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Hospital Staff Application


Level 0
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name): ILoveYou_com

Previous bans: I Don't Have any bans

Describe your activity on the server?: I'm starting to come on every day now, I used to not be very active. now I'm going to be at least on twice or once a day just to make sure I'm active. Also to do the job i get. even if I don't get the job i will still get on every day.

Which time zone are you in?: Texas - CDT

Do you have discord? If so what is it?:

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]: Yes, I'm using my phone right now until I get my new gaming headset.

List your current and past applications: I have none right now

What experiences do you have with Detail RP?: I'm doing very well, I used to not be able to detail RP because I was confused and new to it, But I'm getting way better. I'm also used to know what to say in detail Rp and knowing how to use it. Even though I'm still working on it I feel like I am able to detail rp.

What is your motivation to apply for EMS and how will you benefit our medical team?: My Motivation is that I'm wanting to be a help to the city, make sure everyone is getting the treatment they need, and give them medication or helping broken parts of the body. everyone needs to be treated well. I would say if it's not serious go to the school nurse during school hours. like if it needs a band-aid or an ice pack just go to the nurse's office. If it gets really serious like a broken leg, hallucinations, need pills. I want to make sure citizens are safe and healthy. no one deserves to be in pain with their body or mind.

Which medical role are you applying for? (e.g: Surgeon, Doctor, Nurse, Psychiatrist):

Specify your knowledge for the role you’re applying for: A Psychiatrist is a mental health helper with your mental state. They also describe medication for those issues, like Anger, Depression, Anxiety, other mental health issues. They also can do individual or group counseling, with that it's usually helpful because it gets you to express more so the Psychiatrist can figure out the issue. So they also can find out the symptoms you have for that issue. they may also use different types of psychotherapy.

Categorize all the functions of the EMS and tell us what each of them does:
Surgeon: One that specializes to treat those diseases that are amenable to or require surgery, and as in the name, they are medical specialists who perform surgery. They deal with major injuries that would require surgery.

Doctor: A person licensed person to help with minor injuries which could include, rashes, infections, aches, illnesses, ailments, body-related disorders, etc. They also may prescribe medication or suggest medication for such treatments.

Psychiatrist: A qualified practitioner of medicine. They help deal with the mental health of their patients. They can also learn that their patient has a mental illness that will be diagnosed to the patient such as ADHD, ADD, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, etc.

Are you aware of the basic medical emergency color codes? If so, with their meanings, specify all those you’re aware of:
Black-Bomb Threat-Suspicious Object
Blue-Cardiac Arrest-Medical Emergency
Brown-Chemical Spill/Hazardous Material
Gray-Shelter in Place/Air Exclusion
Orange-Mass Casualty Accident
Pink-Pediatric Emergency
Purple-Medical Emergency-Other then a Cardiac Arrest
Yellow-Missing Patient

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time? Yes i do

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role? Yes I do

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]? Yes I know

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations? Yes

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how they look, what makes them unique? Penelope is a young woman that is very calm and understanding with talking to people, if there's a fight she doesn't scream or yell unless someone is hurting the person she loves to scare the person away. Penelope has blonde hair with grayish-green eyes. She has pale with a mix of tan skin tone. Her height is about 5'6, weighs about 163 pounds. Some of her hobbies are that She plays guitar with singing, She likes painting and drawing also likes to go on runs and work out. Her Mother and Father were very abusive and soon enough were in jail. They've been out of Penny's life since she was 14. Penny doesn't like fighting. Yelling and screaming is one of her triggers to anger or anxiety. She has a sister but she lives in the United States, but her sister is moving to Karakura.

What he or she like on and off the job? When Penny is on the job She will make sure to work hard on her job she doesn't take her breaks unless their no work and usually doesn't like going off work because she gets nervous that someone gets hurt and she's not there to call the right staff for it. Penny when she also on the job likes to be talkative to the other staff members so she can make friends so she's not bored at work. when Penny is off work she goes out to the beach or park to relax and maybe eat a snack. Work is very important to penny though so it's hard for her to off the job.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future? Penny is very relaxed so she wants to make sure her co-workers are calm and doesn't get irritated at work. She would make sure they eat and have a glass of water. She'd check on the other staff members most of the time. Penelope's plans for the future are that she wants to get married and have about 3 or 4 kids. Penelope wants to have a beach marriage at sunset. When Penelope Retires from this job, she wants to spend the rest of her life working at home with the family.

Does your character have any past / current mental and or physical illnesses we should take acknowledgment to? Penelope has bipolar 1 severe but she's very well trained to control it.

Penelope Penny Elle is a 30-year-old whose life is very difficult, She always was good with helping anyone that got hurt she give them pep talks. Penny Loves everyone even her parents even though they've hurt her for years.

She is Japanese who defines herself as bisexual. She has a degree.

Physically, Penelope is in pretty good shape. She is short with pale but with a mix of tan skin, blonde hair, and grayish-green eyes.

She grew up in a working-class neighborhood. Her mother and father left when she was young, leaving her with her uncle, who was a drunk.

She is currently Single Looking for a relationship with a male or female. Her little sister is about 22 years old and she was forced to leave the house when she was 8 and was put in a foster home. Penny was left with her abusive parents until she was 18

Penelope's best friend was extremely sweet and supportive. Her name is Maddie Rose Smith. They are inseparable. They had to sneak out to see each other when they were kids They were the same age and just hang out every night. They could never be separated, Maddie now lives in Canada with her Husband Brandon Lee Smith.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name: Penelope 'Penny' Elle

Characters Title (e.g, Mr. Mrs. Miss): Miss Elle

Characters Given Name(s): Penny, Penelope

Characters Preferred Name: Penelope

Characters Age: 18 (If accepted 30)

Characters Gender: Female

Characters Religious Domination: Doesn't have a label

Characters Marital Status: Single

Characters Nationality: Japenese and Mixed with Korean

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of Residency: 3 years

Working Experience(s): 3 years

Academic Degree: Masters degree

Year of Graduation: 2018

Major(s): Psychology and Biology

Minor(s): Physics and Economics

Native Languages: Japanese

Other Languages: Korean



Level 135

Sadly your application was either not good enough or your reputation within the server isn't the best. Best of luck next time!​

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