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  1. MidFizzy

    6 yrs ago*

    6 yrs ago*
  2. MidFizzy

    Lookin good lad

    Lookin good lad
  3. MidFizzy

    Welcome to the forums!

    Welcome to the forums!
  4. MidFizzy

    Haven't seen you in a hot second

    Haven't seen you in a hot second
  5. MidFizzy

    Yuiko Volkonsky | Biography

    Favourite daughter ^
  6. MidFizzy

    who is the most popular character in SRP? or most impactful character in SRP?

    Probably Benjamin Clark tbf, like if you agree innit
  7. MidFizzy

    Can you guys sign my petition please? It’s for something really really really important…

    Can you guys sign my petition please? It’s for something really really really important…
  8. MidFizzy


  9. MidFizzy

    Forelli the alcohol family was a good one tbf. I’d join this new one guys, trust me

    Forelli the alcohol family was a good one tbf. I’d join this new one guys, trust me
  10. MidFizzy


  11. MidFizzy


    A small time machine teleporting into the future of the explosion of the earth, The End...
  12. MidFizzy

    This is my guy right here, I remember him since DAY ONE!!!

    This is my guy right here, I remember him since DAY ONE!!!
  13. MidFizzy


    ANDDD... the world blew up... the definite end of all... :)
  14. MidFizzy


    The end.
  15. MidFizzy

    W Pashy, I should have joined ur gang while i had the chance, missed a great opportunity :(

    W Pashy, I should have joined ur gang while i had the chance, missed a great opportunity :(
  16. MidFizzy

    Povredit' Volkonsky | Biography

    His death day will arrive when Vova returns to town.
  17. MidFizzy

    Hi I'm new.

    Hello I’m new, I’m MidFizzy better known as Mid! We are all so glad to see you here, I hope to see you around the town of Karakura when I return. (Karakura is the name of the town ygm.) ps. Have fun roleplaying, making friends and memories, peace ✌️
  18. MidFizzy

    Mark my words, this legend is going to fix gangRP once and for all... Just watch

    Mark my words, this legend is going to fix gangRP once and for all... Just watch
  19. MidFizzy

    Currently high on life, yfm

    Currently high on life, yfm
  20. MidFizzy

    do do.. do do do... do do do... do do do do.. do do do do do, somethin like that

    do do.. do do do... do do do... do do do do.. do do do do do, somethin like that