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The Eagle Who Learned To Fly | Ezio Calderòn Biography.


Level 15
No you can't use this ICLY you silly billy!

Ezio Calderòn
The Devil on his Throne.


LEGAL NAME: Ezio Marcella Calderòn
Ezio - Anyone
Ez - Friends
Dumbass - No.


ETHNICITY: Italian / Mexican
AGE: 28

DOB: 14.12. 1996
POB: Sardinia, Italy.
ZODIAC: Sagitarius


OCCUPATION: Reporter for the Karakura News

HOBBIES: Smoking, Gossiping, Cooking

CRIMINAL RECORD: Possession of Illegal Weaponry, Assault with a Weapon, Assault x7






PERSONALITY: ‘Annoying Bastard’
| People that don’t know Ezio mostly see him as a criminal or annoying. He is always butting in trying to learn as much as he can from things. A man who doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut for reasons that can’t be explained, or even Some have described him as a man with a mysterious aura, or a presence that only he carries.
| Behind closed doors, Ezio is a monster who deserves nothing but death or worse. A manipulative man who will say anything to get his way around life. He claims everything that worsens his image to be false, and to be rumors that were spread to make himself look bad. But in reality, they are most certainly true. Most people who trust him do not know who he is, most likely never will, and if they realize. It is most likely too late.

| Arrogant, Immature, Sassy, Psychotic.


| The male before you stands at an imposing 6 feet 4 inches, possessing olive skin and long, flowing brown curls. His eyes were of a gentle, light brown hue. His posture was relaxed, accompanied by a subtle smile, and a hint of Calvin Klein cologne wafted from him. His torso was hidden by a slick set of suits or a kimono, covering scars from previous fights. Looking close enough you'd notice a scar trickling down his eye. He had a Rose Quartz Ring around his right ring finger

| Normally seen in a dark blue or deep navy Kimono with clouds scattering it. Other than that he can be seen roaming around in a blue racing jacket. His normal work attire is a deep blue suit with a clip specifically for his Reporter ID and a few pens. His other suit is more rather, crime related with a vest on the front and numerous patches with compartments for weapons and other handy items.

| Ezio often describes himself as a “Tic tac toe board” from the amount of scars that cover his body. His face being the most obvious, a scar from his left eyebrow down to his bottom lip, with two scars at the corners of his lips from fights. His upper torso are littered in small shrapnel scars from being thrown out of a window. Twice. When his kimono is lowered to his shoulders, tattoos of feathers can be seen going down his arms and slightly on his chest. On the back is a set of eagle wings, and a rose bouquet with three roses. Numerous scars can be seen, but those are a long story.

| Ezio’s voice is very strained constantly, at times it can be deeper than normal as if he were growling from his throat. Most of the time it is normal

Voice Claim.



Thrill is like a drug


| He’s a very heavy smoker but has been seen to just place the cigarette in between his lips without lighting it. Every once in a while you can see him smoking regularly when inside of the shrine.
| Ezio has a habit of biting the tip of his tongue when he is about to spill something he knows he’ll get backlash for. It has caused a small scar on the tip of his tongue.
| Ezio has a habit of talking to his passed sister, Lamoni while in situations where he is losing consciousness, a comforting thing he does from time to time.

| Ezio often says things like “I’m too pregnant for this” despite being a man.
| Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), Obsessive Personality Disorder (OPD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

1716901067770.pngPhysical State:
| Ezio's body has been through numerous breaks, scarring and burns within' his 28 years of life. His body is hardly able to withstand carrying

| The sound of cracks and pops is often heard from Ezio's body as he sits down and stands up, often from arthritis within his torso from all of the times his ribs have been broken and shattered.

| Ezio's body is mostly muscle underneath all of his squishy exterior. He has been heard saying "Taste 245 pounds of Italy." while body slamming Michael H. Sada.

Mental state:
| Ezio's mental state is nothing but remnants of a fire. His mind constantly runs on and on about things to say to make people entertained.

| The mind of Ezio is like exploring a river with no end. Constant thoughts flood in as he goes about his day.

| Ezio has sever episodes during his sleep, mostly involving visiting the families of those he has killed in his past.

| A sight he brings up to nobody. Whenever Ezio looks at his hands, they drip with crimson red blood. The first time it happened, a ringing burst his ears as he heard the names people had called him.

"I’ll fight an army for all of you."

Vincent Giorno; █████; ‘Da’ – “I wish you rot in hell.
A man who ruined Ezio’s life, since he was born he knew who Ezio was for the worst reasons imaginable. He twisted Ezio’s mind to make him believe he was his true father, only until he learned the truth recently.

Yaban Heddo; ‘Mother Figure’; ‘Yaba’ - ‘No more crime I swear.
Despite Ezio not knowing his true mother he always looks up to Yaban as a mother. Asking her questions about life and the occasional drink with her when things are getting too much for the both of them. Even sparring once.

Uilliam Abalert Bierhals; ‘Father Figure’; ‘Gramps’ - ‘Lia’ “You pull more women at the retirement home than a basket of yarn"
Uilliam is a man who has seen Ezio grow up from the little runt he was, keeping an eye on him and his makeshift family. He watched fires takeover the boy's mind and watched him take his first life. A man who Ezio respects most, and views like a father. Never crossing paths with him.

Evangaline Delarosa ; ‘Sister’; ‘Eva’ “You need to be studied..
A priestess at the shrine who helped Ezio when he was blacklisted, she earned his respect by simply being herself and making him laugh when he was upset. The two now have cried in eachothers arms and grown closer than any of his siblings.

Annabell Sturm ; ‘Mother Figure’; ‘Ma’ - ‘Sturm’ “Your grays are showing
A Governor who he grew attached to after learning she views the world similar to how Ezio does. He goes over to the Town Hall to bother often, along with her wife, Irina Sturm.

Irina Sturm; ‘Mother Figure’; ‘Lei’ - “Calm down Ezio, you’ll go berserk
A Paramedic who Ezio grew to protect, despite her being a very short lady Ezio fears her the most out of everyone in Karakura at the moment. He is very scared of tiny women…

Ezri Akai; ‘Sister’; ‘Ez’ - “You really need a new car
The Mayor of Karakura, who would have guessed a simple Man’en file turning into a blossoming friendship, becoming a mutual brother-sister understanding. Ezio grew close to her after learning how much she had been through, growing a brotherly protectiveness over her and her well-being. The two talk often and Ezio helps Ezri with her stresses and worries.

Kazuo DeLuca; ‘Adoptive Brother’; ‘Kaz’ - “I hate your window
The Lead Reporter adopted Ezio after a fallout with his previous family, Kaz offered his last name while Ezio was having a tough time. The two have come a long way. Kazuo is the first person to send Ezio through a window twice… In one week…

Yamato Munakata-Hanazono ; ‘Yama’; “You and I know too much about each other..
A man who Ezio met a few years back, the two knew something was up with the other. The two found out they were both involved in crime somehow or some way. They grew close to each other after Ezio was arrested, Yamato learned then that Ezio wasn't who he portrayed himself to be.

Primrose Guerra; ‘Step-Sister’; ‘Prim’ - “I'm sorry for not killing you then.
A person who Ezio had once thought he killed, and vise versa. The two grew up in rivaling Mafia's with the same devilish father. The two have had history that some people can't say they have. The two nearly killed each other the first time they ever met. Ezio feels bad for not killing her on "That night.".

Koizumi Saiky; ‘Younger Sister Figure’; ‘Granny’ - “Thank you for the stitches
The current lady of the Shrine, the big girl. Somebody who has seen Ezio on the bring of death more times than she probably should've. The two grew a bond somehow? Ezio doesn't even know how himself! He just know he'll kill for her.

| Children |

My pride and joy.

Lilac Calderòn ; Biological daughter’; ‘Lila’ - “I can’t wait for the day I can hold you.

When Ezio was 18, he had a fling with a random lady he met on the street, ended up getting her pregnant and kept the kid. The mother of the child wanted nothing to do with Ezio, but wanted to raise the child, every day Ezio thinks about her and keeps a picture of her in his wallet.

Elora V. Calderòn ; ‘Adoptive Daughter’; ‘Ora’ - “Wear my kimono with pride.

A girl who Ezio noticed clinging around him whenever he was near. He approached her about it and she seemed to admire the man. He offered her his last name after hearing about her past. She is now his most loyal kid in terms of fighting. She has on numerous occasions informed Ezio that she would rather his life over hers.

Evalise C. Helvete ; ‘Adoptive Daughter’; ‘Eva’ - “My little diva
Ezio found this girl when he was new to Karakura, one of the first people he met. He grew a close bond with her and one day decided to take her to the town hall after she called him dad. He adopted her officially to have his last name.

Solana Calderòn; ‘Adoptive Daughter’; ‘Sun’ - “My pride and Joy
A little girl who grew very attached to Ezio when they first met. Ezio fell in love with her instantly, seeing her like his own daughter Lilac. He took her in and has upset her numerous times because of his lifestyle. Nevertheless, he loves her more than anything this world has to offer.

Sol C Calderòn; ‘Adoptive Son’; ‘Dumbass Son’ - “You have got to be, the dumbest little shit I have.
The way these two met was odd. He met Ezio through his sister, Evangaline, the boy sliced his torso with a pocket knife, Ezio broke his forearm instantly after. He taught the kid how to use a knife normally, where he stabbed Ezio nearly taking his life. Ezio got the kid arrested, just to bail him out afterwards, and gave him his last name. The two's relationship is very... Odd...

Misako J Calderòn; ‘█████’; ‘Misa’ - “█████”


| Close People |

“I guess I like you guys.”

Eris Fujiwara; 'Wife' ; ‘Eri’ - “You are hot.
A person who came up to Ezio for information regarding the drama they were in. Ezio had fallen in love with them at first sight. He asked for another meeting between the two, and he confessed to them. They were afraid of him at first due to his criminal life, but a few months later, they are helping Ezio quit his criminal life.

Blaire Togomi; Bestie; ‘B’ - “An annoying ginger.
Blaire and Ezio are a very close pair often seeing each other as brother and sister, though they aren’t really. But more importantly Blaire is Ezio’s 0000000 who has watched his growth in terms of crime in Karakura. Encouraging him to go after the Mayor, which was successful and even formed a friendship.

Mi Akihito; Bestie; ‘Mi’ - “Girlie Pop
These two started off being weirded out by each other but soon grew close because Ezio learned about her obsession with fire, quickly traumatizing the girl with it. But ever since they’ve become good friends!

Tamara Togomi; Ex Sister; ‘Tar’ - “Girlie
The start of their relationship was rough, and it ended just like it started. The two became brother and sister, Ezio was very protective about Tara and even knocked a guy out for her. Once a certain event happened between the Togomi family, he left her. Losing contact with her for three years, only seeing her after she came home to Karakura to learn she joined 000000! He was very disappointed.

Fiametta Hanazono; Friend?; ‘Fia’ - “Stay out of trouble.
The daughter of his cousin, he tries to stick his neck out for her whenever she gets into trouble. Being an uncle figure to her to the best of his ability.

Naja Ayame-Hanazono; Girlie ; ‘Naja’ - “Don't do something that I would, protect your family.
Debatably Ezio's favorite Niece. He tries to give her advice when it is needed most, even going as far to breaking his moral code and fighting for her when he isn't physically well. The two first met in a Man'en encounter where he took her eye. The guilt ate him alive and he began to look after her, somebody he will never forget.

Yuma Mori 'Good friend'; ‘Pinkie’ - "You remind me of the ghost from Pac-Man."
For this girl, it's a special story. They were both randomly sitting in Plaza, and Ezio saw her pink beanie, where he yelled out "PINKIE!" and she gave him the nickname, "Shitbean.".

Abeni-Zari K. Ando █████ ‘Abeni
Forgive me, Mi Corazon.

If I forgot one of your characters, DM me @Crovantist

| Factions |

Karakura Police Department ; Very Positive
Ezio has been arrested quite the number of times and has been hated by some police. But he has a few people in the KPD that he values deeply, like ‘Yaba’, ‘Eni’, ‘ Rin’, ‘ Ari’, ‘Ishi’, ‘Martinez’ and ‘Kase’. They kind of look out for the guy because of his past. But still some of them slip in that hate him.

Government Faction ; Very Positive
Ezio and the Government have always been pretty positive. His sister Ezri Akai being the main reason he is a fan of them. Despite Ezri kicking his toaster to the bushes of the town hall, he’s normally around the lobby when bored.

Hospital Faction ; Positive
They’ve helped out Ezio when he was on the brink of death numerous times. His medical logs are longer than Santa’s nice list. But other than that, he loves them all.

School Faction ; Strong Disliking
He hears a lot about the school faction from his partner Eris who is a nurse at the school. His opinion on the faction has done nothing but go downhill, hearing about horrible rumors and teachers, the leads seem nice to him from the one time he flirted with Byeol Akihito in front of her husband, but other than that, he hates them.

Shrine ; Slightly Positive
A nice group of people who accept Ezio despite his past. Some he favors more than the others, and some he outright despises there.

News Faction ; Favorite (Forced.)
He hates his job.

Small Background

A fallen Eagle. December 14th, 1996
Located in Sardinia Italy, a young boy was born to Eliana Marcella, and Catez Senrico. Eliana was a prostitute who worked the streets day and night. His father was a wealthy man who ended up sleeping with Eliana. Months down the line Eliana found out she was pregnant with Ezio, she was disgusted by the fact she had even had a child. Wanting nothing to do with the boy at all. As nine months had passed she gave birth, giving him no name, or last name. Not even her own. He was nameless but carried the birthmark of what looked like an eagle's eye, wide with a beady dot in the middle. This is only the beginning of Ezio’s life.

A lost child, January 19th, 1996.
With Eliana not wanting the baby, she dropped him off at a house known for taking in orphans. The Calderon Family. Ezio was quickly taken in by a young girl, Lamoni Calderon, who was 8 at the time. She took care of Ezio as a child, made sure he ate, made sure he had a roof over his head even if she didn’t. She was the mother that Ezio never had, she named him Ezio, Italian for Eagle due to his birthmark.

Life in the Alley, August 30th 2004
As life continued for the bunch. Ezio began to grow close with his sister, she taught him how to cook and read and write. She was always stubborn with his decisions, but they were always inseparable. Ezio would watch after Marillo whenever Lamoni was getting food, or working. The two had grown close, while living in the alley Ezio learned how to fight in order to defend his family. He wasn’t strong but it was still something, he would play around with Marillo, helping him throw punches. He would help Marillo understand how negotiations would work, “A homeless kid gains more than a homeless man.”. Then there was baby Lucio who would often have tantrums, despite the decent age gap between the two, Ezio learned how to take care of him quickly. Each of his family members taught Ezio his morals he holds onto now. Lamoni, teaching him how to care for those he loved. Manillio, teaching Ezio to care for family even if they aren’t related by blood. Finally, Lucio teaches Ezio to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Tragedy. December 4th, 2005.

The day started normally. The smell of bakeries preparing for openings, the sounds of construction, cars driving past. All these sounds Ezio heard as he walked the streets going towards the river he would normally fish at. Hours felt like minutes to him as he caught three fish big enough for the family. He took his time enjoying the town that day, the birds were chirping, the wind blew songs as they traveled. The air was crisp, in his mind nothing could go wrong. Sadly, Ezio doesn’t have a happy start to his life. The air turned dense, and filled with a terrifying smell. The sky turned grim and gray quicker than a blink of an eye as smoke clouded the area being seen up ahead from Ezio’s view. With his memory of the town he dropped everything in hand and began to bolt towards his house. As people crowded the path the young Ezio pushed and stumbled with his eyes shot open as far as they could, tears strolled down his cheeks like a river flowing down a mountain. Alast he came upon the tragedy, the alleyway and the house next to it raged in red and orange embers, he rushed into the flames, he saw nothing, and quickly rushed out hoping his family wasn’t home. As time passed, the embers lowered as the EMS carried out three bodies. Ezio looked on in horror and screamed at the top of his lungs until he couldn’t scream anymore. The bodies were recovered, and shown before Ezio, Lamoni was only recognizable at all, the only reason Ezio recognized her was because of her locket that she kept on her. Manillo was only recognizable due to his size. The same with Lucio. The young Ezio was left in shambles, with no name or family. He walked the streets of Italy, alone.


First Arrest:
Ezio held a gas station for alcohol and money, getting caught in the process and catching a hefty charge.

Second Arrest:
[!] This information seems to be corrupted, sc****d from the database. [!]

Third Arrest:
Ezio made a mistake that would haunt him for the rest of his life, getting behind the wheel after a night out with the mob. Ending in the tragic fate of an elderly lady.

Fourth Arrest:
Ezio was seen assaulting another man repeatedly claiming "He is a bitch with no will to live, so I will take it from him."

Fifth Arrest:
Ezio's final time in Italy was him attempting to escape the mob life. He turned himself in for all of the crimes he had done and never been caught for. Despite having a bail of 72 million euro, a man under the name of "Lucas Giorno" bailed him out within 3 weeks, forcing Ezio back into the life he despised so much. He ended up fleeing the country a few months later.

Note: The font is larger in most areas because I couldn't read it so forgive me for that, it would be a LOT longer but I don't want to overload people with information on my silly little minecraft character. This WILL be updated as time goes on if I remember it

Art Credits:
deztinsy, ninpup, Solih, umeboshiii, Xaavia, nightnight_

Last edited:


Level 46
Amazing biography!
Add a Mechanic relationship or I get KPS.


Level 15
Thread starter
Update added, 26/4/24:

- Added Shrine Faction view
- Added one new relationship in Family
- Updated Children.

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