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blair's kpd app #3 :)


Level 10

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Previous bans:
I was banned approximately 3-4 years ago for trolling, however I have learned from my mistakes and I can assure you that that type of behaviour won’t be initiated again especially being on the KPD.

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server, I would say is pretty good. I log on everyday for a few hours but due to not many people being active- I haven’t been logging on as often. Because of this, I feel as if I apply to be on the force; it’ll give me more motivation and desire to log on. I understand I was once demoted from the KPD beforehand a few months ago, but that was during when I had a lot of school work piled up and little to no motivation to do it causing stress which eventually led me to being demoted for inactivity. This was also at the time when I recently went into college from highschool, and a few more problems that caused my inactivity problem.

Last time I was in the KPD, I remember having a lot of fun when I got to go out on patrol, get into situations, the trainings, and overall much more; and now that I have more time, I feel as if I could log on more and resume where I left off at and attempt to be the best as I can with the force and put a lot of hard work into it, more than I did last time.

Which timezone are you in?
I am in the GMT timezone.

Do you have Discord?
Yeah, I do. It is blair#1111 and it won’t change for some time.

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
Yes, I do. I’m not afraid to speak either unless I have to keep quiet for whatever reason.

List your current and past applications:

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is made up of many different reasons. To start off, I haven’t had much motivation to log onto SRP as the people I like to RP around are inactive due to school and whatever else they don’t log on for. So, when I log on onto my main account, I don’t find many people online and when I do try to talk to others- it’s just not as enjoyable. Due to this reasoning, if I was given another chance to be let onto the KPD as a cadet: I would not mess it up. Beforehand, when I was in the force for a few months I had a lot of fun getting into situations, answering phone calls, going onto patrols and a few more things I have already mentioned above. I would like to potentially relive this experience that I’ve had and enjoy the times I log on.

I want to be able to log on an account, and have the same amount of enjoyment I used to have when logging into any other accounts. I want to put the leftover time I use for watching things back into SRP and put good use into it by working hard constantly more than before and make the higher-ups proud. Although this may seem like I’m just saying whatever comes to mind, I really do believe that the KPD may be one of the last main motivations for me logging on. I’ve been playing this server for years now, and I do not want to let go of it just yet and stop playing. If I am able to get another chance, I can promise you I would use it wisely and be more active than I was before.

Another reason as to why I am applying is because my friends and I were talking about the force and how much fun we used to have on it, and how times we spent in the KPD gave us moments that we’ll remember forever. I’ve made so many friends from the force, and since there are more people that have joined it I believe that I could make even more friends during the time I spend on it.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I fully understand.

What are the Police ranks?



What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
As mentioned before, I have been in the KPD two times already. Thus, I have knowledge of how everything works in it. As I was demoted for inactivity in December, I believe that not much has changed since then and that because I passed my cadet test and was a patrol officer for quite some time; I understand the most important things that a Cadet should know once going into the force, this could also be useful to if I get a chance to become one I’d be able to easily adapt to what to do.

Either way, I understand that a few things have changed since the times when I was an officer. But, as I have already said, I am able to easily adapt and learn quickly. It wouldn’t be hard for me to adjust to any new changes that the KPD might have.

I know how to make police calls, pretty much all of the physical situations and I know a lot about what is in informational training as last time I got onto the KPD, I made a google doc that would assist me with all sorts of stuff regarding training and what not.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police is important to SRP because it adds a faction which also makes the GangRP faction more enjoyable as it gives an excuse to be more wary and careful, which could add more enjoyment other than the same old of just going through RP with other people without needing to be cautious of other things. Personally, I think I’d find GangRP more entertaining knowing I’d have to be cautious of more things and having more things to do other than gangrp itself.

In addition to this, the police also adds a great role to SRP as it gives SRP something that real life has, making it realistic. In real life, we have police monitoring cities and keeping it safe so that we won’t be in danger. With police being here, it lowers the count of gangrp, arrests people that would normally be arrested for things done in real life, give out fines, etc. It overall just makes SRP more fun to play and makes it more realistic, which is something that is needed.

Moreover, it gives a chance for more people to be able to experience more roles other than being a student or another adult role, it allows everyone to have a go to apply and try something new for a change. I know that there are many more adult roles, however as a result of the police being a major role to SRP, it’d give a player a lot of experience over other adult roles and overall will help them have a more enjoyable time while playing.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I fully understand that and will comply.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I 100% agree, and I apologise for the last time I was inactive I was in the KPD, but if given a chance I will not allow that to happen again.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, I acknowledge this and will try my hardest to attend every training I possibly can.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I fully acknowledge this as well.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how they looks, what makes them unique?
Mashiro Nanami appears to be at the height of 5’6, with a slim build at glance; weighing around 128 lbs. Her skin colour was noticeably tanner than a lot of people around her. On her upper half, her hair would be put together and up in a ponytail however still revealing her medium brown, soft hair. Her illuminated face would be clear, showing little to no marks or anything of the sort. Her big eyes are a warm brown colour, often fooling people for how she’s feeling at a point in time due to being mistaken for how young it made her look like.

What they're like on and off the job?

On the job, Mashiro reflects on her actions before and after and thinks before doing something a lot of the time; overall making her cautious and ready for anything as she’s most definitely prepared for all sorts of occasions. She’s also able to keep calm easily, resulting in being more of a ‘calm and collected’ type of person while on the job.
She’s able to talk to others easily, often helping them calm down or just trying to be as friendly as she possibly could. Although, off the job she is more upbeat and joyful, expressing her feelings more and putting herself more out there.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
Her outlook on her co-workers is pretty much neutral, however some she may get along with better and some she won’t. At the least, she looks at everyone in a neutral way and keeps things professional for the most part.
Her goals and plans for the future is to hopefully move up the ranks and help as many people as she possibly can and fulfill her job to the most.


(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

Born in the wealthier part of Karakura, Mashiro would have a life that’d be standard; peaceful. She’d grow up in an ideal living situation- something like one of those stereotypical “white picket fences” fables you’d hear about amongst a casual conversation. Her father is a doctor, and her mother working as a nurse at the same hospital he’d be attending- you could say she’d be living comfortably, especially as an only child. She’d uphold a “spoiled” persona as she’d been an only child; her parents spending the majority of their time with her. Mashiro would develop a close relationship with her mum who’d be one of the worst influences for her spoiled nature; constantly giving her unreasonable gifts and money to spend on her own person and her friends.
Throughout her adolescence, she’d uphold a very strong suited “posh” persona; constantly, she strived to be at the top.. Narcissistic. She’s always been interested in dressing really nice and looking the best she could. She was also a big time explorer, always wanted to get out of the house..- Her house was quite big. Mashiro also had many friends, she spoiled her friends as well as she spoiled herself. She took them anywhere they wanted to go, she also supplied them with anything they’ve ever asked her for.
Mashiro’s school years were her worst time for her, she was always made fun of for being so spoiled, most of her friends only used her for money and other things they can get out of her. Her teenage years as a whole were bad, her only good times were with her mum, being an only child she was. She’s never rubbed in how rich she was during her school years, just to avoid so much attention, but she sure showed it a lot, which she didn’t think would affect her that much.
After Mashiro graduated highschool, she had no clue what she wanted to do as an adult, but she wanted to be known for something good in life, her mum influenced her a lot about being a symbol, and being symbiotic in life, something that marks you when you die or leave Earth. Mashiro wanted kids to symbolize who she was, she also wanted to be a hero in a way, so she went back to school and studied Criminal Justice, along with other small things dealing with Crime and the law. She later on in life..- Figured out she wanted to become a Police-Officer, so she strived to become one, and studied more about being an officer, about all the consequences and rewards of being one.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name: Mashiro Nanami

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss

Given Name(s): Mashiro

Preferred Name: Mashiro

Age: 28

Gender: Female

IC Phone number: 807-172-058

Religious Denomination: Agnostic Christian

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Japanese

Current Location: Karakura

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training: 1

Working Experience: 2

Academic Degree: Masters

Year of Graduation: 2009

Major(s): Criminal Justice, Criminology

Minor(s): Psychology

Native Languages: Japanese

Other Languages: Spanish

Last edited:


Level 135
We appreciate you applying, and we hope you're glad to hear your application has been accepted! Please refer to the Karakura Emergency discord upon seeing this

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