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  1. dontknowmyusername

    glitched item

    IGN: nyoari VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: White Rabbit Mask EVIDENCE:
  2. dontknowmyusername

    glitched item

    IGN: nyoari VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: White Rabbit Mask EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Right-clicked them when I had my heart sunglasses, did not know this is the reason it glitches
  3. dontknowmyusername

    Age Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): nyoari WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) [16][Grade-10] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [37][School-Janitor] EVIDENCE:
  4. dontknowmyusername

    Role Request

    IGN: nyoari WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): [37] School-Janitor YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [14] Grade-8 EVIDENCE:
  5. dontknowmyusername

    Accepted nyoari's School Janitor Application

    [OOC section] In Game Name: nyoari School Employee Role you are Applying For: School-Janitor How often do you log onto the server?: On multiple occasions I've come on everyday, this can changed though if in real life plans come up. Do you have discord? Of course! nyoari#0014 Do you have a...
  6. dontknowmyusername

    PENDING | pet languages

    IGN: nyoari (catra__) DATE: 5/21/2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: this is for my animal homies. add languages for all the animals or at least make a universal pet language for all of us to communicate. thank you goodnight <3
  7. dontknowmyusername

    Feedback for Phones

    IGN: Akuna_Cat DATE: 5/3/2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Allow people to speak different languages over the phone.
  8. dontknowmyusername

    Denied nyoari's School Librarian Application

    [OOC section] In Game Name: nyoari School Employee Role you are Applying For: School-Librarian How often do you log onto the server?: Most occasions I come on everyday, though it's hard on weekdays because of online school. Do you have discord? Of course! nyoari#0014 Do you have a...