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  1. stxckinthmxtrix

    Valentina Tanaka biography

    Basic Information First Name: Valentina Surname: Tanaka Preferred Name: Val...
  2. stxckinthmxtrix

    lost stuff

    IGN: melonlmao VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: a ton of stuff in a chest it all vanished when i broke it EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Item list. Ballistic"killer bunny" 2 fake i.d's 2 spray cans fire axe...
  3. stxckinthmxtrix

    Wiped inv

    IGN: melonlmao VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: my entire inv EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i was on the basketball court and the items that are crossed out i didnt have on me at the time
  4. stxckinthmxtrix

    lost car

    IGN: AyoLilMelon VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: BMW convertible EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I had logged off and forgot to do /qav callback and it vanished. This happened last night at about 1:32 AM PST im not 100% sure though.
  5. stxckinthmxtrix

    Glitched grade

    IGN (Minecraft Username): MelonPuncher123 WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): grade-11 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): grade-7 EVIDENCE: Extra: Its kept on saying that about 4 times and isnt taking me any higher of a grade than seven.
  6. stxckinthmxtrix

    Lost car

    IGN: AyoLilMelon VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: BMW convertible EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I had logged off and forgot to do /qav callback and it vanished.
  7. stxckinthmxtrix

    Despawned Katana & Reaper

    IGN: AyoLilMelon VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Katana Reaper (Sword) EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It had despawned after i dropped it and couldnt find it
  8. stxckinthmxtrix

    Glitched shades request

    IGN: AyoLilMelon VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Club Master Raynans EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I somehow drank them when i had this on my head
  9. stxckinthmxtrix

    AyoLilMelon glitched item Thread

  10. stxckinthmxtrix

    MelonRP Despawned item Thread

    IGN: MelonRP Vehicle or Item name: Medal bat "Lucifer's bat" Evidence: Additional information: I accidentally threw my bat and we are thinking it despawned, as I mean we I mean a staff member and I.