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Black Market aplication #2 [expendor-MateiGameTime]


Level 0
discord user=Expendor_officiale#2189[i dont have a microfone]
I will say that im a very nice persone fore the server,i will personaly like to have this job,not just beacouse the money but beacouze of the idea of the job,is like one of thise jobs that you dream about but is hard to get,im a realy poor person on the server like i played fore five days and i still have less than 20k [maibe is beacouse i spend all my money on food] like the most expensive thing that i have is like a flip phone A FUCKING FLIP PHONE,im frome romania a country in europe and a member of the balkans,life is very good here.
In my case I will say that i will do a very good job,I will say the fact that if i leave the market you will try to asasinate me is kinda scary my guy.

I will say that this is will be my first time working whiit a team online,it feels kinda wierd in my opinione,anything else than romanian and engles i cant speake but i dont wory about it,oh yea i forgot to say that i have no criminal alias

My roleplay character is just the tipe of guy ho likes to do anifing whit a frend,hes the tipe of guy that you whant in your life,my grate at the moment is grade-8 going to grade-9

My backstory= Expendor waz a kid that frome the start acsualy had a good chieldhood but evrifing changed when he got in high school cuz he beacome poor,very fucking poor and he doze not have frends but that doze not stop him to make frends [ore try i ghes........] but stell he needs a job but he cant find a good job for but resendly he joined the karagura crime discord and is time fore him to beacome a criminal,soo here we are here.

ok i literly told you evrifing about me and my character but hey is up to you to give me the job -expendor[MateiGameTime


Level 266
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead

Thank you for applying, but I've decided to deny your application for the following reason(s)

You seem to have been offline for quite some time, we are looking for active players to fill this position.

When applying to a faction, it's a good idea to add detail in your application to lengthen it and show you're motivated for the role. Keep this in mind if you decide you'd like to reapply!

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