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Alan F. Jackson's Letter Home 'Dear Ma'


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[ ! ] OOC Note: You may not take this IC-ly, this is just a random Lore Dump. [ ! ]

Karakura, 20th of August, 2022.

A. Jackson
Receiver: S. Jackson
Receiver's Address: [Redacted for Personal Reasons]

Dear Ma, I hope you're feeling well, And I hope the help from the Tanaka Family you had accepted fondly.

Ma, I'm writing this letter to you because I am unable to visit you this year and possibly for few years to come, I'm sorry Ma, But education has been rather busy recently, And I need to focus on getting myself accepted for graduation, I hope your health condition gets better while I'm away, I will still be sending you some cash for your medical check-ups and routine monthly, Speaking of Cash, Ma, Don't worry about me either, I settled myself here nicely, and landed a Decent Job with Decent Pay, You don't have to worry about running out of money for Medicine and Medical help, Please take things lightly on yourself, Don't stress yourself over anything, You took care of me for the fullest ever since Dad Passed away, Now it's my turn to take care of you to the fullest, and I promise, I am staying away from the life we walked out of, And I hope that life doesn't find it's way to bother you anymore, Sorry Ma because this letter will be short, Having a job and attending school means I am mostly busy everyday, so I'll close this Letter with the Cheque for your monthly Medical Needs, It should be tucked behind this letter inside the Envelope when it arrived to you.

Love you Ma, I hope you get better, and Tell the Tanaka Family including Chizu that I said Hi, and hope that they are doing well aswell.

Sincerely, A. Jackson

[ ! ] A Cheque for 950k Yen, and a Photo of Jackson. [ ! ]

Minecraft Screenshot 2022.06.16 -

this also hints his biography being made :)
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