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  1. YoureDeadSir

    Assistant Teacher role

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Jqshuas WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) [26] Assistant Teacher. YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [18] Grade - 12 EVIDENCE:
  2. YoureDeadSir

    Accepted Jqshuas - RE Assistant Teacher Application.

    Out-Of-Character Information In-Game Name: Jqshuas. Do you have discord? Yes, my discord is josh's tea#9510. Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?: Yes, I have it was for a reason that was considered "AvoidRP" because I had to do something in real life. I know now that this cannot...
  3. YoureDeadSir

    Denied YoureDeadSir - Assistant Teacher Application.

    In-Game Name: Takashi ‘Taka’ K. S. Do you have discord? josh's tea#9510 Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?: I believe I have once because I was in a detailrp but in real life, I had to go do something and I said id be back by a certain time and when I returned I saw that I was...
  4. YoureDeadSir

    Glitched Clear Rounded Glasses.

    IGN: YoureDeadSir VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Rounded Clear Glasses EVIDENCE: Evidence has been attached sorry for the bad quality I took it on my phone a while ago but you can see that I have the glasses on me, but I lost them to a glitch. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was trying to put on a mask and I...
  5. YoureDeadSir

    Role & Rank Requests

    IGN (Minecraft Username): YoureDeadsir WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) I need to be 18. YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): I'm currently 17. EVIDENCE: