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Denied Application For Receptionist


Level 1
[OOC section]
In Game Name:
School Employee Role you are Applying For:
How often do you log onto the server?:
I log on whenever theres no school, the weekend, or when ever I can really.
Do you have discord?
Santa Patrick#9235
Do you have a microphone?
I have a built in one in my laptop
Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?:
No I have not.
Can you ensure that you will often come on:
Yes, I come on whenever I get on my PC.
Do you recognize that you can be ICly fired?:
Yes, I understand that if I fail to follow the rules or use my role for it's proper use, I can get fired and I will loose the job.
In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee:
Receptionists act like the helpers of their workplace. They can make meetings, or do forums for the administration. They can work at offices, schools, any type of place like that. In a school type workplace, they can also help the students with whatever they need.
Do you have any past experience in this type of roleplay?:
No, but this is one of the main reasons I want to do this type of roleplay. I want to branch out to all types.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I worked my way up like everyone else, from grade 7 to grade 12. I applied for Dutch and got accepted, and this gave me a boost in roleplay since I could now talk in different languages.
Are you familiar with what your job does? If so, describe it:
I believe this job would be helping the school administration with what they need, helping teachers, and students. If you have the job, you can greet students and if they get in trouble, make sure they get called to where they need to go.

During a workshift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?:
I would react calmly, if I started acting like them, it would give them a boost of attention and cause them to act like that more. I would take them to a place, like an empty classroom, and let them calm down. I would then engage in conversation with them, and ask why they chose to act like this. If it escalates, I would find a punishment deemed worthy of what they did.
You are doing a hazardous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?:
Since I must listen to the Principal, I would do the job to my fullest ability. I will do my best not to fail, and make sure I am staying safe while doing the job.
Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?:
I would confront them, and try to get them to calm down. I would ask why they are doing whatever they are doing, and see if I can help in any way.
[IC section]
Applicant Name:
Jake Concord
Chosen Job:

Motivation for Joining KHS:
I want to talk more with students, teachers, and staff members. I want to help out around the school, and help with the community.
Age (Minimum age is 25):
Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I think that I should be accepted because I love the community, and want to interact with it even more! I want to help around, get involved even more then I can as a high school student. This job will let me meet even more people, and allow me to talk to more people, in the process making new friends!


Level 135

- Your application is substandard and does not meet the requirements to fulfill the role you want. Nonetheless, we appreciate you applying.

- You may reapply in 14 days.

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