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[Accepted] Relevance | School Council Application | Reib

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Level 152
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
How old are you?:
What Country are you from?:
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):
Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
All my applications on this account were privately messaged to the regarding role play factions leader.
Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
I'm always active during the weekends (Friday evening - Sunday night [9:00 PM]) as I am very free during that time period. However, I may not go on the server during Monday - Thursday as my parents would prevent me and I have highly important examinations coming up. I am also on the forums daily, therefore I would claim my forum activity mostly active.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do acknowledge it and I shall act accordingly.


What is the Student Council?:
The Student Council is a group of students which have the responsibility to come up with ideas for the improvement of the educational facilities in the school.
What happens in the School Council?:
The events that occur within the Student Council is the ideal thoughts for improvement of the educational system and hosting ideas of events.
Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?:
I do not have a preference for this duty, as I am willing to work with a majority of players which are in the School Council. To conclude, either are fine for my liking.
Do you have any experience Roleplaying?:
I do have experience with my role play ability, as I have been on the server for over 9 months and I have barely any notice of failure to role play. I have gotten mostly positive comments about role play ability and I have been recognised by a few staff/ex-staff as a generally good role player.

Roleplay Scenario

You are on the Student Council and the chairman submits an awful idea. What do you do?:
I would proceed to be rational but negative towards the chairman's comment, telling him that his idea wouldn't be helpful towards the Student Council and the School as a whole.
You submit an idea - everyone hates it. How do you deal with the situation?:
I would first be a bit annoyed, however I would again show my rational side and take their thoughts into case so I can further more submit more sensible ideas.
There is a split decision on an idea. The Councilors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?:
I would proceed to raise my voice and attempt to listen to both sides and possibly find a middle-based decision. On wards, if the argument is continuing, I would report the incident to the Student Council President and ask for his conclusion of the argument.

In-Character Information

Characters name:

Rikuta Sasketa
Characters gender:
Characters age:
What Student Council Position are you applying for?:
A regular Councillor.
Why do you want this position? :
I am wanting this position as I have taken interest in role playing as a Councillor. I feel as role play, getting more stale as a student, would definitely give more boredom and less creativity for role play. This role would definitely cure this staleness and I definitely want to be included in more school activities and possibly escalate the future of the SchoolRP activity. I am more than happy to take the role if accepted and I will show why it would be a good decision to pick me.


I generally hope you understand that my activity will not be fatal, as I will obviously be around during the holidays (Half-term, Winter, Spring, Summer e.t.c) and that would show more of my inclusion in the School Council activity.
Any additional information you would like to add to your application?: N/A
Do you have any questions?: I do not have any at the moment, I would be more than happy to Privately Message you if I get confused about a certain detail. Thank you for reading.


Level 32
- Great answers to questions!
- You are active on the forums and server each week.
- I personally know that you're great at RP.

- I would like for you to be more active if possible, if not, I understand.

Please PM me your previous applications (who you sent them to, so I can ask them).
You will get your rank and perms within 2 weeks. If you have any questions, please pm me with them on either here or discord (which you have and know of already).
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