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Accepted Elaixne's Counselor Application #2


Level 6
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I am active within the server for at least 2-3 hours every few days. My activity varies due to my job, though.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have only been banned once but that was a year ago by now for ERP. It was during my first weeks of SRP and have changed my behavior heavily since then.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The job of a counselor is to help guide students through both their hardships and educational journey. This may mean that sometimes a Counselor will sit and assist students with whatever issues they may be having at that moment. Issues from students may range from difficulties with bullying, at-home hardships, self-esteem issues, or at-school academic problems that need attention. It is a counselor's job to be there as a guide for students but at the same time be there for disciplinary reasons as well. All in all, counselors are there to help and assist students who may need someone to talk to or lean on.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
My experience in roleplay has been years in the making. The first time I had RP’d was back when I was 12 (2015) on a mobile RPG game where I was first introduced to roleplay. With many other games ranging from Mobile games. D&D, and now SRP I have been well versed in Roleplay culture. SRP though is my first ever Minecraft roleplay server since January of 2023.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I would like to join this specific faction to dip my feet into the more intricate parts of SRP. I originally was going to apply to either Karakura Police or Karakura Hospital Psychiatrist, though after some consideration I decided that I wanted to try a less intense faction since this IS the first faction I'd be joining. My other reason for joining this Faction is the fact that I am confident that this job would fit nicely into my character's lore as she is based on me in real life, and I am currently going to Uni for psychology to specialize in children. My character ambition is to help those in need and has even created a family where those without a family/support can take sanctuary.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Russian application [APRROVED]
Spanish Application [APPROVED]
Counselor Application #1 [DENIED]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
College (Bachelors Degree)



/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Elaine would calmly let the student let out all their anger for a moment before smiling at them and offering them to talk for a moment. “I know you must feel angry right now but this behavior isn't the correct way to handle your emotions. There are healthier ways to react to this issue and if you’d let me, I’d like to help you through this. If you just want to vent or talk about it I am all ears”. She would then give them a moment to respond and depending on their response would be her next reaction. If said student continues to lash out she will change her approach slightly. “Please calm down, I am willing to provide you resources to help but if you keep continuing with this behavior you know I will have to take disciplinary action and I really do not want to make your day worse, so will you please work with me?”

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
She would quickly rush over to the two students and break them up as quickly as possible. “Break it up! Fighting is not allowed on school grounds- Any students uninvolved walk away there is nothing to see here!” She would then consult with the students and question them while also disciplining them. “You two have unfortunately earned yourselves detention, failure to attend from it will result in SLT!”. After speaking to the students and making sure there were no more issues, she’d radio the faculty members about the incident.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
She would quickly rush over to them and discreetly advise them that what they are doing is not appropriate to do while working on school grounds. “I am sure you are aware that this is not safe for us or the students, I strongly suggest you stop this behavior instead of risking your job and the safety of students”. After discussing the issue with her coworker, if they fail to listen to her she will report them to the rest of the faculty and request that others go to help her if needed in the situation.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
After entering the break room she would look around the room scanning for coworkers to spark up a conversation with. She enjoys conversing with others about her day or what is going on while bonding with her fellow employees. In another scenario, if she is the only one there it would be common for her to sit at a table and pull out any work she’d have to catch up on- and if there is none she would take this time to do personal things like reading or enjoying a cup of coffee.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

She’d gently sit down at her desk and carefully listen to the student in front of her, paying close attention to their words. “I understand what you’re saying and understand that this is a very hard time for you, I am here for you. If you’d like I can provide either advice or just a listening ear, sound good?” She would then offer them a gentle smile and await their response.

/me Her expression grew tired as the two students began to grow more hostile towards each other, clearly festering into something more serious and rather…loud. Sternly she’d then speak towards their direction “Please calm down, the both of you now! If you’d like assistance with the problem please let me know but if this continues to worsen I won't have a choice but to give you BOTH detention which will result in a rather worse scenario than just a fight between you two.” Elaine would sigh and then walk off feeling a headache coming on.

After sitting at her station she would sigh a bit feeling tired- Moments later she’d recognize the student waiting to speak to her in front of her. “Oh! Sorry didn't see you there. What's up kiddo what can I do for ya?” She would then perk up a bit leaning against her desk and folding her hands, smiling at them. Suddenly her tiredness had disappeared.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):

“ Elaine Osiris ”

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“ Miss ”

Preferred Name:
“ Elaine is just fine, Though I am not against any friendly nicknames I may gain ”

Age (Minimum is 25):
“ I am 26 years old ”

“ Female (She/her)”

Academic Degree:
“ I am a Karakura high school graduate with my high school diploma. I have completed my GEN EDS. After my high school graduation, I attended Shinshu University where I achieved a Master's degree in Psychology and a bachelor's degree in Public Health ”

“ Psychology and Public Health ”

“ Education and Communications ”

“ Mexico nationality, but I am currently living in Karakura Japan, and as a mixed race individual (Latina/Russian) ”

Known Languages:
“ Japanese, Russian, and Spanish. “

Born into a chaotic household, Elaine grew up in Mexico where her parents along with 3 older siblings lived. Here she’d grow apart from her family learning at a young age that to live a happy life, she needed to get away from them. Since her parents were neglectful they hadn’t noticed when she decided to flee her home and start a life in Japan where she’d live with her aunt.. In Karakura surrounded by friendly new relationships, books, engaging conversations, and opportunities to pursue her interests would lead her to have a strong grip on communication and complex perspectives which would be important and pivotal in her life later on.

Elaine became interested in studying people's emotions and behavior during her adolescent years. She was her friends' go-to for insightful advice and a listening ear because she was a natural empath. As she lived in Japan, she grew close to a few residents who taught her to be fluent in Japanese. Later on, she also learned Russian which was one of her national languages but her parents never taught her, so while learning she became determined to be fluent in the language as she got closer to her Russian friends. Learning Russian also allowed her to feel closer to a part of who she is. She also developed a love for literature and psychology at this time, reading books on counseling methods, personal growth, and mental wellness. After graduating from Karakura High School she pursued a degree in psychology and attended an internship at the University of Shinshu where she gained more experience in counseling with those younger than her. Elaine's dedication to her chosen career path solidified as she dove further into her studies. She took part in studies examining the connection between childhood trauma and adult coping methods, which strengthened her mission to make a difference in the lives of children. Here she would gain both her Majors and Minors in her degree path.

After achieving a master's degree in Psychology and a bachelor's in Public health, she continued her studies at local community centers to broaden her skills proceeding to also achieve her minors in Education and Communications. After about 6 months of graduating, she found herself wanting to get a bachelor's in Sociology so she went back to school but this time in Karakura, the school where she graduated high school. While attending school here she found herself loving the environment and feeling at home with a sense of nostalgia, it was here now that she decided that once graduating her short studies here in Karakura once again, she would immediately pursue a job at her old High School to become a counselor.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
" Living here in Karakura, studying for a new bachelor's degree has made me realize that I have a deep connection to my environment here. I am very passionate about those around me and see myself achieving my goals here as a staff member. I have faced a lot of challenges and have lived my life constantly striving to help those around me grow along with myself of course. I yearn for new experiences and that feeling of accomplishment that comes with helping students. My life goal is to truly help and guide adolescents and I believe working at KHS would bring me a sense of satisfaction and academic achievement within my career journey thus far. I believe that as an employee here, I will also grow as an educator and become more skilled within my assets making it possible to create the best environment for me and those students or fellow employees alongside me.”

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
“ I believe that I should be chosen over other candidates for my ability to adapt to situations while also having diverse experiences to help guide me through my career. I have a strong ability to work with others and collaborate on issues that may need a team’s insight. I am personally not afraid to think outside the box and have the ability to implant innovative solutions to help with issues that may arise. With these valuable skills, I also am equipped with strong compassion and empathy and I can successfully connect with students. I'm dedicated to improving myself professionally. To stay on top of my performance and keep developing my consulting abilities, I will happily attend seminars, conferences, and other educational events. In conclusion, I am a strong candidate for the job of school counselor because of the broad experience and skills that I've gained over these past years in education, and because this career path is my dream I truly believe that I will be completely dedicated to bring my best performance on the job.”

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Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for your paitence and for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction. After review we've decided we'd love to have you as a member of the faction, please DM me on discord for the next steps! - ozinth

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