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Denied Darketru’s Lore Team Application for the RPH Community


Level 135
What is your discord name and tag (name#0000)?:
I’m currently not allowed to have discord for personal reasons.
What is your timezone/What country are you from?:
I’m from the North America region and I’m currently in Central timezone.
Do you have a microphone and are able to speak VIA discord?:
Since I do not have discord, I cannot be in a call.
Do you recognize you could be removed from community team?
Yes, I understand, agree that I can be removed from this position.
List a few things that may obstruct your progress/development on the Lore Team.
For right now my schedule is pretty relaxing at the time. Some of the times I will go inactive for maybe trips, being busy, or I’m doing stuff with my friends. Another thing is when school comes back in session it will affect my schedule. Seeing that I’m going into sophomore year I will be busy with school work. Which means majority of the times during school weeks I will not be able to be on. On weekends I can be on if my schedule is clean.
What makes you different from other applicants?:
I’ve taken creative writing classes in my previous classes of school. So I’ve had plenty of experience of that type of writing. During free time sometimes I write randomly which leads into a lore. I’m very confident about my writing as well, I enjoy it as well. I feel like I could do some help on the server. For the years I’ve been on the server I’ve wanted to do something for the server itself. The Lore Team is the perfect position for me.
What makes you passionate about writing?:
When writing, you can write whatever comes to your mind. It’s like drawing but instead your writing a story. The best thing about writing is nothing can control what you say in your stories. As you write your mind just fills up with so many ideas which you jot down on paper. Writing is a relaxing, a way to create the world of your mind on just paper.
Do you have any previous experience with writing lore or creative writing as a general aspect?:
As I said earlier I used to take creative classes in my previous school years which made me gain experience.
What is lore to you?:
Lore is another saying for creative writing. You can express your thoughts and feelings in the lore. Lore can also be used for documents for history. Lore can be used for a setting, place, and theme for the current scene. Putting all the information together it creates a lore for that scene.

Write a 200-400 word story for a day in the world of Karakura
July 13th, 2020. It was on a Monday morning around the time of 08:00 school has started. The sky wasn’t so pleasant it was a stormy day so far. As I entered the school lobby the lights flickered on and off. Chills ran down my spine which gave me a bad feeling for this day. I kept saying to myself it was just a storm and there was nothing to worry about. I walked around the school later on I found myself just roaming a vacant hallway. I felt the chills from earlier come back running down my spine, as I saw the lights yet again flicker. Lightning strike from the window as it happened a black, cloaked, vigilante figure appear. I wanted to move but I couldn’t it was like my whole body was paralyzed. I started to then panic I wanted to run away. The unidentifiable figure started to move towards me, before I knew it everything around me went dark.
Around 30 seconds that’s what it felt like, I woke up in a dark area. I didn’t know where I was so I tried to stand up. I couldn’t though, rope was tied around my wrists and ankles as I was sat in a chair. I heard footsteps behind me in the distance, but soon came closer. Then cold a cold breathe was near my ear as I then heard a deep voice come through saying. “I found you.” I was confused as I didn’t recognize this certain strange voice of this figure. What did this person mean by I found you? Was I being hunted? A target? No, I’ve never done anything bad in my life. Why now be hunted or kidnapped by a strange vigilante? I tried to speak but nothing came out, I was shocked but confused....
[!] It seems like the journal would trail off here, like a interference occurred.

Write about your favorite physical aspect of Karakura (things like classrooms/gardens etc.) Why? What makes it special?
>I would say my favorite place of Karakura would be the football pitch at KHS. It makes it so special because that was the first time in history of my server adventures of when I became a football member of Karakura College. It lasted for a few weeks but made great memories, as I love playing the sport oocly and icly.
>Another favorite place in Karakura is the penthouses in the shopping district. This is where some of my roleplay’s take place. Where it can go to romance to drama and arguments in between. Overall great memories are created there with my friends in the community.
>Karakura Hospital is another great place I enjoy. You’re wondering that my roleplay’s occur with injuries for this place. You are wrong. I love the Karakura Hospital because that is where my romanceRP goes to. Some other things I enjoy here is seeing the EMS in action which is entertaining.
>Karakura High school/College we are here almost every single day. Usually I hangout with my friends, which we then either joke around or deal with drama other than that we like to hear gossip or make fun of some students. If my friends aren’t around I usually roam the school which leads to me seeing fights, cheer leader drama, the jocks sarcastic ness, and many other random things I see or hear.

If you have any questions or concerns please PM through forums.
Thank you for reading my application and taking the time to.
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Level 86
Community Team
Lore Team

- Due to the fact you cannot have discord, which is a vital part to team communication, we've chosen to deny you

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