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[NOT IN USE] ※ Anatoly V. Kovalev ║ Character Biography ※


Level 14
I left the server (as of 6/7/2024) and have officially sent this guy back to his home country for lore purposes!
You won't be seeing him around anymore, but I'll leave this up out of nostalgia ig.
I may take it down later if I leave the forums altogether as well.

original bio post continues after this line:

※ Anatoly V. Kovalev ※
✎……Please DO NOT use this info to aid you icly

This is literally a picrew haha
(cos I don't have any colored art of him rn x-x) (this isn't 100% accurate)
Credit goes to the og artist, whoever 'PotatoLord' is. Will prolly replace later.

Basic Information
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Given Name: Anatoly
Patronymic: Vasilyevich
Surname: Kovalev
Анатолий Васильевич Ковалев

Preferred Name:

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Height: 6'3 | 192cm

Weight: About 157lbs | 71.2kg

Relatively tall and broad, Anatoly is built sturdily. However, his stature is
often reduced from lack of proper nourishment. He is often seen slightly underweight,
though his strong build causes him to still appear more normal despite this.

He has a fair amount of lean muscle, acquired from years of street brawls or
running away from people. A pretty good portion of his mass is accounted for
in his bones, though, which are strong and dense.

Skin Color: Pale / Fair

Eye Color: Green

Hair Style:
Anatoly, not having much sense of style, keeps his hair relatively long. It is styled
in a messy, slightly frumpy-looking mullet with the bangs in the front slightly long
as well. Somehow, he still doesn't look all that bad.

Hair Color: Dusky (Light) Brown

He is most often seen in a faded red and white varsity jacket over a greyish or white shirt.
Usually his pants are rolled slightly at the cuffs, and he sports a pair of worn white sneakers.

During the winter, he opts for a warmer brown coat lined with fur - you know, that kind that has the

fur around the collar? He also owns one of those stereotypical 'Russian hats' in case you were
wondering, since his coat has no hood. :)

Anatoly has a noticeable scar over his right eye that runs from his brow to under his cheekbone.
His eye is still intact, however - ever wonder what your browbone is for? :)

He doesn't usually talk about how he got the injury, but its not actually as cool of a reason
as one might think.

Date of Birth: November 11th
(Some random number I just pulled out my butt)

Place of Birth: Kirov, Russia

Sexual Orientation: Unexplored

Religious Beliefs:
He was raised loosely Christian, though currently
harbours no religious beliefs

Political Beliefs:
He's something of a traditionalist, but really
doesn't care/doesn't have time to care
about politics.

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫
General Appearance

Anatoly usually presents as if he has little care for his appearance or the opinions of
others. He tends to dress simply and retains an 'idle stance' of looking constantly tired

and irritable, frequently shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket.

He either has an RBF, a bored expression, or a constant look of exhaustion.

Anatoly can be most easily described as blunt and simple-minded. He isn't very intelligent,
but has quite a bit of street smarts and can be quite clever at times. He tends to seem distant
or hard to approach, initially appearing callous and disinterested.

He tends to care little about people he doesn't know, but he sometimes develops soft spots for
certain individuals. If he holds a person in high regard or cares about them, he will be quick to
defend them if a situation were to arise. Sometimes, he can become very protective over others.

He doesn't tend to care about material possessions like this, having been raised poor and not
really ever forming attachments to items.

Anatoly struggles with picking sides and tends to remain on the fence about a lot of things. He
prefers choosing people over groups, and doesn't tend to go for group loyalty. His social repertoire is

generally quite small and he seldom tries to reach out to new people. If someone catches his eye that
he begins to have a desire to get to know, he will not engage with them and instead simply watch
them from afar or even try to get near them in a way that isn't obvious or weird.

Even though Anatoly isn't very personable and tends to be hard to talk to, especially with his
struggles with language, he becomes a lot more friendly and interesting when one gets to know
him. He can be quite energetic at times and even has a decent sense of humour - though he can
really only make jokes in his native language. Despite his initial appearance, he can pretty much
just be a regular guy when in situations he's comfortable with.

When drunk, Anatoly becomes exponentially more outgoing, loud, and bold. He gets borderline
chaotic and also flusters easily with intoxication. :)) Most of what he says makes no sense and
he tends to revert to speaking solely Russian, however, though that won't stop him from trying
if someone tries to talk to him in Japanese.

Character Voice:
Anatoly speaks simply with a heavy Russian accent. He has a mid-to-low pitch voice which
sounds almost a bit rough, but still young. He is not entirely confident in Japanese and
frequently forgets words. He also tends to sound quite dry and monotone when speaking

When speaking Russian he becomes a lot more expressive and fluent with his speech, and his
tone shifts more with what he's saying. His register also shifts up just a little bit.

Usually he only carries snacks and a flip-phone. However, he frequently has a bottle of
vodka on him for lack of anywhere else to put it. :')

Clothes: See fashion

Hobbies: Not really haha

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Anatoly tends to be rash and act impulsively, not taking into account long term consequences
or the big picture. He also has a lot of trouble with admitting when he is wrong or apologising.

It's not that he doesn't know/think he did wrong, he just can't bring himself to admit or say
that out loud.

He also has a small problem with alcoholism, which bothers the people closest to him at times.
He has trouble listening to reason, however, and doesn't care about problems that might
arise from his habits.

Anatoly is a also a runner - when he faces a problem he can't fix, he runs from it. He doesn't
think, but does. And often, his actions have consequences he doesn't think about.

Also, he is 'directionally challenged' and frequently gets lost. He has trouble with mental
mapping and memorising routes, frequently traveling through the sewers because he finds
them easier to use. Sometimes, he even has trouble distinguishing left from right.

Most notably, Anatoly has aquaphobia (aka hydrophobia, though this term tends to be associated with rabies..)
- He absolutely hates coming into contact with water, and he gets incredibly uncomfortable if he
becomes wet. Under some circumstances, he may even have an extreme reaction to water, including
breakdowns/panic attacks. HOWEVER, he is capable of willfully bypassing the fear in order to drink,
wash his hands, shower, etc. but its still incredibly uncomfortable for him in many cases! His fear
stems mostly from when the situation is out of his control.

He is pretty proficient with fighting, being raised in difficulty and living amongst crime for
pretty much all his life. He also runs fairly fast, but his acrobatic skills are kinda just
sad. :')

Anatoly has a thing for 'people watching' - due to his communication challenges, he tends
to prefer watching people rather than talking with them. Frequently he can be found causally
staring at groups of people, watching or listening intently to see if he can pick up on their
conversations. For him, its less of a creepy thing and more that he gets annoyed at his
inability to understand people in most situations - with others speaking Japanese most of
the time.

Also, when asked for his 'middle name' by people in Japan, he provides the name 'Vitaly.' This

is mostly because of the Russian patronymics custom, where the equivalent to a middle name
is taken from the father's name. Anatoly never knew his father and frankly wants nothing to
do with the man, so feels pretty detached from his patronymic. Therefore he decided to tell
people in Japan a different name since they don't tend to know about patronymics. He chose

Vitaly for his own personal reasons - it wasn't just a random choice, but it doesn't have some
super deep meaning or anything.

Anatoly no longer keeps in contact with his family, having left them all in Russia. He had a negative-
leaning relationship with most of them, including his mother. He also has 4 older siblings, only
one of which he meaningfully connected with. He harbours little affection for most of his family
and doesn't intend on seeing them again if he doesn't have to. As earlier stated, he never met his

Other Relationships:
Enid Konoe
Nissa Asahi Close friend
Alex A. AndradaRoommate
Ethan Nakamura The guy
that forces him to talk >:0

Yakov Sidorov He doesn't
actually know this guy, but
frequently buys his vodka

(I swear I put him here for a reason :') )
(If your character knows him feel free to lmk and I can add them if you want <3)

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫
(Basicly the extended version of the one from my lang app :') )
Anatoly was born in Russia and raised by a single mother, an insufferable woman who spent little time with him besides what was required. She was a perfectionist and a hypocrite - a combination that can be obvious in how it could negatively impact their family. He is the youngest of 5 siblings - the eldest child was a daughter, who Anatoly didn't speak with much due to their age gap - though she was the one who gave the most support to the family in many ways. The second born was a son, undeniably the 'golden child' and their mother's favorite. He took great pleasure in ordering Anatoly around from a young age and they had a bitter rivalry, being the only two boys in the family. The brother also treated Anatoly poorly for as long as he couldn't fight back, even borderlining on abuse - though as soon as Anatoly got strong enough to retaliate he stopped. The middle child embodied the stereotype, being a rebellious young lady and frequently angering their mother, who called her the disgrace of the family. She ran around with her friends late at night doing all sorts of unsavory activities, and ended up running away shortly before her 17th birthday. Anatoly didn't talk to her much.

The only of his 4 siblings who he had a positive relationship with was his older sister, the 4th child. She was close enough to him in age to where they would interact during childhood, and treated him in a way that actually made him feel okay with being near her. She was a caring person, and would often stick up for him when he needed it. But she was also an optimist, always looking at the world through rose-tinted lenses. She never seemed to pick up on Anatoly's problems and needs, even if he tried to bring them to her. So their relationship wasn't enough when things started going south.

After a long series of insinuating circumstances, Anatoly ended up in Japan at age 16 - technically, he ran away, mostly to get away from his overbearing mother and older siblings. He managed to piggyback off of a friend who was traveling to Japan, scraping together all the money he could - some of it may or may not have been obtained by less-than-legal measures; his family was relatively poor. He was pretty desperate, and even though he literally knew nothing about Japan or Japanese in general, he managed to convince his friend to let him tag along, and he left his hometown of Kirov for the first time in his life to go to a foreign country he knew barely anything about - again, he's a bit slow, and doesn't tend to look at the larger picture. Upon arriving in Japan, he realized that he might have made a grave mistake with his life, but there was no turning back now. Literally - he could not afford another ticket back.

His friend ended up helping him out quite a lot during this time, and even coached him somewhat on the Japanese language. He really only managed to learn a few simple phrases and words, and tended to avoid speaking to people in Japan because of his low confidence with the language. He generally felt incredibly out of place; however, he did notice the unexpected amount of people who spoke Russian in Karakura. He figured that might have been why his friend chose to come here. Eventually, he managed to convince his friend to get him a tutor, which mostly consisted of him begging mercilessly and swearing up and down that he would pay his friend back eventually. His friend, being a sympathetic for him, caved and agreed, seeing that Anatoly really did need some help with the language. The tutor worked tirelessly with him, though was frequently frustrated with his inattentive nature and lack of study habits - but by the time he was almost 18 he could at least hold a conversation. He struggles most with writing, finding the Japanese script incredibly different from his native Russian, but was able to read okay for what it was worth. He had also been enrolled in a class in the school for learning Japanese as a second language, which helped him with expanding his knowledge in the language. His tutoring ended up being cut short when his friend got fed up with his freeloading and told him he needed to start getting his life together, effectively ending their friendship (which Anatoly probably deserved, as a lot of his behaviour was quite toxic, though he got some life lessons from it.) Struggling with his low level of skill in Japanese, he was forced to do anything and everything he could to get a better grip on the language. He managed to make a few acquaintances, who took pity on him and helped him out with his language learning, and slowly became friends with him along the way. Even though Anatoly is easily irritated, and generally appears distant and hard to approach, he's genuinely a good kid - though he had a difficult life, which shaped many of his mannerisms and views.

Currently he has adjusted to his new reality, having come to terms with a lot of what had happened in his life and hoping to start his own story in Japan. He retained his knowledge of Russian, and obviously prefers using it over Japanese, but being stuck in Japan he has to do what he can since most of the people he speaks to speak Japanese. One day he hopes to go back to Russia, though he tends to keep his hopes down about that for at least the next long while, considering he's frequently broke and can barely afford to feed himself and slowly pay back what he owes to his ex-friend. Deep inside, he has a pit of guilt buried as far down as he could force it - he wishes he could apologise to his sister. He had a fight with her shortly before running away, and it wasn't her fault. He never told her goodbye.

It wasn't long before his inner turmoil sprouted new problems for himself, and his tendency for running away didn't help. He ended up picking up a bit of an alcohol problem, and frequently finds himself blowing all his money on vodka. His friends disapprove of this, but when they confront him about it he either argues and doesn't listen, or just runs off. He doesn't know how to ask for or accept help, having always had to deal with things on his own. He doesn't understand that it's okay to need support, and frequently ends up inadvertently pushing away the people that care about him. He gave up pretending a long time ago, and his attitude stays sour most of the time when he goes on his down swings. He speaks bitterly and can't stand it when people ask him too many questions. He almost always answers with blunt, short answers and doesn't elaborate much. It's not as bad when he isn't too low on the 'emotional rollercoaster, but he still seems a bit down most of the time, and extremely easily irritable.

"Asking for help is never a sign of weakness. It's one of the bravest things you can do. And it can save your life." -Lily Collins

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