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Denied eswu | Government Application


Level 3

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

In-game Name:
(Other Accounts (9Leo, _weo, and Yoeq)

Previous bans (include appeal links):
I have zero previous bans.

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Indeed, I do have a working microphone. (I choose not to talk in V'cs at times)

Timezone & Country:
PST | U. S. A.

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:

On School Roleplay my activity is amazing, I am almost online Everday when I get home from school and soon when I get home from sports practice, on a school day I wake up at 5:30AM (PST) I will then arrive at school at the time that it begins which happens to be 8:20AM (PST) after this my school concludes at 3PM (PST). After this I will still have sports practice until 5PM (PST). After practice I walk home! I turn on my computer and get on School Roleplay at 5:30PM (PST). To add on to this I will continue playing from 5PM (PST) to 10PM (PST). These times may vary if I have to do something afterschool or if something unexpected where to occur. On the weekends I will be online almost the entire day (This may also vary depending on if I am busy). If I ever need to be inactive for longer than a couple of days, I will make sure to fill out an inactivity log accordingly.

So, my activity is 6/10 on School roleplay, and is 8/10 on Discord.



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What position are you applying for?:
I am applying for the role of Lawyer.

What is your motivation for applying?:
The government has many different aspects that contribute to my decision to apply for a position within it. It is my hope that by experiencing a new roleplay style, I will be able to expand my roleplay knowledge further and gain a deeper understanding of how the roleplaying process works. In my opinion, there is a lot I would like to learn from my co-workers who may have more experience with the position than I do, and I would also like to see how the Government faction runs in order to get a better understanding of how they do things. Additionally, I believe that the ability to be able to experience something outside of my comfort zone is one of the most important factors I believe will enable me to be successful in roleplaying as well as my growth as a person in general. Due to the fact that I have always been fascinated by trials, it would be great to be able to participate in them. Obviously, being a member of the Government faction on School Roleplay may not be the easiest role, but I am very willing to take part in this new roleplay experience as a member of this faction. Ideally, I would like to be able to experience all that the Government faction has to offer, such as trials and perhaps even receiving my I. Ds. It would be my pleasure to take my time on this faction to be able to experience new challenges that come with the role of the Lawyer as well as to be able to learn new things!

" The truth is that when I was a child, I did not have much interest in politics at all. If I am honest, I tried to avoid politics at times. However, as I grew older, and as I became more aware of politics, I began to take a greater interest in it, and I began to pay attention to it in the news. As I attended a number of trials throughout my teenage years, my interest in news, and politics grew stronger and stronger. During the course of my attendance at more trials, I found myself becoming more enamored of the news, and politics in general, and when I decided to get my college degrees in Criminology and Criminal Justice, I decided to get out of college and am currently seeking employment with the Karakura government. After reading through and researching what some of the roles of the government are, I came to the conclusion that becoming a Lawyer would be the perfect fit for me after conducting all of my research."

" Through my life I have also had many situations occur where I had to deal with the KPD as well as some of the other factions related to the government such as EMS, and the Government Itself at one time or another. The assassination of my father, unfortunately, was one of these situations that I had to face. I used this traumatizing experience to focus on getting stronger mentally and physically, and once I had experienced all of these traumatic experiences during my high school years, I decided that I wanted to become a lawyer and to become the voice for those who did not have a voice and needed to be heard. I was in my last year of high school when I made the decision to pursue law school, and eventually to join the government as a lawyer. "

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I do have an understanding of Karakura's laws and Constitutional. rights

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
As far as the possibility of obtaining this position is concerned, I would love to learn how governments actually work, even if it is just a general understanding of how they function in terms of how they function. It would also be helpful for me to be able to socialize with colleagues and companions in addition to improving my speaking skills. I have also been following the news and following political discussions in recent times, which is another factor that led me to apply for a position such as this. In addition, I would also like to become more involved in the SRP community as a way of increasing my reputation and getting to know more people outside of roleplay as well.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
What is the position I am applying for you may ask? One of the most important functions of the School Roleplay Government is that of a lawyer. A lawyer ensures that the innocent voices are heard. Another important duty of a lawyer is that they speak for and represent their client during trials. One of the lawyers' responsibilities is to ensure that the judge who is in charge of their case sides with them as well. As such, it is extremely important that the lawyer uses proper language and chooses wording that is very persuasive. A lawyer can also be tasked with the responsibility of selling an identification card, however this only occurs very rarely, and it is not the most important duty they are tasked with performing. However, "you've just got to do what you got to do". To conclude I am implying that lawyers are some of the most important individuals in a government.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I do acknowledge that I could be subject to removal at any time and I understand.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I do acknowledge that Iam expected to be dedicated to my position upon being accepted!

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I am aware that by any display of OOC bias towards anyone on the job will result in punishment.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have read the Government Faction Rules and agree to follow them

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I am able to attend weekly meetings if they commence on the weekends or afterschool hours (I have all of my school hours listed near the beginning of my application)

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Full name:
Ji-ah Ko

Ji-ah Ko was a man of Hispanic descent and of Korean descent. In spite of the fact that she stood at a height of 5'11", Ji-ah gave off a vibe of someone who was fun and bubbly to be around. A man of such origins certainly showed it off, though his Korean side seemed to be much more dominant. However, his Hispanic genes would show off in a way that certainly made him attractive to most. Ji-ah’s face would be spotted with several freckles, and his eyes were a lovely light brown that reflected light just right. His body was light, but not too slim, as if he had been paying good attention to his weight. When Ji-ah was around, you’d know about it as long as you were downwind. There was a strong, natural scent that he carried around with him.

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Mr. Ko | Ji-ah

Current age:
Twenty-Six (26)

Date of birth:
July 13th, 1996

Male | He/Him

Academic Degree:

Criminal Justice


Work experience:
Working, I started at a very young age! In the early days of my life, I was able to get a part-time job working at a local thrift store in Mexico where I was born, at the young age of 13, when I was still a child. While it was difficult to do, it was very rewarding, since it was my first job. As I mentioned earlier, I worked at the thrift store for two years. It was only when I decided to move from Mexico to Karakura, Japan for a better opportunity that I decided to leave. In the beginning of my time in Karakura, Japan I applied for a position as a cashier at a Convince store. I was accepted for the position and I worked there for the rest of my teenage years. I kept all of my grades to C's or above during this period of time. I quit my job there once I hit the age of 19 and it was time for me to attend college, and during that time I worked many jobs in order to pay off my student loans, and I made a meager 855,000 yen each year until I graduated with my degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice. During those four years, I worked many jobs to pay off my student loans. In the days following my graduation, I rushed to the Karakura Town Hall to submit an application for Lawyer.

That consisted of all of my work experience to present-day.

Political background:
Being a child under the age of 18 it is of course perfectly understandable that my interest in politics was not the greatest. As a child I tried to avoid politics as much as possible because I found them to be boring. As soon as I entered high school for the first time, I took a U.S History class. I remember one day I walked into the classroom, and we were discussing the three branches of the Government which are the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches. I still remember how my eyes lit up with excitement that day, I did not know why but my interest in politics and government work grew much stronger that day. When I was 18 years old, I decided to attend college with the intention of earning my degree in Criminal Justice and Criminology. While I was in college, I was glued to my textbooks in order to learn everything I could, and I ended up with a minor in Criminology and a major in Criminal Justice. I became enlightened by this experience, and I spent the next five years researching the different roles that government plays in society. As much as I considered the possibility of becoming a Governor, I decided instead to apply for the position of a Lawyer, since I am committed to ensuring that the voices of those who are innocent are heard by the world.

In the early morning of February when a mother would pass away due to complications of giving birth to her child. A small town in Mexico with a clinic that was not properly fit with the means to birth a child, the place was quickly flooded with news crews and journalists from the big city, begging the father to give an interview, nailing the nurses and doctors with the tough questions that nobody could really answer under all the stress. By noon, the father had wrapped his newly born son, Ji-ah Ko, into his arms and carried him outside into the blazing sun of the Mexican desert. He carried the baby boy to his car and drove away from the clinic, never returning.

In the years following the mother’s death, Ji-ah’s father would do everything he could with his own mother to give Ji-ah the best life imaginable as they tried to figure out just what they would do in such a trying situation. The father resorted to petty theft in order to turn somewhat of a profit to pay for the expensive life of a single father. When Ji-ah was only five years old, his father would be sentenced to two years in prison under the charge of grand theft. Ji-ah’s grandmother, Maria, would see this as an opportunity to fight for full custody of the child, and that’s exactly what she would do. Ji-ah’s father was brought to court yet again, and quickly lost the battle for his own son. When it was all said and done, Ji-ah was protected by his grandmother under the law. And with that, she decided to immigrate to a small city in Japan, where their family had roots… a city called Karakura.

Karakura was like any other city, full of crime, scum and corruption. But also beauty if one were to pursue it. Ji-ah’s grandmother found the two a place to stay in the poorer side of town, it wasn’t much but it was enough to keep them living stability. Ji-ah began attending Karakura’s high school, performing above the expectations of the school’s Student Leadership Team. He had even formed a club once! Or.. at least he thought about it! Ji-ah’s life had been going great, but as he would soon find out, not everyone stays happy forever.

One night, after a little bit of unsupervised drinking with his friends, Ji-ah would come home to see a door busted in, and police surrounding his apartment. The Karakura Police Department would not allow for Ji-ah to get any closer than the tape, no matter how much he begged and pleaded with them to at least tell him what happened. Eventually he tried running straight through, but was quickly detained by officers at the guard. As he was on the cold floor, he would notice two figures covered with white sheets, and yellow signs labeled by numbers ‘2’ and ‘3’. A bloody knife shined light directly into Ji-ah’s eye, another marker ‘4’. And a baseball bat that had sat right outside of the doorway.. ‘1’. In that moment, he had come to the realization of what had happened during the night, he screamed for the officers to let him go, tears streaming down his face as he roared and struggled against the officer’s strength. He broke free, just long enough for him to run inside the apartment and tug the sheet off of the figure laying dead on the floor.. But it wasn’t his grandmother, no. Instead, on the floor laid the dead body of his father, two bullets shot into his front chest and lacerations on his face. A man who Ji-ah hadn’t seen in years now lay dead before him in front of a squad of officers who shot him down in the heat of the moment.

Ji-ah turned to the officers, each one raising a pistol to his head, the boy simply dropped to his knees, tears pouring from his eyes. The officers surrounded the boys and placed cuffs on his hands, and he was sent off to the police department’s jail for obstruction of justice. Being an orphan, Ji-ah did not have it easy in jail, and spent two weeks awaiting his trial.
Thankfully, the case was denied by the judge, and Ji-ah was a free man before he even showed up in court. He spent the next few years trying to support himself by doing odd-jobs across the city, just barely raking up enough change to pay for his rent.

One night, while drunk and watching crime-drama on the television. Ji-ah became angry and threw the bottle at the television, breaking it instantly. He swore to himself and his grandmother’s soul that the police would never again wrong him or anyone else like they did on that night. That he would get revenge for them not letting him have his final goodbyes to her. He attended Karakura College and began to study up on the ins and outs of law. It would take quite a long time for his ‘revenge’ on those who wronged him, but it would be a rewarding process. As the pages turned and years began to pass by without a second thought, Ji-ah slowly became more and more in tune with the inner workings of Karakura’s criminal justice system. Very different than anywhere else in the world, but that just gave him a bigger goal.

As Ji-ah’s hair began to thin and turn grey, aging along with the books that turned more and more yellow as the days, weeks, months and years passed him by like the flies in the wind, he began to grow more and more concise with the goal he had in mind. That one night that changed everything, that night when madre and padre had been snatched from him by ice cold blood and burning hot lead bullets piercing the heart of the heartless. He took a deep breath as he stepped into the town hall, a degree in hand. He knew what had to come next, and he had spent so many years waiting for this moment. Ji-ah did not let time get to him, his footsteps matching up to the ticks of the clock that had been working away in that office ever since the fire.

Nationality & born location:
Hispanic-Korean & Seoul, Korea

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

Criminal record:
I have a clean record I have never been arrested or fined.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
In my opinion, I am a great candidate for this job since it is important for any position to believe in hard work, and that is something that I possess. As a learner, I possess the traits of a good learner, such as engaging with the world around me, questioning everything, thinking for myself, being driven by their interests, pushing through challenges, being determined to succeed, displaying inner motivation and self-discipline, exercising their minds and their bodies, and cultivating good habits that will help them succeed in the future. In addition to the above, I would like to add that I have great leadership skills that may enable me to succeed in this position if I have not already mentioned it. Due to the fact that I possess these skills, they also help me to work alongside other people and colleagues as well. Furthermore, I also believe that I am a good candidate for this job since I have a tendency to get along with anyone that I meet, providing that we respect each other and that we do not engage in any forms of drama. Additionally, I hate drama and I will do all I can to prevent any type of drama around me and my work environment.

Thank you for your time!
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Level 197
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for applying for the Government Faction, after careful review, the higher ups and I have decided to DENY this application as we felt other applicants stood out to us a little more. You are welcome to re-apply for the Government faction in 14 days.

Thank you for applying, feel free to DM me at oZinth#0001 if you have any questions/concerns.

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