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  1. Kinyuun

    KimiWasa- Introduction!

    Hello random strangers of the internet! I have no idea who you are! The possibility of you knowing who I am is pretty slim, and I understand that. I am just a shy, quiet stranger who has the same interest in role playing as you do. Well. . . I think. Who knows. I don't. Anyways! Hi. My name is...
  2. Kinyuun

    Accepted KimiWasa- Drama Teacher Application

    What is your Minecraft username?: KimiWasa How old are you?: 14 Do you have any previous bans: Yes, for reasons that I do not remember as it was indeed a long time ago (Over a year and a half and my longest ban was 24 hours) What Country are you from?: United States Do you have Discord (if so...