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Accepted College Council | H. Yasuhiro


Level 6

What is your Minecraft Username?:

Past warns/kicks/bans?: I do not! Nothing within the past year, at least. Roughly a year ago (and some change.. lol) I got warned for spamming the chat and for the usage of cosmetics. . But, with that being said, this fragment shouldn’t do much harm in terms of this application.

What is your timezone?: EST (Eastern Standard)

Please provide your Discord tag and Identifier (ExampleName#0001): miloguy

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):
Council Application | Approved
Surgeon Application | Approved

( P.S. .. I have a Journalism Club application out there .. somewhere and a looot of language applications. . Feel free to do your own personal scrolling. It's just a lot. Didn't want to take up so much space .. ;3 )

Describe your activity on the server: Rating my activity? Seven-Out-Of-Ten. For sure. I occupy two accounts on the server .. both in which I'm a fairly active participant on. If I’m not on one, you’ll usually find me on the other. Regarding the first one, also known as loneyhater929 (.. or the one I will be applying on :3), my character was briefly a councilor on this account as this is by far probably the most active account out of the two I have. I roleplay(ed) as a High School and College student on this account. Now; For the second half of things, I just recently acquired acceptance in the Hospital Faction, as a Surgeon, of the server.

List your accounts and roles on this server:
#1 [College] loneyhater929
#2 [Grade-11] loneyhater929
#1 [Surgeon] TITLEFLIGHT

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?: I am aware of this! – And I can rest assured that this will only increase my activity on the server.


What is the student council and what do they do?:
Someone who is a part of the student council is a student who’s no different from any other student. They vary from High School to College, in Karakura at least, and represent the school. Simple as that. For what the council is upheld for, also, varies from events, ensuring balance among the faculty and students, and all the way up to promising the safety of their other peers. Student councillors work with other students and staff members to coordinate. . and conduct events for the school. Making sure others also uphold their duties, they keep them in check – and for me, personally, I would say that if there is a complaint regarding SLT it may be first referred to the student council if not another school staff member.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.): A motive behind joining the council? As stated previously in the OOC selection of this application, I once got accepted in the council but, contradicting my acceptance; During that time, I was not able to fully commit to it or just let alone participate in it at all. I’ve stayed on the server for a longer period than I did before (my first application) so I’d like to think that I get the gist of things and am more well-rounded in this aspect of roleplay. Sure, interactions, and the roleplay that strings along with it, is still a big part of the reason why I’m choosing to apply again, but most importantly – I want to get the opportunity to express my creativity through events and through. . Whatever else, basically. Not to mention that I’ll take any opportunity I get to drag my character into something with the sole intent of using it as a tool to expand more on their development.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events): Yup.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:
President & Vice-President (of student council): Both of these roles include overseeing the council as a whole together. They evaluate members to make sure they’re still aligned with the expectations of the student council. . And when they aren’t? Struck or kicked out. The President and Vice-President typically verify events within the council and get it through to SLT as well. In the scenario where the student council President steps down, it is not abnormal for Vice to act as, or even be the new President.

Councillor: I semi-discussed this role as a whole .. “What is the student council and what do they do?” question, so my answer is in the same foundation as that one. However, there are different “tiers” to councilors. Most, if not all, assist each other when it comes to formulating events for the school – but diving into specifics; some roles like (trainer, secretary, reporter, etc ..) focus in precise areas of the council. Unfortunately, I’m not too sure what these areas are beyond what is stated in the name.

SLT: Not even just both, but all four of these roles oversee the student council and other school activities as a whole. This is probably where the key of great acceptance is granted for, if not many, but all things involving the school. Combining the two previously grouped roles mentioned prior, that’ll land you to a near-close-enough summary of the SLT in Karakura.

Journalists: Stated this before and I’ll state it again: they’re a big factor in the council and to be honest, the school as a whole. Now, compared to my last application, I wouldn’t say the “truth” gets revealed by them but certain perceptions do. As the club by itself has arisen from the shadows recently. . It’s no surprise the hook it has on (most) students attending Karakura HS & CC. The council may be students who represent the school but journalists not only do that, but themselves – and well, they are students who know how to represent themselves better than anyone else could. Negatives. Positives. All of those controversial opinions included in a report could even be for the better good of things, or for the worst .. but ultimately, it would reflect on those who coordinated the events and the school.

Other role(s) I am not familiar with: Just a. . Treasurer. Can’t expand on this one too much, but I know it plays somewhat of a role within the council.


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?

– “I think it would depend on who the two girls were in question? Not as in, it would change much. . But it could differentiate on how to actually approach ‘em in the best way. I have standards, sooo making myself known one way or another would obviously be the first initiative. Wouldn’t want to fuel anything either.” - “It’s not very. Eeerm. Yeah. . to jus’ scold them and even go as far as to give them some type-of punishment without knowing anything. So. Two options. Either they talk it all - well, majority of it, out in the Council Room with me or another councillor. Or they don’t. . Aaand they jus’ avoid each other till the school day ends. . On the terms where the second option doesn’t go as planned, then obviously a warning. Or punishment .. depending on the severity.”

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
– “Subway Surfers. But make it Eye-Arr-El. Plus, with a few more faculty, or council, members keepin’ an eye out for the masked-student as well.”

There seems to be a councillor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?
– “Yikes. If it was in the moment, I would make myself known, but I wouldn’t pry for context. Wouldn’t ask the councillor for their side of the story either, Tee-Bee-Aytch. Leaning more towards disposing of the hungry-hippo of’a councillor. As in, replacing their councillor spot in the situation with myself. . I’d get all the details from the prior issue from the student. And like whateva’ just happened.” - “The next course of action? Unlike. . Whoever the councillor in question is, I’ll be going straight to the higher-ups of the council. Let them handle all’at ..”

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?
– “Ask for it, of course. Probably from Bee. If not them, then. Someone else. Probably directly, like. Face-to-face, too. . Since it'll be easier to just get the information right then N' there.”

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
– “O’ookaaaay. They told me what I did wrong. . But I was told, initially, .. to do just that? Maybe if the teacher or whoever spoke to me about my, quote, unquote, mistake like a snapping turtle like. I won’t be takin’ that. I have morals. And, as said before, standards.” - “I think .. I would comply though N’ not persist with. . Eeeeerm. Whatever I did, until I received third-time confirmation. I think.”

Please provide atleast one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

Protect the King. . O’ookay. Well, Mascot.

Fair to mention this train of thought stated here is simply just a rough sketch. . And, I apologize if the detail is not detailing to its max….. I can always expand on it later on.
For this event. . It’s more of a nostalgic one, for me at least. It’ll either be one of those one-day events or it could take a week; Each day brings something new. It'll take place in the school – but not any designated area and that’s because of reasons that will be mentioned in a bit. The ‘King’, or royalty in general, in question, are those who are mascots since they represent the two honourable nations of the school; Bobcats N’ Spartans. Yes. That’s right. Yet another event surrounding both sides of the dime, . . It’s no shock that rivalry between the two brews N’ brews. . even when it's overfilled, unfortunately. But I think this could provide a more lighter and actual school-based approach to the dilemma. Just like any other game of ‘Protect the King’, there’ll be mini obstacles, but not violent ones. Both of the teams (Bobcats N’ Spartans) will be required to obtain something whether it's an object, an answer, or .. a person. . It or they will act as a key; And best believe, there won’t be only one, singular, key. Nuh-Uh. I’ll hand credit when it’s due, so this idea was semi-based on the scavenger hunt event that took place at the beach. . That’s a general gist of my thoughts. It doesn’t always have to be fetching either. . The key in question could simply be an eating contest, or literally anything.
If a team gets a key before the other, then the mascot (opposing side) will get lowered in the water. . Not quite reaching it unless they lose. Yikes. I’m sure no side of this game would want their mascot to be DUNKED in water WITH, as a special N’ surprising guest, each sport-captain (from the losing team) right beside them. Or maybe a different group of members that run the school. Who knows. Now, you may be asking what does the winner get? . . And to that, I say; Yen. I don’t have the specifics or anything. . But yen to the people who retrieved and came forth with the keys. . This will provide a more variety of people since there are multiple keys. Or winners of the mini in-between events. If not yen, then a free prize of their choice. . Like the prizes they get through those hand-out tickets.
A simple alternative for this could be ‘King of The Hill’. . Same gist with a few tweaks to it maybe.

Personal Information
(in character)

Yasuhiro Honjō

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Phone number: (030)-338-9978

How would you describe your personality?:
– “Dun’no. But, for the things that matter. . I am vocal? I think. Yeah. Honestly. Like. Honest to. . Whoever. Like. Dead A-word. . And I say this humbly, I think this question is jus’ one of those things you see. Not something you describe. Unless it’s about someone else.”

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture): This guy always got some sort-of sag goin’ awn . . He allows the wind to choose its own destiny, I fear.
body - 2023-08-05T171038.529.png
What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

– “I'm involved in a loooot of stuff. Get a lot of opinions on the daily, unfortunately." - "That by itself is a huuuuuge thing when it comes to being a part of council. . Simply just knowing different perspectives on certain things from a variety of people. All different backgrounds. . Interesting N' stuff like that. Very huge. I think. . . Should be at least, and if it's not. . Then. Maybe that's an issue. Self-proclaimed, but honestly, I am passionate. . I think? Yeah. And, as I will mention further on. . I have some sort-of creativity to me. I also think .."

Why do you want this position?:
– “I'ma college guy. Sooner or later, this whole. . College .. stuff. . will no longer be an active thing I partake in. I'm using every opportunity out there to at least allow me to indulge in something - And most of the time, those something(s) are for the greater good. . Or. Like. Maybe the opposite. Doesn't matter though; Getting side-tracked." - "Basically, I jus' know it'll do something. . And. Yeah."

What interests you the most about student council?:
– “Can't really say I'm the council's number-one d. . fan. But I don't dislike it, either. I’ve had my fair share of friends come N’ go throughout this whole council thing. And they were. . o'oookay. Some are even the best people I've met, so. Only feels right to give it a try myself. And, I also appreciate them. . from time to time. I think that last part only applies to some of 'em. . But it still applies.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
– “I can almost say with one-hundred percent certainty that I could bring something to the table. . Not sure if the something, in theory, is as positive as you’d wish; But it’ll be something! Plus. I am thoughter. . I have thoughts thoughting in my mind. . as we speak.” - “I’m preeeetty vocal, too, if that helps with anything. Like I could totally speak up for someone if that scenario ever happens. . N’. . Yeaaaah ..”
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Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, The council have decided to accept your application.

To get started please ping @[Vice-Principal] Customable in the RPH academic's discord's help channel.
From there, please contact your appropriate council lead.​

If you have any questions, please contact @Customable on discord​

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