her footsteps light against the floorboards as she made her way to the door.

With a deep breath, Nyoko opened the door to reveal Amelia standing on the other side, her expression a mix of concern and confusion. She took in the scene before her - the dimly lit apartment, Sosa’s bruised appearance and Nyoko’s sincere expression, Amelia questioning why Sosa was bruised and battered. Nyoko hesitated at the sudden intrusion, unsure of how to respond. Exchanging a wary glance with Sosa, silently asking for help at the unwanted visitor. But, before they could even form a response, Amelia’s gaze landed on Sosa, her eyes narrowing with recognition. Sosa met Amelia’s gaze with a mixture of resignation and defiance, his shoulders squared as he prepared to face the consequences. Sosa explained how he wanted to change, he was tired of being a delinquent and tired of hurting the people he cares for. With that, he decided to study for medical school, with Nyoko and his siblings help.

Amelia’s gaze full of uncertainty yet soft as she struggled to understand, the man in front of her was her brother after all, yet he wanted to change? From a life he’d always known, the only life he has known. .?

"Working along the public services has always been a dream for me, which is what I strive to do eventually."

Disclaimer: anything here cannot be taken In Character otherwise known as ICly.


Section II - Medical History.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen).

While studying in medical school, Sosa would find himself interested in a book which had explained the benefits of medicine, the side effects etc. Upon noticing this and his sake of wanting to become a doctor he would then know what his main focus would be, which would be studying to become a doctor and help the people who need it most.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?

After Sosa had completed his 6 years of medical school, he would then go onto being an apprenticeship for a self employed doctor, to get a more "hands-on" experience and learn what it was really like in a setting working as a doctor. Upon working for the doctor, Sosa would realize that he had made the right choice in studying to expertise in working as a doctor/a hospital worker causing him to apply for the Karakura hospital role when seeing they were hiring.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?

As of now, Sosa has only been a medical apprenticeship worker for a doctor where he would take mental notes on what to do as well as helping in that field, diagnosing and practically taking on the role of a doctor.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?

Other than studying at medical school and being an apprenticeship, no. Sosa has not completed any additional schooling.

Section III - Character Knowledge.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Standing at 5'8 with a slight muscular build, would be a male his dishevelled yet somewhat sophisticated hair seemed to frame his face. Upon a closer take of the male, you'd notice he had grey eyes in which would be slightly covered by his bangs. Despite his looks, Sosa would speak well-educated and politely, his tone of manner always professional even around his co-workers. The one thing that made Sosa noticeable would be a scar under his left eye and another which wasn't visible - on his upper left chest, his family tattoos which all of his family members had this was due to their backstory, Sosa would wear his tattoos with pride and would proudly show them off when he was off duty from working. As for his personality? He would be a strong-minded character with a slight sarcastic hint to himself, he somewhat always seemed slightly grumpy or agitated some could say, although that was never truly the case.

How does your character act on and off duty?

While working on duty, Sosa would maintain his character of being professional and polite towards his co-workers, peers and the general community. This would be due to him being able to differentiate what was a respectable and sophisticated manner of working, it also showed Sosa would be serious about his job. Although at times, Sosa could be seen joking around with his co-workers if they were having a bad shift or a bad day in general. As for off duty, Sosa would act extremely sarcastic yet he'd make it known that he never meant it harshly, he'd also be known to go out of his way for people, ensuring that they got whatever they needed to be in the best of moods that they could possibly be in. Seeing as Sosa had a previous experience on being a delinquent, he would attempt to stay away from that side of Karakura at all times, for his own safety and the general community.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?

Sosa tends to function better in a team, this is due to him always being there for his siblings. He doesn't mind being relied on for things, he finds it quite comforting and would go out of his way to ensure his co-workers get some stress off their shoulders and to make his and their lives easier in the process. Although, if he is asked to do things alone, he also wouldn't mind as he likes the peace and quiet lifestyle sometimes, it eases his mind and minimises the stress on him.

What plans does your character have for the future?

Sosa's plans for the future? I haven't really taken it into account but making him become a hospital worker has been the outcome that I have wanted for him from the day that I created him. Sosa would like to eventually have a well-formed or even a well-taken care of family, this is so that they don't have the upbringing in which he had as a child. He would also like to be recognised as a welcoming and known member of the community, especially within the hospital faction.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themselves?

Sosa is often seen as a ignorant, sluggish mannered male, he usually seems disinterested but when it comes to things he has a specific interest in, he seems well attentive and gives thoughtful attention towards whatever it may be in the scenario. However, he may be perceived as this as he isn't an easy person that opens up he is often seen as a "tight shut" male, meaning that he doesn't speak of his personal life, relations or things he does easily. This is due to his past experiences doing so and his own safety measures. This may contrast with how he views himself as Sosa views himself as a outgoing, caring, thoughtful and carefree male meaning that he's pretty open about his life, relations etc. As for his personality, Sosa views it as everybody else's in Karakura, playful, straightforward and pretty outgoing. As Sosa grows each day, he sees himself as someone who has a lot to grow on and learn from, he aims to help impact peoples lives in a positive way, with a positive outlook at all times.


Additional Information.

Thank you for taking the time and consideration to read my application for the Hospital faction and I am glad you have taken the time to through it thoroughly!​


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Level 233
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, we hope you are excited to hear that you have been accepted! You will be contacted in regards to setting up your roles shortly.

- In order to proceed, you will need to join the Karakura Emergency discord (CLICK HERE) to receive your roles.
- You will also need to be online in order to receive an introduction and the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as a Hospital Worker.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 6pancake - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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