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Gener's Introduction


Level 20
Community Team
Event Team
So I never actually posted one of these despite my joining a week or so ago.

I'm Gener (I may have just stolen this first name from a teacher and transformed it into a pseudonym) and I, like many people here it would seem, discovered this place after Youtube recommended me a certain video. I've also dragged some friends along with me.

I was a staff member on a certain Garry's Mod server (Hogwarts RP) before Warner Bros decided to send a wee cheeky email and... well. Yes, better not to talk about that.
At any rate, this environment is oddly nostalgic to me.

SO HELLO! I notice people here introducing themselves and also talking about what aspects of the server they've enjoyed, and so to that end, I feel compelled to let you all know you can expect me to flood the library in weeks to come. May god have mercy on the poor librarians that have to read my garbage.

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