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Tomoki Yamochi

[[ The Ballad of Jane Doe played while you scrolled! ]]


Basic Information
First Name:







Male , He/Him






135 lbs


Tomoki has a feminine, slim hourglass build.

Skin Color:
Pale, nearly white.

Eye Color:
Warm toned purple.

Hair Style:
Tomoki has long, straight hair, tied into a small ponytail at the bottom.

Hair Color:


Tomoki dresses in gothic clothing, switching between the different types of gothic clothing.

Abnormalities/Birth defects:
Tomoki was born with albinism

Date of Birth:

October 29

Place of Birth:
Kyoto, Japan




Sexual Orientation:
Aromantic , Homosexual

Religious Beliefs:

Pantheistic and spiritual

General Appearance


a striking figure standing at six feet tall, possessing an ethereal quality that immediately draws attention. This man exudes an air of otherworldly beauty, his features delicate yet captivating. His skin, devoid of pigmentation, carries a pale, porcelain hue, giving him an albino appearance. His hair, perhaps a cascade of silvery strands, falls in soft waves around his face, framing his features with an almost celestial glow.

Despite his feminine allure, there's a sense of strength and resilience in his presence, accentuated by the striking Lichtenberg scar that traces down the left side of his body like a lightning bolt frozen in time. This scar, a stark contrast against his pale skin, adds an intriguing element to his appearance, hinting at a past filled with both pain and resilience.

His eyes, pools of a mesmerizing shade of lavender, They speak of wisdom and experience beyond his years, drawing others into their captivating gaze.

Dressed in gothic attire that blends elegance with a touch of otherworldliness, he moves with a grace that seems almost supernatural. Each movement is fluid and deliberate, as though he moves through the world with an innate understanding of its rhythms and secrets.

(W chatgpt)


At first glance, Tomoki seems to exist in his own enigmatic realm, his presence hovering on the edge of perception like a shadowy figure in the mist. He speaks softly, his words carrying an eerie weight that lingers in the air long after they've been uttered. His quietness isn't born out of shyness, but rather a deliberate choice.

There's a subtle, unsettling quality to their demeanor, a sense that they see and understand things beyond the realm of ordinary perception. He possessed a dark sense of humor, finding amusement in the macabre or the mysterious, His laughter echoing like the faint whisper of a ghost in the night.

Despite their unsettling nature, there's an undeniable allure to their ethereal presence. He seems to exist in a state of perpetual mystery, their thoughts and motivations hidden behind an inscrutable mask, only shown to close friends. Others are drawn to him, both fascinated and unnerved by the enigmatic energy that surrounds them.

In social settings, He prefers to linger on the fringes, observing silently rather than actively participating, unless the moment calls for it. His quietness is not a sign of disinterest, but rather a reflection of their tendency to exist in their own internal world, where reality blends seamlessly with the surreal.

Overall, Tomoki is a captivating enigma, their quiet, eerie, and ethereal personality shrouded in mystery and intrigue, leaving those who encounter them simultaneously fascinated and unsettled by the depths of their unknowable soul.

Character Voice:
[How does your character talk?]

High, feminine, and soft (Significantly less frantic speech than in the video!)

An umbrella

Several blessed talismans
A notepad made of parchment to write curses, blessings, and seals.

Black eyeliner and lipstick.


Ghost hunting.. Or anything paranormal, really.
Dancing.. specifically trad goth dancing.

Tomoki has amazing aim and hand-eye coordination.. He used to do archery as a kid.
Tomoki can recite the death dates of several random old people.
Tomoki has amazing rhythm.
Tomoki could be a psychic if he wanted, He's amazing at predictions.

Tomoki has a mother who lives in Kyoto, named Hajima. she's extremely religious, but also supportive. She'd feed into his ghost obsession and
help go all out with Halloween decorations. She's a badass old lady now, she enjoys riding motorcycles and adorning everything with crosses.

Tomoki was born in Kyoto, immediately seperated from his mother considering that he was 1, albino, and 2, born a little early. His mother, with the power of an angry motherly figure, cleaned herself and bursted into the room that tomo was kept in, demanding her baby back.
Throughout the years, Tomoki was often bullied for his skin tone and personality, resulting in his mother popping up to put other people their place, or Tomo purposefully creeping people out to leave him alone. Tomoki often relied on his mother or pets for support.

Tomoki got into the paranormal after watching a documentary at seven years old.. and even before that, he was always interested in Halloween and the belief of a deity.
Through out his teen years, Tomoki would fall deep into the spiritual rabbit hole, pushing away most romantic advances made by others his age.. mostly because he never felt romantic attraction, just a strange obsession with certain people

After turning 17, Tomoki moved to Karakura, falling in love with both the scenery and the paranormal activity going on, especially during October. Tomoki longs to make paranormal investigation club for like minded people.

This brings us to now, Tomoki is significantly more social than he's ever been, still rocking gothic clothing and scaring people who he considered 'basic'.

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