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Ferri's KPD app


Level 60
Note: The application was on pending but I'm posting again because I changed some texts and edited some parts to look more organized.

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

_Ferri (main)
EvadeTaxes (alt)
idkItsForFerri (alt) - the account that I’m applying for -
(it’s a new account so it doesn’t have a lot of time in the server but you can check my activity on the other two)

Previous bans:

One ban for 24 hours (around 6-7 months ago) for getting 2 warnings, selling a glitched item in auction and chaining in ooc

Describe your activity on the server:

I play on a daily basis, I’m pretty much always on discord and I try to balance my activity on my two accounts. I’m active during weekdays and weekends and my time zone allows me to be on during the peak times on SRP.

Which timezone are you in?

BRT (GMT -3)

Do you have Discord?


Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:

Yes I do

List your current and past applications:

Council - accepted
KPD Internship - accepted
College x2 - accepted
Spanish + French lang - accepted
College x2 - denied

What is your motivation for applying?:

I have been playing on the server on a regular basis for a couple months now and throughout my experience here, I always enjoyed taking leadership roles, such as leading a family, taking responsibility in a team or even being a councillor in the school, which were the best “roles” that I had in the server so far.
In my opinion, the police job isn't much different than that, it requires a big range of skills, such as leading groups, problem solving skills and a broad knowledge of the rules, which leads to a great responsibility and an even bigger weight on your back.
With all of that said, my motivation for applying refers to this whole challenge and charging environment and, with all the knowledge that I gathered along my path in the server, I found out that this is the type of roleplay that I look forward to experiencing. I also had the pleasure to experience the latest KPD internship program and it was simply fascinating, bringing even more motivation for me to join the police force overall.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?

I do understand a part of it, even though KPD doesn’t follow them completely, I know, pretty much how the rules for police in SRP works and how a government officer in Japan is expected to act.

What are the Police ranks?

(From highest to lowest in each branch)


Police Commissioner

The commissioner is the highest rank possible inside the police. The one with this rank leads the whole police faction

Head Lieutenant
The Head Lieutenant is one step away from the commissioner. This position has fewer privileges but, mainly, has the function of managing the lower roles (just like the Commissioner).

Vice Lieutenant
The Vice Lieutenant has a bit more freedom than their lower roles, with the capability to draw strategies, plan police actions, etc.

Police Lieutenant
This role has reports directly to the higher ups (Commissioner, Head Lieutenant, etc). For that reason, they serve as the regional managers for the police, giving out information on how everything is going on the lower roles.

Police Sergeant
Is responsible for preparing and looking after and assisting the training that police corporals do.

Police Corporal
The police corporal is a very important role for the police, since it’s responsible for training the lower ranks. Usually, it’s someone with a long time in the police force to teach the new people and give them some useful tips on the job.

Police Patrol Officer
The Patrol Officer is like the “hired” guy in the police, meaning that they completed the training and now can patrol alone or with a partner around the city, making sure to keep everything in order.

Police Cadet
This role is the “newbie”, it’s like the intern that just came, maybe, without experience, and requires some training. This role will usually assist police in smaller tasks and assist Patrol.


Detective Superintendent

The superintendent is the responsible for the crazy plans and theories, and he is usually the person behind everything, planning actions and trying to figure out everything. This role is also responsible for the detective branch in the police, overseeing the others and managing the detectives.

Detective Chief-Inspector
The chief inspector is, pretty much, the second in command for the detectives, also planning cases and catching criminals but with a bit more responsibility, since they are expected to take care of the lower ranks and give feedback to the higher ups.

Detective Sergeant
This role is responsible for training the new detectives and they take more serious cases. they also have the freedom to do it on their own, due to their experience in the branch.

Detective Constable.
The lowest rank in the branch. The people here are expected to perform an exceptional job, proving their worth in the branch. They also need training from the higher ups and are often being supervised by someone.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

I believe that the council and police work has some similarities. An example of that is how the job divides itself in two parts, the bureaucratic and the practical part.
The first one it’s mainly for organization and structural purposes, with the objective to prevent any unfair information / actions to happen, always bringing the correct information and facts to the job.
The second one is the actions taken with the information of the first, meaning that the bureaucratic part allows the practical actions to happen. An example of that would be someone making a report at the KPD, first of all you need to understand the situation and get proof of what happened, then, you need to fill some papers and then you decide what actions you need to take in this particular occasion. I believe that's the best summary of the police work, in my opinion.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

SchoolRP recalls a lot in real life situations, and, to enhance this experience, the server recalls in two main types of roleplay, with the School as the main part of it and the CITY serving as the ambient where the school is located and, therefore, a lot of roleplay is invested with this theme.
As in any city, we need Security and Healthcare, with the KPD and EMS serving those purposes, bringing a bit more reality into the SRP world. The police is very important to the server, since it goes together with the crime world and the In Character law system, etc, which, as I stated before, brings this real life essence to the roleplay.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

Yes, I do understand that if I’m not active or if I break any written or unwritten rules I will have to accept being demoted or any further consequences.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?

Yes, I agree and I’m accepting this position with the objective to dedicate most of the time (that I have to play) to my officer account.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?

Yes, and I agree with it.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

Of course! I understand that this is just a roleplay server and I must not take anything said in IC chat personally, and, if I do so, I accept any punishments that you think I deserve.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how they looks, what makes them unique?

The ginger woman brings a hint of tiredness in her eyes, with present dark circles around them and some wrinkles around her face, contrasting with the rest of her body, that showed a subtle young aura. Her formal voice and her “mother” face, would bring a comforting and calm vibe to herself, making it easier to make friends and talk to, pretty much, anyone. But don’t get fooled by her apparent “easy” ways, Maria isn’t the type of person that saves effort when the business gets more serious, something that could be, easily, highlighted by her firm wrist and strong arms. Overall, She’s a tranquil person that takes everything with a pinch of heart and a bunch of seriousness.

What they're like on and off the job?

The main motivation of Maria could be easily described as making her life remarkable, by doing her best to learn and pass through challenges that life brings her. She is a very talkative person and her favorite hobby would be to meet new people and to hang out with her daughters, giving a quite young and playful vibe to her face. At work, she looks like someone completely different, with a relentless, serious and, almost, tireless soul, a truly workaholic. She has a simple and direct work ethic that could be easily described by the sentence her daughters love to use: “work hard to play hard”.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?

She really respects any type of work but, particularly, the government workers bring a shiny sparkle into her eyes, as she sees it as a noble and selfless act. The idea of working to build a better society always crossed her mind but she never thought she had the power to help until she challenged herself to do so. This new decision, according to her, changed her life completely, and she’s willing to invest everything she has to create something, truly, remarkable and, hopefully, cause an impact in society and be remembered for that.


A sunny day, under a tree, with the birds singing loudly was the scenario in which Maria was born, a ginger haired baby with big green eyes but living in a not so big town in the countryside of Brazil. The girl had a quiet and peaceful childhood, that, for some, was a gift, but for her that was simply too boring. She had a clear and distant dream in her mind, to go to a big city and be remembered by her name, but everything just seemed like a distant objective for her, until, just like finding a four leaf clover, Maria met Mário, a young simple and humble merchant, that came to town bringing some products and his fiery eyes, that enlightened some kind of hope to the young girl.

Just like a simple and cliche romantic story, they fell in love and, by the age of 15, the couple was tracing plans and gathering courage to take a step closer to the dream that they both had, the dream to be more. After facing a lot of challenges and fighting against the world, Maria and Mário had a place to call “home”, they moved to São Paulo (a big city in Brazil) to pursue their dreams.

Life wasn’t easy for Maria, she wasn’t used to the pace of the capital and she was facing the big challenge that was being a woman in the 20th century, but that didn’t stop the 17 years old lady with a warm heart and “wings” to fly. The couple saved some money and opened a small grocery shop in the neighbourhood they lived in, this way, making their lives more stable and, a little bit, calmer, making both choose the option to expand the family.

Life was busy, loud but, somewhat, warmer, with the four kids running around Maria’s shop and preparing to go to school when they heard a noise at the back of the store. Everyone ran to see what it was and that’s when they saw Mário’s body laying on the ground with his hands on his heart. By the age of 31, the now adult woman was left alone with 3 girls and one boy to raise.

With a harsh routine and even harsher manners, Maria managed to deal with the energy of her children and, at the same time, command the family business. As a gift from God, she recieved brilliant and amazing news, their four kids were accepted into a scholarship program to study in Karakura, Japan. Amazed and excited by this fact, The woman decided to go with them, facing the language and cultural challenge and, also, abandoning everything she created in the city.

After this big decision, Maria’s next step was to take care of her sons and daughters but it didn't take too long for them to grow independent and for her to feel a deep and empty space inside her. After this big change in the woman’s life, Maria realized that she didn’t have anything to herself and, while her kids were making plans and meeting people, she was stuck in the same place. That’s when she decided to take a step further in an attempt to fill that empty space in her heart and, by the age of 33, she was accepted to college.

This whole new path was inspiring for her and brought a whole new experience that she never thought she would be able to have in her life, bringing that old and inspiring aura that, for a long time, she believed that she lost. After meeting a lot of people and finding out more and more about new paths in her career, Maria realized a dream that, now, was clear as water in front of her: the dream to help others. This new journey wouldn’t be easy but she was, surely, ready to take this fight.

By the age of 38, Maria graduated in Law and justice with a major in criminal justice and she was ready to follow this new challenge that was facing her. The woman, then, applied to the Karakura Police Department in order to help society and to also create a safe environment that she could be proud of and, hopefully, remembered by her work.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Maria Hart Ito

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Miss Hart

Given Name(s):

Maria, Miss Hart, Ma

Preferred Name:




IC Phone number:
WIP - since I'm applying for my new acount I, still, don't have a phone in it but, if I get accepted, I'm giving it to you ASAP

Religious Denomination:
A devoted christian

Marital Status:




Current Location:


SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:

5 years

Working Experience:

1 year

Academic Degree:

Law and justice

Year of Graduation:



Criminal justice


Psychology and Criminology

Native Languages:


Other Languages:

Last edited:


Level 135
We appreciate you applying, and we hope you're glad to hear your application has been accepted! Please refer to the Karakura Emergency discord upon seeing this​

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