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Vova Volkonsky | Biography


Level 12

Psalm 28:7-8
"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me."

"Sometimes the person you take the bullet for is the person holding the gun."

(NOTE - None of this information should be taken ICLY!!!!)

Vova Yamagashira Volkonsky.


First Name:

Main nicknames:
'Vova', 'Vovs', 'Big V' 'Kasha'

Meaning of name / origin:
The name Vova is primarily a male name of Russian origin that means Famous Rule.





Date of Birth:
January 7th 1988

Date of Death:

Currently located:

Religious Beliefs:

Place of Birth:
Moscow, Russia



Act 2.. - APPEARANCE [!] To be done!!!!

physical appearance:

A male that is 6'5 of Russian origin, he would weigh around 200 lbs. Vova would look very healthy, having an athletic body build. His hair would be dark, soft and fluffy. His eyes would hold a mysterious look, but most of the time he would hold a cold gaze. Vova would often give off a cold aura..

Eye Color:
Light brown

Hair Color / Hair style:
Black Hair with a Fluffy Fringe, short on the sides


200 lbs

Body Type:
Athletic body type

Character Voice:


Left handed/Right handed/Ambidextrous

Right handed

Clothing Style:

Act 3 - PERSONALITY [!] To be done!!!!

[Anything your character may carry or use. This can include anything from backpacks to lunch boxes]


Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:



Act 4 - SKILLS



Dimitri Volkonsky [Deceased]
Vova's original father, he was in and out of all his children's lives... when he was there he wasn't there for long so dont get used to it.. He was also a very well dressed, strict, gifted person....
"Wish you were still around today old man.. I would have put you through the same pain and suffering me and Mother had to put up with for all those year... dont ever come back, your lucky your dead old man..."

Akemi Yamagashira [Deceased]
Akemi, Vova's and Madara's Mother was a very kind hearted and caring person. No matter what she did she put her children before herself making sure that no matter what there was always going to be food on the table, she did what she had to do..
"I miss you everyday mother.. You did not deserve what Father put you threw.. I'll see you in heaven soon Mother... "

Airi Volkonsky [Deceased]
A Woman Vova fell in love with shortly after he moved to Karakura, She was a very bright young Japanese female who spent the most amount of time with Vova, she spent a lot of time helping him lean Japanese, learn the area and truly helped him find out who he truly is, she helped Vova raise Madara for the very threw years she had left.. Vova's kids knowing about Airi has been one of his biggest secrets..
"Every day I miss you more and more.. why couldn't it have taken me instead..."

Tora Volkonsky Moltke [Alive]
A man that does what he has to do.. A very hard working and dedicated male at whatever he puts his mind on.
"Family has each other's backs and you always know I have yours.."

??? [Alive]

Adopted Brother
Tyrone Volkonsky Takada [Alive]
Tyrone, a hard working and currently a school employee, A lot of Vova's children do not like him..
"Even though your adopted your still my brother."

Adopted child / Younger Brother
Madara Volkonsky [Alive]
Vova's younger brother and adopted child after both their parents past away, Madara is a legend in the streets and a demand in the sheets- I mean... he's a badass! He was raised mainly by his older brother Vova throughout his whole life.
"I wish I raised you like Mother did.. but I blame Father for that one.."

Vova's & Airi's Biological children

Yuiko "Yui" Volkonsky [Alive]
Such a caring person with a massive heart, She reminds Vova of his Mother and her personality..
"You've always been my favourite child Yuiko.. The time has flown by so quick.. hasn't it?"

Camilla Volkonsky [Alive]
A very friendly approachable person at first glance, Nothing but care can be fount in her heart and thats something Vova really likes to see for any of his children. Vova remembers nothing but good memories when thinking about his daughter Camilla
"I always remember how beautiful your smile was when I first held you all the years ago.."

Denisa Drakos Volkonsky [Alive]
A not so friendly and approachable person, she's often seen swearing or starting trouble with other's when around Karakura but at the same time she isnt someone to be messed around with...
"I dont like what you do.. but I have to respect it.."

Povredit' Volkonsky [Alive]
A very goofy but funny character, often seen driving his Simpsons car around the town of Karakura with a cig in his mouth just living life to the fullest, He is the oldest Son Vova has.
"Please stop getting into trouble for trespassing.."

Vova's & Airi's Adopted children

Adrik Volkonsky [Alive]
Mikhail NR. Volkonsky [Alive]
Tatyana Volkonsky [Alive]
Chō Volkonsky Ketsueki [Alive]
Marianna Volkonsky Russo [Alive]
Ryu Von Moltke-Volkonsky [Alive]
Saito S. Volkonsky [Alive]

[!] More to be added as time goes on.

Act 6 - Backstory:
[!] Older backstory, new one coming soon!!

Vova Volkonsky was born on January 7th, 1988 in Moscow, Russia. The boy had a large family, growing up with 5 brothers and 4 sisters. His mother was a wonderful woman who took care of all of them, doing an amazing job raising the family. She tended to the home, went to every meeting with the children’s schooling, as well as working full time to provide for her family. His father, on the other hand, was a controlling person. He would often take his wife’s money and spend it on his own things, ignoring the needs of his family.

When Vova was of age to go to school, his mother would make sure his siblings took care of him. After dropping the children off at school, she went to work, leaving him with just his siblings. The boy was very outgoing, and made friends with his class easily. It also helped that his siblings were good students who got along with everyone, including teachers, so Vova had a pleasant time in school.

His life was as good as it could be, except for constant arguments between his mother and father, but those were often behind closed doors. This was until he was 13 years old. Things had gotten out of control in the parent’s relationship and their arguments became physical. This had his mom looking for a new job, away from her husband who she was now divorcing.

After a few months, his mother had gotten a new job in Japan, one which paid almost double what she had been getting paid. Having to move her children to a place where they had no friends, but able to have a more comfortable life. It was a hard decision on her, and she left it up to her children. The children seeing the abuse had decided to leave with their mother.

It took all of a month for them all to secretly pack their things and leave. The divorce was getting finalised at that time, so it was easy for them to uproot everything and leave. Once they finally got to Japan, the kids had to learn a whole new language, along with readjusting to a new way of life. They adapted with time, but Vova was the quickest. In the month he had before they moved, he had begun to teach himself more about Japan.

It took him and his family a full 2 years to fully adapt to living in Japan, though, Vova was the one to learn the language and culture the quickest, and helped his family learn quicker. Vova’s personality allowed him to make many friends in school, even when he was still learning how to live in his new environment. The person who helped him was the receptionist in the school office, Miss Hikokki.

Miss Hikokki was a Russian-Japanese female, and the only person who spoke fluent Russian in the school, so she was tasked with teaching Vova and his older daughter how to speak Japanese, translating for them in their classes. Not only did she teach him how to speak the language, but also more about the culture. She would inspire the boy to aspire to be like her without her realising. The boy would often come home to his family and tell stories about his day, then spend time teaching them what he learned.

When the boy eventually made it to college, he moved to Karakura, where he went to the community college there in the city. There he studied for his masters in psychology and Literature, with a minor in human sciences. He naturally made friends there, as well as improved himself the best he could. Upon his graduation, he went back to his family for a few years, until he returned to Karakura, applying for the position of receptionist at KHS.

[!] This is not 100% complete, more to be added as time goes on!!


Level 7
View attachment 63274

Psalm 28:7-8
"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me."

"Sometimes the person you take the bullet for is the person holding the gun."

(NOTE - None of this information should be taken ICLY!!!!)

Vova Yamagashira Volkonsky.


First Name:

Main nicknames:
'Vova', 'Vovs', 'Big V' 'Kasha'

Meaning of name / origin:
The name Vova is primarily a male name of Russian origin that means Famous Rule.





Date of Birth:
January 7th 1988

Date of Death:

Currently located:

Religious Beliefs:

Place of Birth:
Moscow, Russia



Act 2.. - APPEARANCE [!] To be done!!!!

physical appearance:

A male that is 6'5 of Russian origin, he would weigh around 200 lbs. Vova would look very healthy, having an athletic body build. His hair would be dark, soft and fluffy. His eyes would hold a mysterious look, but most of the time he would hold a cold gaze. Vova would often give off a cold aura..

Eye Color:
Light brown

Hair Color / Hair style:
Black Hair with a Fluffy Fringe, short on the sides


200 lbs

Body Type:
Athletic body type

Character Voice:


Left handed/Right handed/Ambidextrous

Right handed

Clothing Style:

Act 3 - PERSONALITY [!] To be done!!!!

[Anything your character may carry or use. This can include anything from backpacks to lunch boxes]


Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:



Act 4 - SKILLS



Dimitri Volkonsky [Deceased]
Vova's original father, he was in and out of all his children's lives... when he was there he wasn't there for long so dont get used to it.. He was also a very well dressed, strict, gifted person....
"Wish you were still around today old man.. I would have put you through the same pain and suffering me and Mother had to put up with for all those year... dont ever come back, your lucky your dead old man..."

Akemi Yamagashira [Deceased]
Akemi, Vova's and Madara's Mother was a very kind hearted and caring person. No matter what she did she put her children before herself making sure that no matter what there was always going to be food on the table, she did what she had to do..
"I miss you everyday mother.. You did not deserve what Father put you threw.. I'll see you in heaven soon Mother... "

Airi Volkonsky [Deceased]
A Woman Vova fell in love with shortly after he moved to Karakura, She was a very bright young Japanese female who spent the most amount of time with Vova, she spent a lot of time helping him lean Japanese, learn the area and truly helped him find out who he truly is, she helped Vova raise Madara for the very threw years she had left.. Vova's kids knowing about Airi has been one of his biggest secrets..
"Every day I miss you more and more.. why couldn't it have taken me instead..."

Tora Volkonsky Moltke [Alive]
A man that does what he has to do.. A very hard working and dedicated male at whatever he puts his mind on.
"Family has each other's backs and you always know I have yours.."

??? [Alive]

Adopted Brother
Tyrone Volkonsky Takada [Alive]
Tyrone, a hard working and currently a school employee, A lot of Vova's children do not like him..
"Even though your adopted your still my brother."

Adopted child / Younger Brother
Madara Volkonsky [Alive]
Vova's younger brother and adopted child after both their parents past away, Madara is a legend in the streets and a demand in the sheets- I mean... he's a badass! He was raised mainly by his older brother Vova throughout his whole life.
"I wish I raised you like Mother did.. but I blame Father for that one.."

Vova's & Airi's Biological children

Yuiko "Yui" Volkonsky [Alive]
Such a caring person with a massive heart, She reminds Vova of his Mother and her personality..
"You've always been my favourite child Yuiko.. The time has flown by so quick.. hasn't it?"

Camilla Volkonsky [Alive]
A very friendly approachable person at first glance, Nothing but care can be fount in her heart and thats something Vova really likes to see for any of his children. Vova remembers nothing but good memories when thinking about his daughter Camilla
"I always remember how beautiful your smile was when I first held you all the years ago.."

Denisa Drakos Volkonsky [Alive]
A not so friendly and approachable person, she's often seen swearing or starting trouble with other's when around Karakura but at the same time she isnt someone to be messed around with...
"I dont like what you do.. but I have to respect it.."

Povredit' Volkonsky [Alive]
A very goofy but funny character, often seen driving his Simpsons car around the town of Karakura with a cig in his mouth just living life to the fullest, He is the oldest Son Vova has.
"Please stop getting into trouble for trespassing.."

Vova's & Airi's Adopted children

Adrik Volkonsky [Alive]
Mikhail NR. Volkonsky [Alive]
Tatyana Volkonsky [Alive]
Chō Volkonsky Ketsueki [Alive]
Marianna Volkonsky Russo [Alive]
Ryu Von Moltke-Volkonsky [Alive]
Saito S. Volkonsky [Alive]

[!] More to be added as time goes on.

Act 6 - Backstory:
[!] Older backstory, new one coming soon!!

Vova Volkonsky was born on January 7th, 1988 in Moscow, Russia. The boy had a large family, growing up with 5 brothers and 4 sisters. His mother was a wonderful woman who took care of all of them, doing an amazing job raising the family. She tended to the home, went to every meeting with the children’s schooling, as well as working full time to provide for her family. His father, on the other hand, was a controlling person. He would often take his wife’s money and spend it on his own things, ignoring the needs of his family.

When Vova was of age to go to school, his mother would make sure his siblings took care of him. After dropping the children off at school, she went to work, leaving him with just his siblings. The boy was very outgoing, and made friends with his class easily. It also helped that his siblings were good students who got along with everyone, including teachers, so Vova had a pleasant time in school.

His life was as good as it could be, except for constant arguments between his mother and father, but those were often behind closed doors. This was until he was 13 years old. Things had gotten out of control in the parent’s relationship and their arguments became physical. This had his mom looking for a new job, away from her husband who she was now divorcing.

After a few months, his mother had gotten a new job in Japan, one which paid almost double what she had been getting paid. Having to move her children to a place where they had no friends, but able to have a more comfortable life. It was a hard decision on her, and she left it up to her children. The children seeing the abuse had decided to leave with their mother.

It took all of a month for them all to secretly pack their things and leave. The divorce was getting finalised at that time, so it was easy for them to uproot everything and leave. Once they finally got to Japan, the kids had to learn a whole new language, along with readjusting to a new way of life. They adapted with time, but Vova was the quickest. In the month he had before they moved, he had begun to teach himself more about Japan.

It took him and his family a full 2 years to fully adapt to living in Japan, though, Vova was the one to learn the language and culture the quickest, and helped his family learn quicker. Vova’s personality allowed him to make many friends in school, even when he was still learning how to live in his new environment. The person who helped him was the receptionist in the school office, Miss Hikokki.

Miss Hikokki was a Russian-Japanese female, and the only person who spoke fluent Russian in the school, so she was tasked with teaching Vova and his older daughter how to speak Japanese, translating for them in their classes. Not only did she teach him how to speak the language, but also more about the culture. She would inspire the boy to aspire to be like her without her realising. The boy would often come home to his family and tell stories about his day, then spend time teaching them what he learned.

When the boy eventually made it to college, he moved to Karakura, where he went to the community college there in the city. There he studied for his masters in psychology and Literature, with a minor in human sciences. He naturally made friends there, as well as improved himself the best he could. Upon his graduation, he went back to his family for a few years, until he returned to Karakura, applying for the position of receptionist at KHS.

[!] This is not 100% complete, more to be added as time goes on!!

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