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  1. Bransonn

    News Reporter Application : BathTimeBranson (Bransonn)

    [OOC Section] IGN (In-Game Name): BathTimeBranson Previous bans: None Describe your activity on the server: I play every day however, I am more active on weekends Do you have Discord? Yes bransonn#4553 Do you have a microphone? Yes List your current and past applications...
  2. Bransonn

    News Reporter Application : Bath Time Branson

    [OOC Section] IGN (In Game Name): BathTimeBranson Previous bans: None Describe your activity on the server: Fairly active 4-5 days a week I play for longer on weekend than on weekdays as i have more free time Do you have Discord? Yes bransonn#4553 Do you have a microphone? Yes List...
  3. Bransonn

    Does anyone wanna be house/roommates

    Just a cool idea i thought of reply if interested :)