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Denied Glycer's Receptionist Application


Level 1
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
In my timezone, I am a very active individual on the server. I spend a good part of my weekdays playing SRP, because I enjoy roleplaying with friends and I mostly am active because I am a tailor.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have not previously been banned on this account.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I fully acknowledge that if I am inactive, I will be demoted.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am currently applying for the Receptionist role.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Being a receptionist implies being the first faculty member whom the students see in the morning. It is your job to give out helpful information and call over children via intercom for whatever reason may be.
Perhaps it is someone who has partaken in bullying who needs to be dealt with and with proper school protocols.
As the receptionist, it is your job to help navigate the students to different parts of the school and give out rewards in return for the proper tokens. It is also your job to assist SLT, as well as it is also your job to break up fights.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have had my fair share of roleplay scenarios on the server, as I have been playing since about 2016. Although not on this character, I have participated in many positions on the server, most of which have been in some form of GangRP. My various experiences within that role helped refine my skills and expertise needed for a leadership role within RP. All thought after the end of 2021 I decided to stay away from GangRP to try something new to enrich my roleplay experience. I also a never ending list of scenarios that I have acted out on the server gave me a great deal of creativity and brought my roleplay experience to the next level.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I would like to challenge myself by trying something completely new on the server. Because of this, it also implies that I would be willing to do what is needed to, not just maintain my position, but also prove myself as a good choice. I am very much drawn to this position as it lets me act out my creativity in roleplay scenarios in a way that doesn't dull my imagination. This is why I am joining the School Employee faction as a receptionist; I believe it would give me many opportunities in the present and future forms. Having one successful faction application would already boost my likelihood of joining others in the future, as it'd prove I am capable of doing what is asked of me, in a roleplay scenario.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
[College] [B] Glycer (First Character)
[Grade-12] Glycer (Second Character)
[Rabbit] Akihitoes (First Character)

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Seong-Ho would be relaxing at the front desk, watching the students hanging around corridors waiting for someone to walk up to him in need of his assistance.. Suddenly, his vision would turn towards a particular student who was walking up to him.. the student coming to the front desk would give him a bad look and start misbehaving by cussing at him using very harsh words. Seong-Ho would maintain his composure, keeping a serious poker face he would take a slow deep breath before bringing the student inside an office to not cause any unnecessary attention then confronting him, calmly reminding him that they should respect everyone around him, stating that what they said were very inappropriate and offensive and then telling him if they have a problem with him then they should have a talk about it.. But If the student continues, Seong-Ho would give him one last warning before quickly handing out a detention slip, right after he has made the student aware of the situation he was in.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Remaining professional, he would immediately get in between them to separate the two individuals, if that wasn't enough to stop the fight he would then call other available faculty members to help him with this situation. After they stopped fighting, Seong-Ho would try to examine the severity of their injuries, if they were really severe he would send them to the nurse's office and he would question both of them separately on what happened to see both sides of the story after that, he would try to see if there were witnesses also checking the CCTV footage to get a much clearer view of the situation if there were any camera's in that area, based on who hit who or what happened, Seong-Ho would hand detention slips appropriately.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Seong-Ho would call his co-worker into a place where they could quietly talk about it to not attract attention, he would then tell him that what he was doing was something inappropriate and dangerous reminding him that they were on school grounds and that he could get fired for what he was doing. If the employee didn't do something that was drastic, would close an eye on it before lecturing him, but if he did continue Seong-Ho would be taking measures by calling a higher faculty member to solve the problem. If the employee did something really dangerous that could possibly influence the school itself, he would not hesitate to call SLT to solve the problem.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
In the break room, Seong-Ho does not do anything drastic to ruin the rest of the others. He maintains a strong silence as he contemplates life, and occasionally, how he can make his work better. In essence, Seong-Howould sit there in the corner as he sipped coffee in silence, as this is how he would like to spend a break. He would still maintain a friendly demeanor in case anyone would have wanted to ask him something, but otherwise, he would maintain a quite neutral demeanor.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
after a small sip of morning coffee, Seong-Howould sit. As he sat in his chair by the desk, you could see both ends of a bright and friendly smile. A straightened posture would show his unending dedication to his professionalism and would show that he was ready to greet any students for the day. As the first student passed by the reception, and up to him, he would radiate his friendliness. &r"How may I help you?" &9- He blurted out, looking at the student, full with glee.

/me handed the student a detention slip. &r"You're required to be within the detention room, today, at around 3 PM. Failure to do so will result in SLT being contacted." &9- he said, with a stern and serious look on his face. &r"Next time, don't fight in the hallways, especially when I can see you."

/me After witnessing two students getting physical, he would immediately step in between them using both of his arms to separate the two students &r"This type of behavior is not tolerable, nor on school grounds nor outside school. You two or not setting a good example for the students around you. &9- looking at both of them, he would examine their injuries if they were severe or not. &r''Both of you, come with me to the nurse's office. Those injuries aren't gonna heal themselves"

In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
Seong-Ho Lee

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:
Mr. Lee

Age (Minimum is 25):


Academic Degree:



Graphic Design

South Korean

Known Languages:
Korean, Japanese



South Korea, Seoul - Past:

Seong-Ho Lee was born in South Korea, Seoul. He lived with his wealthy family in the Gangbuk district specifically. He has two twin sisters and one little brother. He loved his siblings so much and he was so overprotective of them, they lived a normal and happy life and were incredibly happy where they were. As Seong-Ho continued his rigorous education, he found interest in Art, as when he was young he started drawing a lot. His art pieces weren't the best but he did find enjoyment in them as he also slowly improved over time, he was able to refine his art skills at just the age of 12 improving his art drastically in such a short amount of time. In the end, he was able to make art that made his parents proud and also made him famous in the city of Seoul making a name for himself in the city of Seoul. As he entered Middle School, he didn't like the idea of studying at all, it was something that he hated a lot but also learned to like after some events that caused him to change his mind about it. When he found out that there were other talented artists like him in his school, he discovered that talent wasn't enough, so he started studying art seriously, making him enjoy studying overall, and so, he started trying to study other school subjects too, boosting his marks, but in the end, he encountered many issues relating to studying and motivation due to a lack of help from the people around him, which he overcame due to his sibling's help, as they gave him great joy and happiness, but on top of that.. when Seong-Ho graduated middle school and entered high school he didn't have a really good debut, in fact, he was belittled by his classmates for having a talent for art and having a wealthy family that supported him, the others were so jealous of the things he had that he became a victim of bullying, he felt miserable and helpless at first, he wasn't able to tell his family about it but he suffered thru it and promised himself to not become like them, prompting him to become an altruistic person, helping the others in need to not make them go thru the same thing he experienced. Seong-Ho often found joy in complex things, such as partaking in community activities to help people in need, trying to protect students from bullies, and also helping elementary students in studying as he was able to become good at it after he found a good study method for himself, for him that was enough to be fond of his life in South Korea. He found joy in the things that he knew could help others, and began wanting it to be better for them; a world where people help each other and free off bullies. As he entered college, he got closer to art again prompting him to work hard.

Japan, Karakura - Present day:

Seong-Ho just graduated college, majoring in Arts. But! His parents suddenly died in a plane accident.. they, as in him and his siblings were left alone in this world.. Seong-Ho tried his best not to be depressed about it as he tried to step up and protect his only remaining family..
He had to start working in his 20s to make a bright future for his siblings, giving up his dream to become one of the best artists in his country. Later after he saved up enough money he stumbled upon a poster about Japan, as he watched it, he developed an interest in it prompting him to do research on it. Seeing Japan as a really good country for studying and job opportunities, he decided to move to Japan, Karakura to find fortune.. his siblings started to go to high school there, so he decided to apply for a job that would let him see his siblings! He decided to work as a receptionist at their school as he loved helping people and he wanted to see his siblings having a school life that he only dreamed about.
He also decided to do so because he believed that it would benefit the other students at KHS, which he wanted to help. He wanted to give these students safety in a school free of bullies as he wanted to guide them away from bad influences. He wanted to set an example for his siblings, to lead them, and to keep them safe. He wanted to be a good person with a strong moral compass, who helped others.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
I believe all students are entitled to a good education and guidance, free of bullying. As a young student, I was often bullied for having a wealthy family, making me an outcast in my school. Because of this, I wasn't able to study in a good environment and I didn't get any help from any faculty members despite knowing the problems and difficulties my school had. I believe if it was any other person, they would have had it ruin their mental health and by extension: ruin their grades and future, that wasn't the case for me, I was a hard worker and I did everything I could without anyone's help and in the end I was able to reach my goals. That's why I want to influence other students in a positive way with my guidance as a faculty member to not cause the same problems that my school back in South Korea had, which will also help them develop as functioning adults in the future, creating a better society for everyone.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I am a very hardworking individual who has an intelligent mindset. I would say that would classify me as a high-functioning workaholic. I work incredibly well under stress and I have a strong moral compass. I would also like to add that I should be accepted because I believe most students are entitled to a good school environment, free of confusion and bullying. I have an incredibly strong work ethic and quite incredible levels of self-motivation and discipline, which I believe, in the societies of today, would classify me as a better option.

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:

Do you have any questions?:
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Level 197
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction, after careful review, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application. We apologize for the inconvenience, however due to the large amount of applications this wave we cannot elaborate further on the reason for denial, however once spots open back up again we encourage those denied to re-apply.

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