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Bqeno's BMD Application


Level 11

IGN: Bqeno (One i'm applying with) and R4YEE (Alt)

Describe your activity on the server:
I started playing the server in 2020. I started to get into gang roleplay and have been continuously joining different gangs for 2 years. I first started off with making my own criminal family called the Quinn’s which was quite popular in 2020. But after I disbanded them I started to join other gangs. Some examples of gangs that I have been in are River, Kishi and Myriad. I have also been in other small gangs but I don’t really remember the names of them. In 2022 when in Kishi I wanted to try something different and go into a faction I was unfamiliar with. I became part of the faculty as a teacher. I was in the position for a few months where I got teacher of the month twice and then I decided to quit as I decided it was not for me. Then tragedy struck! Kishi disbanded. At this point, I didn’t really know any gangs that were as popular as Kishi was as it was very unique and lore based. So I decided to quit so I can try and find the same enjoyment in SRP in other ways. This is when I decided to go into the HS sports faction. I was in the HS female football team for around 8 months and I was captain for 4 of those months. I honestly didn’t think I would have become captain so it was very new ground for me to take a leadership role. I would say it was one of the best moments in SRP. I learned quite a lot about teamwork and how important it is for people to have role models and authority in order to keep a healthy environment. Adding onto captain I also was also given the bobcat event coordinator. I made an event for the whole bobcats which went smoothly and learned a lot about how events are planned. While being captain I joined KPD. I was in KPD for around 2 months. I liked to see the other perspective of gang roleplay and after hearing all the ‘THEY METAGAME!’ in gang roleplay it was good to see that they don't. I loved all of the KPD members they were very welcoming and I made friends along the way. Sadly, since getting banned I no longer have any roles. However, this does not take away from the experiences I have in those roles and I wish to carry on my experience in other parts.

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
Bqeno and yes but it can depend on what time it is when I can talk.

Specify your country of origin and time zone: BST | England

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:
My main motivation is just to become part of something that contains more roleplay in the criminal community. One of my favourite gangs I was a part of is Kishi purely because it contained a lot of roleplaying and lore. But it's quite hard to find that now. With BMD you get more opportunities to roleplay and meet a lot of new people who share the same enjoyment of being in the community. Furthermore, I also want to find more experiences in gang roleplay that goes beyond just using permissions, gang wars and events. I want to be able to run a crime business and just overall help gangs with expanding and help solve any problems they may have. I have often seen gangs have ideas for events and I think I could be big help with that as I have seen first-hand how event planning works and who to contact. Another thing is being a part of different communities I see that often people have a stigma against gang roleplay that everyone is toxic in it, but I want to be a part of a team that can show an example of respectful people in the community. I believe that the BMD team is who most people look up to and it's very important that we give people a foundation for creativity.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
I think what makes me stand out from other applicants is that most people who apply only have really seen the gang roleplay side of SRP. I have been in four different factions. I think this is unique as it shows that I have a wider perspective on roleplaying and can bring things I have learned from these other factions into it. Not only this but I can have more unique views as I study criminology in real life therefore it means I can develop good characters that can bring in more roleplay into the community and team. I think it is always fun to bring my studies and passion into my hobbies as it makes it more enjoyable for me. As for what I can bring to the team. I have many different qualities which I think will meet up with the expectations you have. For example, I am very active. I have a playtime of 24w 11h combined with both accounts. I have a lot of free time as sometimes I have half days in college and come home earlier. I am very hardworking with the right motivation. I am also a tailor and for me to be able to make money I need to make sure I stay on track and finish all my orders. Not only this but I have shown this with being captain, I have to make sure I always do practices on time and keep track of each member's activity and behaviour. Even if I was not feeling the best I still made sure to do practices as I know the team was dependent on me. I am also very patient and will keep professional when it is needed. If someone were to start an argument I will simply stay calm and think carefully about how to de-escalate the situation at hand. I have had many people get mad at me for giving them a strike but I always make sure to keep calm and I have noticed it makes it so much easier to manage and explain. I was able to always come to a fair agreement and helped with any problems my team had. This is one of the most important traits as a good reputation is important to keep as it will affect the look of the faction. Lastly, I am aware that as I'm learning about BMD I will make mistakes. Everyone does it's what makes us human. I will not be afraid to own up to my mistakes and learn from them to better myself.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?: As mentioned before I have been in many gangs where we have had large events for example gang wars and KPD raids. We always communicated with each other during these times so no one is put directly in danger and that fewer of us will get caught. We shared our strategy ideas to build a good plan. I also was a football captain. We often have to help each other improve our skills while playing. We also had sports events where we all decided to go as a team. I think that teamwork isn't always about actually working its also about creating a strong bond with each other and trusting. When event making I noticed that it involves a lot of different people and people suggesting ideas to make the event much better. This showed me to still put my ideas out there no matter what might happen because some people might like it. It also encouraged me to come out my comfort zone and not hesitate to contact people who I may have never met before so we can make sure to get everything we needed for the event. Lastly, I also was in KPD, it was a similar experience to gangs as it involved combat but the difference was that you also will have to work with the victim. The victim is a total stranger who needs help and by gathering evidence from them and trying to find missing ends in a way they also were a part of the team. It just shows that you will have to work with total strangers sometimes and communication is a main part.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
I know this one can be controversial but back in 2020 we used to be able to break CCTV. I feel like this would be something that could be brought back. But there will be a cooldown for example the camera will only be broken for a few minutes before it's then visible again. Not only this but to have to have a certain weapon to break the CCTV. I understand that it could be overpowered in some way but if we really limit how much time it has then it adds a risk factor as they have to be fast as possible to finish their crime. To further the risk we could also implement an alert in the police station that says a CCTV has been broken.

Another suggestion I have is adding a certain command on our phones which can contact all BMDs and BMD associates at the same time. This will be a good way to get instant help if you were to get attacked or if you need help with something. This would be good since it gives more ICLY interaction and it's a quicker way to contact people as some people may not see discord messages because they have it muted or are on do not disturb. Another way this could help is if we want to open one of the businesses but we don’t have enough people we could ask if anyone could come and fill in so we can open more often.

Adding onto my previous suggestion we should also implement codes between us. Similar to police having codes. We can have one for those in need of backup, alert people that we are about to open for business, show that it's going to be the last order before we close, need more people to help and any other things we may think of. It’s just easier for quick communication and makes it more secretive.

My last suggestion is not really that crime related but it's something I think will make the bond between people in the community better. I think it would be cool to add more events icky between the BMDs and BMD associates. It can be something like an ic-only dinner where we discuss future plans, opening an underground exclusive bar that any BMD can manage at random times, Weapon showcases, car showcases, maybe even a silly sports day and other things you can think of. Of course in order to ensure everyone's safety we need to wear a mask at all times during these events and take everyone's phones and weapons when they come in (unless it's a weapon showcase). We can also make sure that we have security at these events to make sure that if something did happen there will at least be someone armed and ready. I think overall it will just be something for people to do when not much is happening in the crime community and it could lead to more roleplay amongst members.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?: Yes

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?: Yes

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?: Yes

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?: Yes

Full Legal Name: Deniz Quinn
Criminal Alias: 'SPITEFUL'
Age & Occupation: 24 | Unemployed
Gender & Marital Status: Female She/Her | Single

Ethnicity & Race: Turkish-Japanese
Known Languages: Korean and Spanish (Will remove for Turkish)
Former Associations/Occupations: Ex Psychratrist
Highest Level of Education: Master in Psychology

Physical/Mental Ailments:
Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) - an impulse-control disorder characterized by sudden episodes of unwarranted anger. The disorder is typified by hostility, impulsivity and recurrent aggressive outbursts.

Frontal lobe syndrome - a broad term used to describe the damage to higher functioning processes of the brain such as motivation, planning, social behaviour, and language/speed production.

Known Family Members:
Sahin Quinn - Mother (Unknown location)
Ren Quinn - Father (Unknown location)

Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
Deniz was a fairly attractive female who had southeastern facial features. She has an olive-toned skin colour with hazel eyes. Her hair was naturally straight and was midnight black. Her resting expression seemed very intimidating, almost as if she is unapproachable. But she didn’t mind it. Her right eyebrow had a piercing which naturally went well with her features. Her height reached 6’0 which was quite tall for a female. Her original outfit was a black suit that had tints of dark purple. The suit jacket fitted her well and complimented her feminine body type. Her shirt was more of a cream colour which matched well with her brown coloured tie. Her voice was deep but still feminine and there would be a noticeable Turkish accent.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:

Deniz Quinn is a very distant person. She would always be actively talking to people about business and would be always around. But no one knows much about her. She doesn’t talk about personal information and experiences. She is known to suddenly have anger outbursts with no identifiable trigger. Sometimes minor sometimes worse. It could go from simple arguments and threats to damaging property and violence. Completely unpredictable. But when not in an episode of anger she tends to be professional in her work but often does crack a few jokes here and there. Because of her education in psychology, she would often find ways to help people who may be struggling mentally even though she is struggling herself. Ironic I know. This tends to make her likeable well… until she pushes people away because of her anger disorder. But for those who stay by her side even in the darkest moments, she can have the most respect for them and will always be there when they need help. People who she grew up with will often say that she had a sudden personality change after the accident. No one really seems to know why, she keeps all the information that the doctors gave her to herself. She just thinks that it's something she has to deal with on her own. This is why she never had much experience or interest in romantic connections. She never really had a boyfriend. Sure she had a few crushes in school but was always too shy to do anything about it. Even though she is not precisely shy now she grew up she still does not see the point in pursuing a connection to someone she just thinks it will drag her down. She wants success in something, a purpose, a distraction. Which is why she loves what she does.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail: (200+ words minimum)
Deniz Quinn was born in Japan Karakura Hospital. Her mother was Sahin Quinn, while her father Ren Quinn well… left before she was even born. I mean sure the lack of a father figure did bother sometimes growing up but she never really cared enough about it. She was just another kid on the playground nothing much special about it. She loved things that any other normal kid would such as fairytales, games, barbie you name it. Money was never a problem for her family they were middle class and were able to live a comfortable life. Her mother did a very good job keeping her young mind pure and not having any bad experiences that will mess her up for life. That's until… her dad came back into the picture. She was around the age of 13 when her dad came stumbling through the house door completely drunk out of his mind. She never really understood why her mother hated him so much. Whenever she would ask her she would always have the typical response ‘It's an adult thing you wouldn't understand.’ Her mother tried for ages to push him out of the house and to stop him from contacting us ever again. But in typical fashion, he never listened. She didn’t know it back then but her dad was in and out of prison for violent crimes and grand theft auto. He ran out of money and the guilt of rejecting his own child behind really got to him. But little Quinn just wanted to understand why her mother hated him so much and what it's even like having a father. She would always find ways to still talk to him despite the fighting between her parents. He would say that he loves her very much and that he just wants to be there for her. He always said that he will figure out a plan for us and that we would be happy. Then as a few weeks went by and at midnight when she was fast asleep he woke her up drunk like always… saying that he would take her out somewhere nice. She just trusted him, I mean we were always told that the adults knew everything and to always obey them. They got into the car her mother not knowing and he started to speed down the road. Eventually, he lost control and swerved and crashed into a wall. Of course, a car crash is not exactly hard to miss and witnesses called for emergency services. They took them both to hospital with major injuries. My mother was called and rushed there and was completely terrified and was begging the doctors to do something about it. And of course, after many different xrays and exams, they found out that Deniz had major damage to the prefrontal cortex of her brain. This is when she was diagnosed with frontal lobe syndrome. And if you may not know this is the part of the brain which controls impulse, planning, social behaviours and many other things. After recovery, there were major personality changes. She would get into trouble more often in school. She acted on her feelings without any thought beforehand. She just would have random outbursts of anger and violence. She just did not seem the same. Her mother tried everything to try and keep her under control but nothing ever seemed to work. She just dealt with it tirelessly as she grew up. But considering her struggles she actually did quite well in school. She went into college after high school and seemed like she would be quite successful in life. In her studies in psychology, she came across a disorder the name of Intermittent explosive disorder. The different symptoms looked very familiar to what she was experiencing. She just chose to ignore it since she thought that no one would ever hire someone who has mental problems. I mean how can she possibly work with other people with mental health problems when she had problems herself? But she still gave it a shot. She started to work as a psychologist, she was in training. She seemed like she was having a really good time and was one of the top trainees. Then came her first client, she still remembers his name. Aoi, he's just a chef that worked in the nearby high school and needed some help with past traumas. Easy enough for a professional like her. It was going well they were having a nice conversation when Deniz all of a sudden burst out in anger, she started to suddenly yell at him and started to throw things around in her office. Aoi was terrified and tried his best to calm her down but she swung at him and pushed him onto the ground. She tried everything to fight it off but nothing worked. The other doctors in the building heard all the crashing and rushed in to see what was happening. She got fired on the spot. It's official she screwed up her career with the first client. She didn’t exactly take this well, she then went into episodes of anger more often and more people around her started to distance themselves from her. She had barely anyone at that point. She didn’t have any idea what she could do next. That's when she got arrested for the assault of Aoi. She spent time in jail with people who were in for many different types of crimes. From robbery, illegal weaponry, murder, and gang affiliation. She got on well with these people and they even gave her advice about how they got away with crimes. But someone stood out to her more. Someone who was in for selling illegal weaponry. They told her what they did step by step and they told her about the black market and how they worked. This is something she honestly was interested in. When she left prison after finishing her sentence she couldn’t stop thinking about how successful that business they had was and how she could have gone around it to not get caught as he did. She even wrote down her plans and calculated how much she would make. And well… it was a lot. She just dreamed about how much she could do with all of that money. She wanted to have that lifestyle of success. So, she gave it her best shot she bought some weapons and started to sell them to different gang members on the streets in the hope of becoming a part of the main black market. She did everything to try and get recognised. When eventually she heard whispers that they were looking for a new member to join. She started her search to find a way to make it in.

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer:
Deniz took out her phone and tapped away at the screen announcing that she is open for business. She sat down outside of the 7/11 with a cup of iced coffee in her hand as she lounged around waiting for calls to come in. She kicked her feet up onto the table and took a sip. The phone rang and she picked up to hear an unrecognizable male voice from the other end ‘Hey, You got any Katanas?’. She responded whispering ‘Yeah we do, how many are you wanting?’ The phone went silent for a moment… She said with a slightly annoyed voice ‘Helllloo?.. I haven't got all day I have other calls you know..’ Finally.. He once again spoke ‘Oh.. sorry I just need two.’ She said ‘Okay, ill sort that out for you. What’s your gang's name and alias?.’ The caller responded with ‘Bonten Akeldama.’ She nodded to herself as she went to look and confirm the information he gave. She hung up the phone. She gathered her things and threw her iced coffee into the bin. She went down into the sewers through the forest and took out her phone once again and called them back. ‘Meet me at the forest sewer entrance. Don't bring anyone else with you.’ She then put on her ballistic mask and her gloves to conceal her identity. She leaned against the sewer walls as she waited. The caller came down the ladder. She just stared at him for a moment.. ‘¥600,000’ He just stared at her blankly.. She then let out a sigh… showed him her hand and pointed at it. ‘¥600,000’ she said again. He eventually got the idea and handed her the money in a concealed bag. She looked at the money and counted it and then handed him the katanas and muttered under her breath. ‘Nice doing business.’ She then shooed him away allowing him to leave first. After a few minutes of a head start she took off her mask and got back up to the surface through a different sewer exit by the shopping district. She shoved the money into her pocket as she then went back to 7/11 awaiting another order. .

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer: N/A
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Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
Thank you for applying to join the Black Market. Unfortunately we've chosen to deny your application as after very lengthy discussion we haven't seen your involvement as much as we'd like with the Crime community itself, as well as your application being fairly short compared to others. Please don't be dis-heartened though as we implore you to re-apply should you increase your involvement in the crime community once more.

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