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﹙✦ ┈┈ H. "Oliver" Hitobashira ﹚︐ . . . ﹕Character Biography


Level 17
∗ㅤㅤㅤㅤ╱ㅤㅤㅤㅤdo not take anything here icly if you
didn't find out about it icly. this is merely a biography.

[!] TW for mentioned abuse & suicide later on in the bio. [!]

For the best experience, feel free to listen to this character's playlist!


"Memes aside, Rick Astley
has some banger songs!"

Alexei Kuàng

PREF. NAME,ㅤOliver
Alexei Hitobashira-O'Sullivan

Ollie, Bunny man,
Alex / Lexi / Alexei

May 15th

Biologically male


as of
5.25.23, Single

Sayonara Gift Shop employee

PERSON,ㅤRussian &
Chinese, Asian



"I always get mistaken for a girl.
It's quite funny, honestly!"

a young man who stands at 5'4
with short & fluffy, unkempt —
chestnut brown hair. His build was
rather feminine, as he was more
on the slimmer side with a curvy
figure. His eyes were a beautiful
shade of emerald green, & across
his nose & beneath his eyes danced
light freckles that stood out on his
fair complexion. Spreading across
his neck was a large scar while the
back left of his neck had a small
tattoo of a white rabbit's face. There
were other scars across his body,
but they were often hidden by his

FASHION,ㅤOliver can usually
be seen wearing very cutesy &/or
feminine clothing (ex. skirts). Yeah,
he likes to cross-dress as well — &
he rocks his fits, so it works!

young man has a few specific
items he almost always has with
him! The most obvious one is
his bunny backpack, which he
keeps his special notebook, his
inhaler (+ prescription) & his
iconic Moomin plushie in! Along
with this, & as of recently, he
can be seen with a propeller hat
on relatively frequently. He also
has a dinosaur plushie which
was given to him by his friend,
Rini Kōraru. A hand-crafted
plushie that reminds him of the
one his mother made for him
long ago.

VOICE,ㅤOliver's voice is meant
to be somewhere between soft
& firm. Not too high, not too
low. As such, for his Eng. & Jap.
voices, I believe (with help from
a friend) these two voices suit
him well!

NAJIMI's English voice! He's the one with the light purple hair, for those who don't watch the anime. His voice isn't too high or too low & fits with the silliness of the character. I think it fits well.
MIDORIYA's Japanese voice! His probably seems a bit of an odd choice, but his voice fluctuates between high (when excited & embarrassed) & low (when he's being serious, mumbling to himself, etc.). I believe it fits relatively well.


"I always get called a child,
but I'm really just a silly-
goofy person, y'know!"

OVERVIEW,ㅤOliver is known
for being an energetic boy
who can never keep still. He's
always grinning or smiling
& goofing off. His charisma
is radiant & his energy often
rubs off on those around
him! However, he has a quick
wit & isn't afraid to dish
out remarks (sarcastic or not)
if he deems it warranted.
He is protective of those he
holds dear to him, which
has gotten him in quite a
few sticky situations before.
He doesn't regret any of
it, though.

C-PTSD, otherwise known as Complex Post-Traumatic Stress disorder | Oliver has yet to be officially diagnosed with this, but he does have it due to years of relentless abuse from his biological father. Unfortunately, he also discovered his mother's deceased corpse an hour after she took her own life. He often makes jokes about his father's abuse, or openly sharing that his mother is dead. However, he is restless because of nightmares surrounding these events — even if it doesn't appear as such. When it comes to parental abuse, he can behave impulsively & aggressively, not taking a moment to think first. His emotions control him when he is triggered instead of his mind. As such, he may lash out on those who attempt to stop him from doing something rash. These are only some of the symptoms he shows.

ADHD, otherwise known as Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder | Also undiagnosed, Oliver has shown multiple symptoms of ADHD ever since he was young. It's difficult for him to sit in place for a long period of time, which results in him fidgeting a lot or moving about constantly. He struggles to complete tasks that take an extended period of time or focus, which plays a role in his reluctance to attending classes. He also has verbal stims that happen at random times. These are only some of the symptoms he shows.
Asthma | Oliver was diagnosed with asthma when he was very young & almost always has his inhaler on him. Sometimes he'll forget it at his apartment, but he does his best not to.

CHARISMA % 10/10
AGILITY % 6.5/10
LOYALTY % 10/10

EXPLORING | Oliver is known for his adventurous nature. He loves to explore, whether it be the sewers, the forest or even the mountains — he's covered tons of areas. This curiosity of his has led him to meet all sorts of people & end up in many situations.. both good & bad.

DRAWING | Ever since he was a little child, Oliver has loved art. He's exceptionally talented at drawing & can occasionally be seen with a book & pencil in hand. Perhaps you'll find a few of his drawings spray painted on certain walls around the town every now & then!

BAKING / COOKING | This man is incredible at cooking & baking! Oliver loves food just as much as he loves making it, so this is something he does fairly often. He loves making food & baking sweets for his friends.
ANIMALS | Oliver adores animals! His most notable favorites are bunnies/rabbits & foxes. He has two fox friends & can occasionally be seen observing the bears in the forest — cautiously & carefully, of course. He believes that, aside from a select few people, animals are infinitely better than humans! As such, he will not tolerate any kind of abuse to animals.

MILK | He loves milk. Strawberry, chocolate, banana, regular — no matter the flavor, he'll drink it! He always carries some on him as well.

SWEETS | This man has a huge sweet tooth. If you give him sweets of any kind, he will love you forever (for the most part). He often keeps a few snacks on his person because of this.

STUFFED ANIMALS / PLUSHIES | He loves them so, so much. He always carries his dino plushie (a gift from Rini Corvid) with him as a result & is always wanting to buy many plushies. To him, they're a source of comfort & he will have a full-on breakdown if he loses the ones gifted to him by friends or found family.

ALCOHOL | Yeah, yeah.. He knows he's not of the legal age to drink, but that never stops him. Funnily enough, he probably drinks more responsibly than half of those legally able to do. Oliver doesn't drink often, but he does like certain alcoholic beverages!
He totally doesn't have a stash, haha..
BEANS & PEAS | He hates how squishy they are & how they taste.

CIGARETTES | Aside from the smoke irritating his lungs, Oliver despises cigarettes & their scent. It reminds him of his father.


"I know so many people that I'm
rivalling Mr. World Wide!"

Matvey Eugene Kuàng | Biological Father | ALIVE
"You've caused me nothing but pain & even drove mom to her death. I hope you rot for the shit you've done. I have a better dad now."

Yilin Alexei Kuàng | Biological Mother | DECEASED
"Sometimes I wonder why you left me behind.. left me to fend for myself against that man. Yet.. at the same time, I can't hold it against you because I know you were hurting too — if not more-so than me. I just hope you're at peace now.. I love you, mom. There's not a day that goes by where I don't miss you."

Kotaro Hitobashira | Adoptive Father | ALIVE
"I know I'm a handful, but thank you for tolerating me & considering me your son! I wish we met much sooner, but I'm glad you're in my life now. I love you, dad!"

Fiorenza Ōshiro Kōraru | TBD | ALIVE
"Fioooo! I love causing chaos & messing with dad with you! It's always fun, hehe.~ .. Maybe at some point I'll be able to see you as a mom.."

Yukiko Hitobashira | Adoptive Sister | ALIVE
"Yukiiii! I'm glad I'm not the shortest one anymore, hehe.~ I love you lots & hope you know that I will keep you safe no matter what! I'll never let those people take you away & neither will dad."

Micah O'Sullivan | Brother Figure | ALIVE
"Mimi! My closest bestie & person I've known the longest! I trust you with my life, really. Being separated from you for all those years was terrible.. I missed you every day-- I'm sorry that I couldn't contact you or let you know we were moving.. BUT we're reunited now & as close as ever! You're a brother to me & I would do anything to keep you safe. I swear I'll never abandon & shut you out like they did. Never.. I love you lots, Micah."

Okemia 'Mia' Rene Kuroki | Found Family | ALIVE
"Mia, Mia! Another one of my closest besties! You're such a strong, kind-hearted & loving person.. You're always so selfless. You remind me of my mom.. I'm sure you & her would've gotten along very well — she would've undoubtedly adored you & shown you her writing from her early childhood. I hope you know I'd do everything in my power to keep you safe. I love you & am always here if you need me!"

Kuragari 'Kura' Otosu | Found Family | ALIVE
"Kuraaaa! I haven't seen you in so long! You gotta come visit us sometime. You were one of my first friends in Karakura & someone I grew to consider family! I hope you & Enari are doing well & living happily!"

Aya O. Fukushima | Sister Figure | ALIVE
"My fellow hyperactive buddy! It's always fun hanging out with you & you're such a sweet person! I will fight anyone who dares to hurt you."

Maruoka "Vendetta" H. | Brother Figure | ???
"I miss you, V.. I don't know if you're still alive, but if you are, I hope you've found peace & left revenge behind."

Hideyoshi 'Hide' Momoyama | Brother Figure | ???
"I know you left because of the mistakes you made & the guilt that followed.. But I wish you didn't. I wish you stayed-- Are you even still alive? I hope you are. Please.. come back one day."

Jae-hwa Senndouku | Brother Figure | ALIVE
"I haven't seen you in quite a while, Jae! I'm glad Yutsu visits us, but you should accompany her sometimes! I miss your piggyback rides, hehe.~"

Juuzou "Stitches" Koji | Brother Figure | ALIVE
"We're two short, chaotic kings who shall rule the world! Hehe!~"

"Calico" C. O'Sullivan | Auntie Figure | ALIVE
"I love how it's a universal thing that you're everyone's mom, hehe. I consider you an auntie more than anything else, though! Also, thank you for taking care of Mimi!"

Ichigo B. Takeo | Brother Figure | ALIVE
"Even though you constantly call me a bottom, I still love you!"

Takara K. Lin | Found Family | ALIVE
"I haven't seen you in so long.. But I hope you're doing well, Taka. We should have a sleepover whenever you're in town again!"

The rest is a WIP because I lack energy to add everyone else.
Most of this is subject to change, so keep that in mind! Hope
you enjoyed the read otherwise!
Last edited:


Level 17
Thread starter

* added 2 others to his familial relations
* changed his marital status
* added to his signature items


Level 42
Community Team
Lore Team
everytime I read the one about Mia it makes me cry. Oliver is such a amazing character I love him.

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