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  1. wallybinski

    Lost bike. . . again-

    IGN: caramelbleh VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: red motorbike EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was doing perms and I placed my bike down before I started, just incase I would need it. When I was done with the perms, I tried to recall it and it said I had 0 vehicle to recall
  2. wallybinski

    Vehicle and Phone disappearance

    IGN: CaramelBleh VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: "Mocha" Phone and "Red motorbike" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was headed to F2 on my bike and I have a bind for /spawn (Idk if that's an allowed key bind, pretty sure it is) and I accidentally clicked it. as soon as I did so, I tried to recall my...
  3. wallybinski

    House disowning request

    USERNAME: CaramelBleh APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1442x 57y 1289z ISSUE: The owner of the place has been banned for over 30 days and i am looking to get the apartment, i tired using /seen to get the picture of them being off for 30 days but /seen wouldnt work ADDITIONAL INFORMATION...
  4. wallybinski

    Lost bike

    IGN: caramelbleh VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: red motor bike (max upgrades) EVIDENCE:
  5. wallybinski

    Lost car

    IGN: CaramelBleh VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Red Motorbike EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I tried to place it in the car mod place and when i did, it went poof.
  6. wallybinski

    Missing bike

    IGN: wallybinski VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: red motorbike EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The first one was of last night when i still had it, the second one is from today. I looked for it in my inventory but i didnt see it, so i recalled it, and i didnt get it back and i need it back.
  7. wallybinski

    Rank Request

    I dont know where to put this request at so imma just put it here. I bought a rank for a friend and his name had an underscore I didn't see. I bought it for "Risingtides" and it was meant for "RisingTides_". it was Fund+
  8. wallybinski

    My reef broke my door!

    USERNAME: Wallybinski APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1574x / 57y/ 553z ISSUE: I placed the reef on the door and the block with the sign went poof, the sign went poof, and the door went poof. i did replace the door and part of the wall on the inside ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  9. wallybinski

    Wally Ikeda's Biography

    Wally "Ollie" Ikeda The first picture is of him 6 months ago with his brother on the left, his best friend in the middle, and him on the left. The middle picture is of him in the 9th grade. And the last pic is of recent him. Basic Information Wally is 6'5 and weighs 210lbs so average weight...