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INTERVIEW | Interview with Kayli S. Peterson


Level 26
[!] A click would be heard and a tape would start playing

The soft sound of birds chirping would be heard.
A 4'8 raven blue haired girl with one eye blue and the other green along with glasses would be sitting on a chair at a table with two seats outside.

Hello everybody, this is Amelia T. Sato here and I am here with my best friend, Kayli S. Peterson! This is my first interview and I hope you will enjoy it.

The video would flash suddenly, now with a 5'3 girl with bright blonde hair and blue eyes sitting across from her.

A.S: Alright, let's begin! Now tell us Kayli, what do you think of Karakura?

K.P: Well, I really liked living in this town at first when I first moved here back in 2021, but honestly now, the crime rate has gone up a ton, and it doesn’t really feel as safe to me as it used to be

A.S: Yeah, I do agree a lot! The crime rate is extremely high... If you don't mind me asking, what made you not feel safe as you used to be? Was it certain incidents perhaps?

K.P: Yeah I’ve witnessed and endured a ton of gang related incidences, and just people fighting in general. My friends and I have also been jumped by people with masks and beaten multiple times while living here as well.

A.S: "I'm sorry to hear that bestie! She would quickly hug her before returning back to hear seat. "it's also been hard for me too, sadly. Now lets stop talking about sad stuff and talk about what you enjoy in Karakura? Are there certain hobbies you like or anything?

K.P: I do enjoy going to the beach, the pier, and the water park in Karakura. They’re my favorite places to go, especially with friends and family.

A.S: That sounds really awesome. The pier is a wonderful place after all! Karakura is a pretty and organized place, so you'll always find fun anywhere you go. Just one more question about sad things.. Has anything made you feel upset before? Like a certain gang striking on citizens, and things like that.

K.P: Yeah, the stuff that makes me really upset is gangs going after me, my friends, and other innocent people. I’ve also had a few friends turn technically into gang members, and started hurting other people as well. It honestly just makes me wonder what I’m even doing anymore.

A.S: The female would slightly flinched when she said "started hurting other people we well" She'd turn toward the camera and sheepishly smile.. "U..uhm Yeah! It also makes me wonder a lot. They probably had a ehm, bad past. Sorry to make you answer that! Now, in your opinion, what do you think about the school?

K.S: She would turn to Amelia and stick her tongue out, playfully “The school is great! The teachers, professors and other school faculty are really nice and do their job really well! The subjects that the teachers teach are also well taught and interesting too.”

A.S: Yep! It seems like the faculty are doing great at their job! What's your favorite subject in school so far? Have you been thinking about joining any clubs?

K.S: Honestly, I really like art. I’m bad at it, but it’s worth a shot. She would laugh I’ve thought about joining the track team, but I have too much social anxiety for that. So not really.

A.S: I think that's all I need for today, thank you for coming Kayli! She'd softly smile and got up from her seat. See you next time!

K.S: Thank you for having me!!

[!] The scene would flash once again, with Amelia sitting by herself.

"Thank you all for coming and see you next time. Amelia Sato out."

[!] The tape would end
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