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Denied _LeanAddict | Librarian Application


Level 7
What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):
I am 19 years old

What is your time zone?:
My time zone is Pacific Standard Time (PST)

Describe your activity on the server:
Right now oocly, I am a college student and work two jobs at the moment, so it does become hard to get online most of the time, but most of the time I am on around 5 hours a day through the work week and weekends.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Yes, I was banned once for hacking on the server, it was over a year ago and I have learned from my mistakes and I play the server in a safe and respectful manner to all players

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I acknowledge if I am inactive on the server, I will be demoted from my position as a Librarian.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am applying for the library position on the server

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The function of a librarian is essential in any educational setting because it offers a secure and friendly space where students can use books to learn and explore. In my role as a librarian, I would take great pleasure in choosing and acquiring books, periodicals, and other resources that meet the needs and reading levels of every student, making sure that everyone has the chance to improve their knowledge and abilities via literature. I would make every effort to maintain our collection current and offer a wide variety of genres to suit the interests of each and every student. Librarians oversee the standard duties of material selection and organization, but they also make sure students can access information through research. I would never stop working to make sure our students have the resources and tools they need to succeed in their academic endeavors; to offer assistance with referencing and citation; and to support students with any research projects they might require assistance with. I would actively look for opportunities to work with teachers to develop programs that support our students' success and I would make myself available to all students. Since I know that communication is essential in my role as a librarian, I will make sure to actively engage with students to learn about them and their interests in addition to keeping our collection current with the newest publications and trends. I would collaborate closely with educators to pinpoint any gaps in our collection and endeavor to create a strategy to close these gaps. By working together and communicating well, we would give our students the best tools available to guarantee their academic success. I would take great satisfaction in my role as a librarian in making sure that our students have the best opportunity to improve their knowledge and abilities through literature. Choosing and acquiring books, periodicals, and additional resources, maintaining our library, creating educational initiatives, and offering assistance with research are all parts of my dedication to giving our students the best tools for both academic and personal success.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have started the School Roleplay back in the year 2020. I slowly got better in the concept of understanding the rules and knowing what to do in roleplay situations. I have made friends along the way that helped me get better at being respectful and experienced in the roleplay field. Applying for this position will certainly expand the range of roleplay that I am able to do.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
Playing on the School Roleplay server has given me the chance to take on different roles and experience a variety of scenarios. Although I have always been a student, my interest in other roles, like those of teachers, administrators, and staff, has grown. By experimenting with these various roles, I hope to improve my knowledge of the server, expand my skill set, and push my roleplaying creativity. Upon discovering that the librarian position was open, I was thrilled about the prospect of submitting an application. The job offers me the chance to try out a new role that I have never taken on before, in addition to fitting in with my interests in organization and literature. Considering I would be able to learn new roleplaying techniques and engage with other players on the server in a different way if I became a Librarian. It's an opportunity to contribute to establishing a friendly and safe environment and helping students who require assistance. In addition, I think that by submitting an application for a staff position like a librarian, I can encourage other players who might be in a similar situation to mine—wanting to try out different roles but not knowing where to begin. My intention in assuming a new role is to inspire others to follow suit and expand their roleplaying horizons. I'm excited to apply on the School Roleplay server for the Librarian position.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Lost Vehicle (PENDING)
Lost Items (
_LeanAddict Ban Appeal (
VapesKill House (
Lost Item (
Lost Item (
_Lukie Ban Appeal (Other Account) (
Lost Item (
Lost Item (
Lost Item (
Lost Item (
Lost Item (
Giantism Application (
Korean Lang Application (
Korean Lang Application (DENIED)
Italian Lang Application (
Italian Lang Application (
Lost Item (
Age Change (
College Rank Request (
Minge (
_Lukie Ban Appeal (Other Account) (
_Lukie Ban Appeal (Other Account) (
Lost Item (
Lost Item (
Lost Item (
Lost Item (
Rank Request (

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
I am currently in college and my degree level is a Bachelor's Degree.


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
In this situation, my character would remain calm and composed, not allowing the student's behavior to provoke a reaction from my character. My character would then respond to the student respectfully and professionally, even in the face of disrespectful language. My character would then respond to the student in the following way saying "I am here to assist you and help you in any way I possibly can while you are here in the Library, but please refrain from using derogatory language within the vicinity." If the student continues to disrespect and curse my character, he would then set boundaries, by letting them know that their behavior is unacceptable and should be directed in a more respectful manner. Lastly, if the situation does escalate and get out of hand, my character will follow the school library policies and get someone of higher authority to handle the situation further

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
In this situation, I would first call for assistance in this situation as the students in the fight and others within the vicinity are top priorities. My character would not intervene physically as any person who is not of security personnel at the school is not generally advised to physically intervene in this situation, this can lead to injuries or escalation of the situation. As my character won't be physically intervening, my character would stay a good distance away from the fight, calling for assistance to help with the situation at hand. If it is safe to do so in this situation my character uses verbal communication, talking in a calm and firm tone, telling the students to stop fighting and wait for assistance. When assistance arrives, I would carefully describe the two students who are fighting and exactly what happened.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
In this situation, My character would think about everyone in the school environment as the safety of all students and faculty is of utmost importance. If my character sees that the employee's actions are endangering others and themselves, he would take immediate action to address the situation. My character would then gather as much information about the employee's actions as possible, understanding the context and the extent of the danger involved. My character would then contact any upper authorities in the school to report the inappropriate and dangerous behavior. This would be done in accordance with school protocol. While reporting this to higher authority in the school, my character would keep their tone in a calm and respectful tone, keeping up with the professionalism of the school.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
When my character is in the breakroom of the school, my character will give the other staff the respect they deserve by keeping the noise level down as he would not want to disturb the other staff from their breaks and not disrupting others while they are on their breaks. While in the breakroom, my character will keep the room clean, by cleaning up any spills that are caused by my character, trash being put away into the respective bins, and ensuring that the area is left in good condition when leaving to go back into position. Of course in a break room, it is common to have social interaction with other coworkers, my character would engage in casual conversation, share stories, or just simply relax with the other staff. He would be friendly and open to any of the staff that is in the break room at the time. Being in the breakroom, of course, you still have to follow the rules. My character will respectfully follow all the rules that are put in place in the break room such as food storage, the use of appliances, or any restrictions on break room behavior.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

the male would walk into the library, he would then head towards the windows, opening them all up to let in the fresh air outside. He would take in a deep breath and then exhale, smiling as he looked outside at the beautiful morning. He would then head to his desk, putting his bag down next to his chair. He would then log on to his computer, making sure that everything on the computer is correct and up to date before pushing into his chair and heading over to his coffee maker, he would then take his favorite mug, placing it under the coffee maker, he would then open the lid to the empty pot and would fill the pot with water, then placing the pot into the coffee machine, he would then place his favorite flavor of coffee into the machine and would press the start button the machine. As the coffee maker was brewing his coffee, he would then rummage through his bag, taking out the book he was reading, "The Psychology of Money" by Morgan Housel. As his coffee finishes brewing, he would then takes the coffee mug from the maker, takes a sip of the coffee, and smiles as the taste satisfies his taste buds, he then places the mug down, picks up the book, and opens the page to the selected chapter he had marked down in his book.

/me the male would lean back in his chair, indulging in his book as students kept coming and going throughout the library. He would then finish the chapter in his book, placing the book back into his bag neatly into his bag, before sitting up straight, looking around the library, and smiling at the passing students that were passing by. He would then turn to his right, looking at his cart full of returned books from previous students, he would then stand up, stretching out his back, as he firmly grabbed the cart tightly, he would then push the cart around to different sections, stopping at specific spots, taking random books from the cart, placing the books in alphabetical order according to the authors last name and into each genre of literature. He would do this for some time until depleting the cart until empty, he would smile after being satisfied with finishing the cart, he would then push the cart back to its original spot, take a seat back into his chair, and take a sip of his coffee.

/me The male would be sitting down in his seat, taking a sip of his coffee, he would be enjoying his book as he kept getting farther and farther into the chapter. He would then hear footsteps approaching his desk, seeing that a student was standing in front of his desk, putting down his book as quickly as possible in an efficient manner, he would give the student a smile before hearing what question the student had for him. He would listen attentively to what the student was asking of him, before nodding and giving the student a warm, before standing up from his chair and walking out from behind his desk, motioning the student to follow him, he would mention some popular books that are intertwined with the students' questions, smiling as the student nodded their head to the recommendations he gave to them. He would then walk into the section that most likely has the answer to the student's question. He would then look up and down the shelves, looking for any books that may interest the student. He would then smile, grabbing a few that possibly will answer the student's question. He would then hand the book firmly to the student, smiling as the student walked away with the books in their hand.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
Bill Uno
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Mr. Uno
Preferred Name:
Mr. Uno

Age (Minimum is 25):

Academic Degree:
Master's Degree
Master's of Library Science

Known Languages:

Bill K. Uno's background, interests, and love of learning all had an impact on his unusual and exciting path to becoming a librarian. Bill spent his early years surrounded by the beauty of the natural world and the calm of a close-knit community in a small, tranquil town in the center of America, where he was born. Bill showed signs of an unquenchable curiosity from an early age. He would explore the nearby woods for hours on end, gathering rocks, leaves, and anything else that caught his attention. His curiosity was fostered by his parents, who were both lifetime learners and enthusiastic readers. Their house was overflowing with literature, and Bill could frequently be found engrossed in a book or scouring encyclopedias. As Bill grew older, his passion for reading and knowledge grew even further. He was an outstanding student who excelled academically, obtaining high marks and establishing himself as the resource for information and research. His teachers were aware of his ability and pushed him to go to college. Bill decided to follow their advice and majored in library science when he enrolled in a public university. In college, Bill read more and became more interested in libraries and literature. During his internship at the university library, he learned a lot about categorizing, arranging, and helping students with their research requirements. The more time he spent learning and being immersed in books, the more he came to understand that becoming a librarian was his genuine calling. Following the completion of a bachelor's program in library science, Bill continued on to get his master's in the same field. He did exceptionally well in his studies and had a strong commitment to his career. After finishing his master's degree, he started working at the public library in the town and soon became well-known there. With his encyclopedic knowledge, kind demeanor, and ability to interact with customers of all ages, Bill became a cherished member of the community. Bill developed as a librarian over the years, bringing in new initiatives, adding to the library's holdings, and inspiring a passion for reading in a great number of people. His transformation from an inquisitive youngster roaming the woods to a committed librarian encouraging others to have the same curiosity was evidence of the power of knowledge, and It made a big difference in the neighborhood he worked in.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
First and foremost, I firmly think that information is a powerful tool and that a well-stocked library may have a significant influence on students' academic paths. I've always been intrigued by the idea of introducing people to the worlds of books, study, and knowledge. I see the chance to mentor and assist pupils in a crucial stage of their intellectual growth in a high school context. My values are perfectly aligned with Karakura High School's commitment to fostering students' academic growth. The idea of being a key resource for instructors and students, supporting them in their pursuit of knowledge, investigation, and personal development, excites me. A young person's high school years are transformative, and I hope to help mold their insatiable curiosity and commitment to lifelong learning. In addition, I think it's a really great idea to be a part of a dynamic and diverse educational community. The diverse community at Karakura High School presents a stimulating chance to interact with people from a variety of backgrounds and viewpoints. In my role as a librarian, I would be committed to building a collection of materials that honors this diversity and meets the wide range of needs and interests of the student body. In conclusion, my steadfast belief in the value of education, my desire to cultivate a love of learning, and my dedication to serving the school community are the main reasons I decided to apply to be a librarian at Karakura High School. The idea of playing a significant role in the academic life of the school, mentoring students throughout their academic careers, and assisting them in realizing their full potential excites me. Karakura High School is the perfect place for me to follow my passion and have a significant impact as a librarian because of its commitment to excellence and students' welfare.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
In my opinion, I am the best person to fill the role of librarian at Karakura High School. I am the best candidate for this position because of my credentials and enthusiasm for teaching, which set me apart from the other candidates. I have a master's degree in library science and a ton of experience working in academic and public libraries, so I have the know-how and abilities to be successful in this role. My passion for learning and my desire to see students share that passion are what drive me greatly. I view the library as a place where I can actively interact with the school community, not just a place to store books. I am committed to working with educators, developing programs, and incorporating library resources into the curriculum that promote scholarly inquiry, like reading challenges and book clubs. I'm able to stay on top of library technology thanks to my tech-savvy and adaptability, which keeps the library current and vibrant. Furthermore, I am dedicated to curating a collection that reflects the diversity of Karakura High School, and I recognize the value and significance of cultural sensitivity in this context. I am prepared to engage with students and staff at Karakura High School. I have excellent communication skills and a sincere passion for the position. I will actively listen to their needs and provide the tools and resources that will enhance their educational experience. The chance to support the student's academic success and personal development at the school excites me, so I'm the best candidate for the librarian position.

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:
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Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

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