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J77h_ - Criminal Application | BMD


Level 6
Lunar Client (1.17.1-0caf49b_master) 2_14_2023 8_23_26 PM.png

J77h_ Is my main account. I don't have any alt accounts for now and I am planning on using this (J77h_) for the possible BMD dealer role.
Previous bans/warns/kicks:
Throughout my time in the server, I've never been banned, and I don't have much warnings either. The only possible punishment I had was my recent ban from the discord server of the gang I used to lead (Bonten) because I falsely mentioned another server in one of my gangs private chats. I understood my mistake though and I plan on moving forward.
Describe your activity on the server:
Well, I've been playing on the server for more than a year with peak activity logging on for gang roleplay daily. Though the last few days my activity dropped a bit due to the unfortunate loss of my gang's leadership. I'd rate my current activity a 7/10 yet I can promise a much higher activity level in case I achieve the role of Black market dealer. I know that in the past, while I sill had my gang, I'd be active a lot when my timezone allowed it doing things related to the gang such as using permissions, attending meetings and doing small p2l events with other gang roleplayers for character lore etc. Based on that I can reach a solid 9/10 in activity in case my application is successful. Plus, my playtime is above 5OOC weeks.

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:
My discord is Jtth_#8832. In case it changes ill make sure to edit this application but more likely I won't change it. Microphone is one of the few things I lack, I can join calls, listen to all the things that people from the team have to say and follow orders but I don't like speaking much in calls. I might get more comfortable depending on the group but I hope this all is generally not a big issue. In addition I can use no mic or communicate through dms.

Specify your country of origin and time zone:
I live in greece, and my timezone is GMT+2

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:
Joining the BMD has been an alternative to me for a long time even while I still had leadership of my gang Bonten. I was always debating on getting an alt account to apply but I never managed to. Recently, after the ban I got from bonten due to a mistake I made, I lost a lot of my motivation to play but I realized that I truly like the crime faction and I want to keep roleplaying within it. Furthermore, ever since I first logged on SRP I was trying to become a member inside big gangs, and did small crimes to slowly grind up to the top. Achieving the role of verified gang leader, for me was the peak of gangrp, and now that it ended I want to experience a new type of criminal roleplay and start over with a new
Gangrp was the most important part of my experience in SRP. I absolutely miss being a criminal within a group, ever since what happened with my old gang. I want to have a new position within people and get the ability to have nice P2L fights and experience crimerp again.
Apart from my gang loss though, and the need to experience new types of roleplay, there is also one different reason why I am very excited to apply for the role of BMD. As we all know, Black Market Dealers have the ability to manage a gang's turf. I really want to approach my former gang with a new role as it's turf manager, because it adjusts the lore of my character and its also a great opportunity to reunite with my gang and keep roleplaying with the amazing people I met through it. Its also a great way of starting as a bmd and it motivates me a lot to join the group.
In addition to my my previous motivations, another big factor is the finance. I see joining the BMD faction as a way of making money through crimerp which is the type of roleplay I loved since day 1. I always enjoyed being in gangs but one major disadvantage was always the financial. BMD on the other hand is one of the few ways to originally make money through crimerp, and in a very exciting way. Black market is an ideal type of roleplay for me because it is listed as an official "job" within the server with actual money system and more.
Except from the OOC reasons, there is a big IC reason that makes me want to join the BMD more is my character's lore. His full story is listed below, yet in general I have been playing my character for more than a year and with him I've reached the top as a verified gang leader. I know feel like his lore would be complete if he finally joined the group of the most dangerous criminals in town stepping up from verified gang leader to a black market dealer. It would sort of be an ic rank up that makes his lore complete and fulfils his goal of reaching the top as a criminal.
What I realised is that connections with other players are maybe the most important thing about crimerp and maybe SRP in general. A big reason why I want to join the black market is that within its roster of dealers, there are many amazing people who I've role played with in the past and established some great events. For example Springwood (Triad x Bonten events) Jayseph (Bontem x Kaku kai) etc. I really enjoyed playing with those people in the past and I feel like roleplaying with them once again on the black market would be one of the best experiences in SRP for me.
Lastly, there is a big reason why I got motivated to try for BMD, and that is a specific business I have in mind. I am sure the crime lead is familiar with it because I started it while still leading bonten and it was supposed to be a verified gang business lead under bmd. I still have the manager role inside that business and even though it never launched I plan to make it work as a black market dealer. I see the role as an opportunity to establish that business and bring a new source of excitement in the server among criminal role-players with hat business. It is also a great way to make money.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:
To begin with, creativity is very important on all fractions of srp. I believe that the crime team requires someone with a creative mind that can think out of the box and suggest good ideas. I see myself as a creative person and I feel like I can provide multiple ideas that will possibly add excitement to the faction and make it more interesting. I know that most of the other applicants probably wrote something similar, yet I am very dedicated about this work, but what most probably didn't include is that I care a lot about the activity of the crime faction as well as its improvement, and I'll do my best to bring more hype into it. In addition, I think that I'm a mature individual with great ability to work in a team and good ideas in general.
To be more specific, I am an open minded person and I like to always think further into ideas that most people avoid discussing. I like thinking of big events and overall roleplay opportunities when most people would not try because of a possible rejection. I try for my business ideas along with my general suggestions to actually improve the faction and bring new features to it.
One more thing that might make me 'better' compared to other applicants is my experience in gangrp and crimerp in general. Through gangs I learnt a lot about how the faction works and how to be active in town. I also made some mistakes that are currently making me an overall better roleplayer because I see each one of them as a lesson and an opportunity to go forward and achieve great things. I've roleplayed with black market dealers and many other gangs and I feel like I know how to communicate well with people at this point and establish good projects or nicely planned events. My experience though has one last benefit. As a player who's been gangrping for over a year now with no breaks or quits, I've seen the server and the crime faction change a lot. I've seen rules changing, gang system changing, weapons being reworked and more others. I believe that helps me have a good opinion when it comes to the decision the crime team will take as well as it helps me with having a good image of what's beneficial for the faction.
Another thing about me that definitely makes me stand out is my ability to never give up. Ever since I started Bonten, I went through many ups but also many downs. There were times that bonten fell off a lot and members kept quitting. Even at those times I was loyal to it and never once considered disbanding it. I believe that the role of BMD requires someone with high loyalty as well someone that will remain in even when things fall off. I think I can assure that loyalty and that also makes me stand out compared to others.
I would like to add that I have roleplay to a high value. I believe that compared to other people in the area of gangrp I've been one of the few who value roleplaying and try having the best experiences in the server. I use p2l a lot and I tend to do all my activities in a way that most people would appreciate them and more effort would be needed behind them. I believe that having good qualities roleplay that utilizes more than just rolls and quick actions makes the game less unique and more effortless. I believe that this trait could possibly be a strong point of mine that could help the faction's reputation and image.
Being organized is also something very important for me. As a person I tend to keep organized schedules on most of the things I do, and I always try to follow them strictly. With the dealer role, I believe that I can keep a solid and persistent activity level opening often and attending most if not all of the meetings as long as my timezone allows it
Even though it might not be as important, time is still a factor, when it comes to such a role. Personally, I have a lot of free time and I can invest it well on the role in case of acceptance. I know that the role is no joke and I believe that my free time is definitely a benefit.
Lastly, I can be very active in the server and sell a lot of cargo to the criminals and I believe that is an advantage itself. I've proven to be active before in gangs, bringing lots of casual activity and I believe that I can do similar, if not better with the BMD role.
An extra, is that along with my possible acceptance, I already have things planned and ready to go. I have a discord server of the Black Market criminal business I want to open and I also have most of the staff members notified about it. More about this business will be listed below on the additional infromation

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:

1. The first gang I joined, Kanto Manji gang. It was my first actual interaction with gangrpers and gangrp itself and it helped me learn the basics of working in a team and cooperating with other people inside a gang.
2. Fight club, even though I didn't get to do much with fight club, when I first joined I got to do some team work with the other fighters and the manager and It was pretty fun.
3. This might be the most important one in the list, my former verified gang Bonten was what made me complete as a criminal roleplayer. It taught me lots of values and helped me improve myself in multiple ways. It taught me how to work well with people and accept different opinions and mindsets. It also helped me accept criticism and self improve comments. Lastly Bonten helped me understand that everyone's opinion is important and I should respect it regardless.
4. Events: Through my experience as a gangrper, I've planned many different events with different people, either small events or even server-wide events. I've worked with people from the event team, lore team and even regular members of different gangs. Some of the great events we achieved toghether were the Kaku-Kai vs Bonten Great war, (server wide) or the judge ransom event (smaller event). There are many more, but the general idea is that through those events, I got to see what working in a team is like.
All the previous experiences I mentioned, were specifically around gangrp which I think will be helpful in case my application gets accepted.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:
Crime faction, is definitely full of potential, and I believe it's one of the most interesting factions in the server. I actually have a bunch of small ideas that could improve the faction and make it a bit more known and feared as well as bring more excitement to it and hype.
First of all, similar ideas have probably been worded in the past, but not specifically for bmd. Black market group, is a group of pretty much the best criminals in town. I believe that BMD should dominate the town more. What I mean by that? BMD should get more specific areas that are marked as "BLACK MARKET ZONES" Or something like that and they belong to bmds. Similar with the way powerplant but specifically used for bmds as their hideout. A few criminal hotspots like that could exist where cops are not really involved and if a citizen gets inside randomly a black market dealer may knock them out and maybe even mug them. That will make the bmd more well known icly and bring more hype to it. I will also allow the dealers to sell on specific areas and make it more safe for them since on those areas police won't be able to do much and dealers will be able to hide better. Some traps might also exist. In addition, on many less crowded areas of the town, possibly closer to sewer entrances there could be criminal zones where by getting in, other players who currently are in, may try to fight you or kick you out. Those areas are ran by dealers and each dealer get their own small area. Dealers may chose who will be in, but I'd suggest that criminal associates, are along with the dealers in order to give the role some sort of meaning. This is my first idea and probably the hardest one to implement yet if possible it could add some nice roleplay to the crime faction.
Now this is my second idea and probably an easier one. Adding an activity channel into the bmd discord for bmd's to post their basic activities such as killings muggings etc. This idea is not really big but it could possibly show the people that bmds are still criminals and encourage them to roleplay with bmd and pass perms etc.
Another Idea I have involves mostly gangs and black market dealers. From my time as a verified gang leader I noticed that the actual IC roleplay to get my gang verified and then later on involved no black market dealers or even the crime lead. I believe that achieving positions as a gang (Unverified, Verified) Should include both and application but somehow an Icly method too, where the bmds get to roleplay with the gang and have a small meeting with some of the members to acknowledge/approve them as 'verified' or 'unverified'. In addition, claiming a Turf is one of the most important aspects of a verified gang. I noticed from my own experience that ICLY there was no process or RP with BMD in order for my gang (Bonten) To claim it's turf. Of course crime leads changed but I overall believe that Turfs should be claimed through roleplay. I believe that upon becoming a verified gang, there must be a lot of roleplay between black market and the gang. It also allows more events that involve claiming turfs or overall achieving better gang roles.
I know that permissions are quite controversial, and I personally like the new Kill permissions, what I'd suggest though is a new addition to those. Ill give it a quick name, though that can change. "Escalation". This is basically a way to have a more realistic roleplay experience because perms might not always be accurate to a character's IC motivation. To be specific, with Escalation, 2 or more parties, gain IC motivation by roleplaying with each other and once they have gathered enough they forward it to the black market or Crime staff and they decide if they can do certain unique actions against others. Ill set an example to make it easier to understand. Lets say that 1 player made a bad rumor about another player. After some escalation of the two players confronting each other and having heat between them, they may ask for permission to give a non permanent damage to each other. Along with the Escalation, a new type of attack could be added which mainly involves small, minor attacks that can make a player fall unconscious and forget the scene between them and the attacker. Examples of such an attack could be stabs at non fatal areas or certain fights. The idea behind it is that it doesn't have to be specific based on perms, but instead staff has to approve of the IC motivation and allow the player to act and inflict a small amount of damage to another player. That will encourage people to roleplay more instead of just trying to gain perms in order to gangrp. It will encourage people to focus more on having good crime activity and a much more realistic experience. It will also make the game less specific, and allow a more flexible attack system that is closer to how an actual person would think. This idea doesn't cancel perms, but it fills in for the few gaps, perms may have and it also allows people to act on situations that might not be as simple as permission situations are. Escalation rule could also allow some different types of fights such as a fight between two gangs, destruction of properties or turfs and many many more! Its a simple rule that requires staff confirmation and allows players to have a next level roleplay experience.
Speaking of roleplay, BMD can up the level of roleplay within it by implementing a few things to its application. In order for an applicant to get accepted, they should pass their forum application but also go through and IC process where the black market has to test them and see if they are really what they mentioned on their application. The test will require a certain level of a physique, and a certain combat skill and overall ability to fight. It may also require a mighty personality that really stands out compared to regular criminals. Afterall the black market is a group of 5 of the best criminals in town who have experienced high levels of crime and they don't lack at any challenges the dealers might offer them as a test.
Last but not least, I feel like the faction is missing out on ground. Black market is basically the opposite of cops and except from the possible small areas that are crime zones and are ruled by the bmd I feel like it should get some sort of main hideout where meetings take place, weapons are stored and bmds defend. That will not just be some random area, It will be hard to get in and if a citizen or a random gets in a black market dealer may act on Kill permissions to the character or major permissions. That area is the market's top secret and it is guarded by the dealers so trespassing will occur to bad consequences.
An exra, is a black market dealer owned business im planning on starting, that is basically a criminal hotspot where gangrpers can attend, spend money on weapons from bmd, gamble, drink illegally spectate dog fights and more!! This business is a small extra for dealers to have some more activity, more way to make money and overall some conflict with an illegal business.
Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:
Of course, I've been gang roleplaying for a long time and I've learnt the rules by heart.
Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:
Yes, I am familiar with that rule.
Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:
Yes, I understand that rule.
Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:
Of course.
Full Legal Name:
Shinjiro Hatake
Criminal Alias:
Age & Occupation: (Note: if you become a black market dealer, you will be permitted the Adult role)
Gender & Marital Status:

Jett is 20 year old male college student. He is currently single
Ethnicity & Race:
He is Japanese. Asian
His birthplace is Japan.
Known Languages:
Jett can speak japanese, Russian and Spanish
Former Associations/Occupations:
Jett is a former member of the gang Kanto, he was also once a fight club worker but his main association was leading one of the biggest gangs in karakura, known as Bonten. Hatake is his family and apart from a simple association he is a blood related sibling of them.

Bonten was a street gang, eith main motivation being dominating the town. It was the product of Kanto's disband and the civil war between the hatake family. Bonten reached the top as a gang for a while, and Jett was its official leader

In fight club, jett didn't stay for log due to his lack of motivation and his responsibilities in Bonten. Through fight club he built a name for himself and showed to everyone that he was mercyless. In addition, he trained a lot I'm fight club and evolved his fighting skills.

Kanto was the gang that made him who he was. It taught him the basics of living as a criminal and through its activities it slowly corrupted him and grew the hate inside him. Through kanto he also got to meet his future allies that founded bonten with him later in the story line.

Highest Level of Education:
College Bachelors.
Physical/Mental Ailments:
Shinjiro looks normal at first sight, once you get a bit closer to him though you realize a few things about him. To begin with, he seems to have a high idea about himself, which most of the times is true. It feels like a narcissistic disorder yet the young man never goes to the doctors to get any source of diagnosis. He tends to believe that he is almost like a god after all his achievements as a criminal and he never accepts anyone to be above him in any way. In addition, his personality is split in two. He appears as a nice kind guy to everyone yet once he masks up, he becomes a whole different person. A cold blooded murderer and a criminal who seeks darkness and inflicts pain to the people around him.
His physical ailments on the other hand are not many. He has certain scars on his body that are the few signs of the few worthy opponents he ever fought. To be more specific, he has a small scar under his right eye, he getting into Karakura and training with a former gang member. Moving on to his chest area, one of the few, if not his only weak spot. On his chest rest 3 big scars. Two of them look like they were made from a Katana, both relatively close to each other right on his lung. The other one though, is the most severe one of them. He has a circular scar made by an actual bullet, that was fired during a shootout with the cops. Due to those scars, his chest is a slightly weaker point of his, yet he managed to fix his breathing so that damage no longer is a set back for him. He also has a lot of muscle mass covering that area, and it makes that weak spot of his protected well enough.
Known Family Members:
Shinjiro is a member of the hatake family. Everyone carrying the hatake name are his family. Related by blood though are only few.
Gin Hatake
Kadin Hatake
Sasori Hatake (Out of town)
Nagato Hatake (Deceased)
Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:
Jett, is an asian male, with long brown messy hair, and light brown-hazel eyes. His skin is rather pale, and very clear. He has a tiny scar under his right eye. His face has rather young looking features. His body on the other hand, is very trained. It is visible that jett has been training for multiple years. He has a slim body type ye built full of muscle followed by certain small scars on his legs and hands from the years of practicing martial arts. The rest of his body is not scared except from his chest. On his chest you can see a big bullet wound along with two stab marks. One on his lung area and the other close to his ribs. The male stands at around 5'9-5'10 feet and he usually dresses nice. His body is well built and it is visible that behind it, there are multiple years of hard training. He has a lot of muscle mass and his overall image can be quite intimidating sometimes. One last detail about him that stands out is the tattoos he has on each hand. Both seem to be black Japanese kanji letters running down his arms. ''Kanto Gang" "Bonten Gang". Two tattoos that mean more than life itself to Shinjiro.
Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:
Shinjiro, is a kind looking man at first sight. A natural charm, followed by his good looks really create and appealing looking male. He always carries a smile on his face when talking to regular civilians and he is always there to help. People around him could definitely tell that he has a kind soul, a generous personality and a helping spirit. He likes playing multiple sports, meeting new people daily and attending classes. He also likes to smoke sometimes but he constantly says he will qui one day. Lastly he likes supporting his people and making them happy. He shows empathy to others. His only flaw is that sometimes his ego surpasses his kindness. He might become annoying sometimes, trying to make people admire him. Apart from that though he is the definition of an extrovert. He likes being into friend groups and he usually has leading roles on everything he does. He has a leading spirit. That's who Shinjiro Hatake is. Shinjiro's ideals though are far from Jett's reality. He simply uses that side of himself as a good cover around the people he cares about and the civilians of Karakura. It all changes when the mask covers his face. His true personality is no visible. He harms for no specific reason, just to promote fear to the people around him. He is pure evil hiding behind of an angelic image. With the mask on, he doesn't show any signs of mercy to people and it is hard to get him to recall to his good side. He was not always like that but the harsh society he lives in changed him majorly. His goal is no other than reaching the top at anything he does, and that's why he chose to lead such a dangerous gang. Even after his demote from it though his need for destruction did not stop and it probably never will. He harms people just to gain the respect from others and force his domination. Jett can also manipulate others through words and even sometimes by showing them his true identity. Shinjiro's charming looks, and his comforting personality can some times lure even the greatest opponents into trusting him. And that is when they are more vulnerable. That's when Jett strikes.

Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail: (200+ words minimum)

It all begun, somewhere in Tokyo, Japan, an orphan living alone waiting for his lucky day, an adoption. One day, two nice people arrived there and his hopes were up once again for a possible family. The couple took him home and slowly started bonding with him, as well as giving him a name. 'Shinjiro'. As he grew up he found out more about his parents as well as his family origins. His father was a hard working man, who is said to have some past affiliation with dangerous people. On the other hand, his mother was also a good woman but sadly she was sick, she was battling some strange disease yet she never told Shinjiro what was it. She was trying to keep it from him because she wanted her son to be happy even though he could notice that she wasn't well. As he grew up he started practicing from a young age, how to defend himself along with a variety of martial arts. He was very good at karate, and he was almost unnaturally flexible. It was as if he was born to be a fighter. Year by year, his life in the city was always getting harder. The unfortunate part was that he did not know what was going on with his family yet he could only assume. His mother's sickness was getting worse and his father kept leaving the house late at night and returning home with bruises or small wounds. He could only wait and see how this whole issue with his father would evolve. It was a regular night, his father gone and he was home taking care of his mother. The phone suddenly rung and as he picked it up he heard a familiar voice, his dad's. He was warned to hide and without second thought he hid inside one old wardrobe in his house. What he heard traumatized him for life. His door was brought down and a big crime group murdered his mother before storming out of the apartment. Once they left Shinjiro quickly went to see if his mother was still breathing but sadly, it was too late. He called the police who arrived quick. His father was still not home and he was now alone in the station waiting for any news or signs that his dad was still out there. The days past, yet still no news. He was now missing and young Shinjiro was sent back to the orphanage. Ever since that day he never heard of his father again. He grew up in denial, how could his life be so unfair. The hate inside him kept growing until the age of 17 when he ran away from his orphanage and tried for a new life in a new city named Karakura!
Karakura was a small city yet filled with opportunities, It seemed like the perfect place for Shinjiro to make a new start. As he arrived though he was quickly stopped at the station by a strange man. He was average height at about 5'9 feet, with a very macular build and a pale skin tone. He had blonde damaged hair but what made him stand out from others was his terrible eye wound. His right eye was completely damaged and the wound was untreated. He looked very intimidating, yet discouraged. That man ordered Shinjiro to follow him inside one of his hideouts. His name was Kenji Kurokawa, and all he wanted was to tell Shinjiro the basics about Karakura. It seemed as if Kenji knew exactly who Shinjiro was yet till the end he never revealed anything. From him Shinjiro learnt a lot about the town including it's high criminality along with the many dangers it hides. He was desperate, the gang life followed him everywhere so he decided that he'd no longer run away. It was time to fight back.

There he is, all alone now surviving in town. Luck was by his side, as he quickly met up with a strange group. They wore white clothes with some unique black letters on their sleeves. His great fighting skills where quickly acknowledged by the organization who later revealed their name. It was a gang, feared by most and respected within the town. Kanto Manji, a semi-delinquent biker gang with members similar to Shinjiro. A great population of the gang were from a family named Hatake. Kanto was more than a gang to Shinjiro, It was his family. With that followed his unique new last name, he was now a 'Kozlov'. It was the name of some commanders of the gang and inside that family he met two great new brothers. Forty Kozlov and Vincello Kozlov. During that time, he got his first signature tattoo on his arm. It was the Kanji letters from the attire. The tattoo was a symbol of his eternal loyalty o the gang and his new family. Everything was going great until they arrived.. A gang by the name 'Kaku-kai'. The first strike was when Kaku-Kai abducted his brother Vincello and later on he was pronounced dead. The day Vincello died, was the day that Shinjiro evolved his darker side, and the hate inside him grew bigger than ever. It was when Jett was born. Kanto was not ready for such a death and revenge was slowly coming. In one of the meetings, Shinjiro got to fight some members of the organization himself and he realized that their fighting skills where very unique and dangerous. As kaku-kai begun to rise, the whole revenge plan was forgotten. A new, much harder and more dangerous opponent was now against Kanto. It was one of the mightiest criminals in town followed by his family. The Hatake family.

Akuma-Shidan was a group formed by the leader of the Hatake Family, a man named Sasori. He was the same age as Shinjiro ye far more experienced. Some information about the Hatake family was now spread to both sides. Hatake had three founders, Choji Hatake, Nagato Hatake and Lastly Sasori Hatake. Nagato joined Kanto's side while Sasori went the opposite direction with Choji. The two sides slowly begun going against each other, with the main rivalry being Nagato versus Sasori. Nagato had a whole gang behind him full of loyal soldiers, while Sasori had most of the Hatake's with him. Small fights kept occuring within the two sides though it all peaked inside the sewers. An unknown member of Kanto had contacted Akuma-Shidan giving them information about Kanto's position leading into a big fight between the two. Kanto members faught with their life on the line leading in a victorious outcome for them. The only ones missing from the battlefield where the main founders, Choji, Nagato and Sasori along with one higherup of Kanto who went with Nagato. The happiness of victory became silence of grief once the yelling of a higherup was heard. 'NAGATO IS DEAD!'. That sentence pierced through Jett's mentality. The hate inside him was once again peaking as he grabbed one of the enemy members released all his anger on her. The following days, many meetings occurred involving the leader of Kanto himself. A man named Shinsen'na Hisagawa. During one of those meetings the last devastating truth behind that war was revealed. The traitor.. He was no other than Shinjiro's last remaining family and battle ally. Forty Kozlov.. Shinsen'na made sure to execute him in front of the whole gang yet the damage was already done. Jett was once again alone. Akuma-Shidan slowly disappeared from that day on.


Jett learnt it the hard way, as many might say.. After the war, Kanto Manji gang slowly begun getting inactive, the members stopped attending as much and most of the people grew out of crime. Shinjiro and a few others were the only ones who kept the spirit of being in the gang. Things where not as they used to be. Kanto was still at its peak yet it was clear that it would fall in the next few months. The member's hope though was not lost, they all thought it would catch up once again and reach the top in the city. Besides it outlived all of its opponents except one. Kaku-Kai was still there and it had now surpassed Kanto in numbers. The day arrived, in the frequency where usually new gang plans where posted was now a message from the lead himself explaining that the gang was disbanding. Was this the end? Shinjiro reached his lower during that time. He had officially lost everything that was once holding him in town. The only thing left was his mentality and his spirit. During that period, Shinjiro changed, he was less of an emotional person and his mindset switched up fully. He now wanted to go back to his old rival, the Kaku-Kai gang. He knew that Kanto fell but its spirit would continue living inside people forever. The gang never dies.


Once Kanto stopped operating, Shinjiro was up to something. His closer people and former allies from Kanto lost him for a few days. He was locked up in his place thinking, brainstorming.. A buzz was heard on their phone. Shinjiro was finally reaching out again ''Meet me at the park, Important!". The group gathered, and they started discussing. Shinjiro was planning to open a new gang that would eventually continue Kanto's legacy. Founders of Bonten where his most trusted and closest allies. Two men by the names of Akira and Shinoku and one woman going by Odette. After a long discussion, the 4 teenagers agreed to work together to establish their new gang. "Bonten!". Bonten was a semi-delinquent group, with basic motivations and simple beliefs. Their goal was to dominate the town, and defeat everyone who stands in their way. Shinjiro, or Jett, was now more evil than ever and his first goal was to murder and take down the gang that killed his brother, Kaku-Kai. Bonten slowly grew, and Shinjiro realised that the leading role was too much for him. He decided to allow a trusted person with that job and he took the role of council which was almost equal to a leading position. Things where great at first, Kaku-Kai seemed to be losing on brawls besides their advantage in numbers. Though things did not stay ideal. Bonten leader at the time was a man named Subaru Makino, and through the position his mindset slowly shifted. He developed a high ego, and his respect for the council and the co-leader fell fully. He even started attacking members that got in his way. It was time for Shinjiro's first fight once he stood up against Subaru. They fought for hours in front of their members. Until at some point, both men fell on the ground, breathing heavily and almost dead. Followed after that day, the gang chose to kick Subaru and Shinjiro became it's new leader. Now one thing was left, destruction of Kaku-Kai.

It was now official, Karakura only had space for one gang. Besides their extreme member advantage, 40 to 12, Bonten decided to go against the biggest gang in town. The well known by now, Kaku-Kai. A war was being prepared, and Shinjiro took a lot of time to train for it. During that time one of Shinjiro's greatest friends Shinsenna Hisakawa, former Kanto lead and the man who taught shinjiro all aabout gangs returned as the co-leader of Bonten and helped in the war. the two gangs had a bunch of events and small brawls, in which Bonten was always victorious and the news around the criminals were spreading fast. Bonten was rising in numbers and in popularity. Within a month, it was no longer a big difference between the two gangs. The day of the war was close. Many fights had occurred before that changed Shinjiro and fed the hate inside him. The final strike was when the Kaku-Kai higherups kidnapped Shinjiro and tortured him brutally. That day he was stabbed at his ribs and his leg, yet he did not crack. He just barely escaped his enemies and after that day he decided that the war that was supposed to be with blunt weapons and delinquent style was getting cancelled. It was now a fight to the death with sharp deadly weapons. On the day of the war, Bonten was more ready than ever. Kaku-Kai on the other hand, had a lot of their members missing, something that caused them to lose that day, and since then, the gang was never seen or heard again. That day, changed Bonten and Shinjiro forever. Shinjiro was finally at the top, and his gang was now acknowledged by the black market themselves. The only issue was that the police was after him and sadly they arrested some of his allies including the gang's second in command Shinsenna. Shinjiro managed to change his facial features along with some small parts of his name and Identity and he got himself off the radar. The gang was still raising and people could no longer doubt Shinjiro at any point. He had managed to concealed his identity from the police and hide as a new person. Only few could recognize him. Other gangs now wanted to side with Bonten, and jett, only looked for the most evil and dark ones. He was now a face of pure evil blinded by his corruptness and his dark thoughts.


A gang alone, is powerful. But what happens when two of the best gangs in town meet? Great crimes are now for the cops to battle with. Triad was a cult lead by a Korean man, quite older than Shinjiro. Not many things are known about him, besides that he once lead a gang named river, and that he was now leading a much darker gang. A cult. Triad wanted chaos and destruction in town, and their main activity was sacrifices. There was a secret code between them, they were bound by a certain mark that made them stick like brothers one for another. It was the perfect gang, for Bonten to side with. Different beliefs but same motivation and goals. With Triad, Bonten reached it's full potential, It was now fulfilled and the crimes followed would shock the town. Sequence 011, was one of the Triad's dark ideas. Bonten members along with their allies, gathered at the old bakuto tunnel. Their plan went smoothly. A loud bang was heard on the Judge's door, before many masked men got in her place annd abducted her and her 13 year old daughter. The next step of their plan evolved police, a video of the kidnapping was sent to them, and alerted them to meet Triad at the tunnel where it all started. From there on the criminals asked for a ransom along with the release of the former Triad leader Johnny Ledger. A lot of time was spent there negotiating with the police, but eventually they found a crack and arrested them all. That day, Shinjiro got shot in the chest, and he was saved by EMS 50 seconds before his bleedout. Life flashed before his eyes that day as his death was seconds away. It changed him forever.

The wound, still fresh and the blood, almost not enough to keep him alive. 1 hour after his arrest, his chest patched quickly to stop the bleedout. Jett was now breathing heavily inside a cell, it was his first time being in one. His at the time silver hair were resting on his face, as he stood barely unconscious grabbing on his bed's railing to stay on his feet. The voice of the commissioner himself broke the silence.. "You're in for life.. no bail for now". Was that it? No t can't be. The next few days he was transferred to some sort of high security prison. His breathing was still bad, and the wound made by a bullet on his chest was not even close to healing. He was one of the few survivors from sequence 011 who managed to be saved after the shootout. In his cell, he was given the opportunity to call many times with Karakura and give his plea for a chance of a bail. He chose to remain silent and keep training alone I'm his cell. A lot of time past, he was forgotten by most, and remembered by a few select ones. It was time... a much different Shinjuro walked slowly towards the calling room. His eyes, filled with hate, his hair, no longer dyed and healthy, just messy and damaged but what stood out the most, his body. He had trained for all that time, he was barely recognisable at this point. "I plead guilty.." Said to the phone before he hang up. Then, his routine came back to normal. Working out in a filthy cell. At some point, a bang was heard on his cell, followed by the sight of an officer standing infront of it with some keys. "Shinjiro, someone by the name Odette, paid the bail of 5 million yen, you will be set free". A corrupted individual, filled with hate and anger was transported back to Karakura. Things though could never be the same after that...

This story was nice, It comes to an end though. Bonten changed, It got weaker. The respect for their own founder and Leader was almost dead. It was once again questioned if he was good enough. Jett's corruptness was no longer suitable for Bonten. His higherups lost the remaining respect they had for him. His plans were not appreciated by the gang. It was the downfall of Jett. Bonten higherups soon started talking about kicking jett out and getting a new leader. Tony, one of Jett's brothers was now the possible next lead. Around that time, Jett's true Identity also got revealed to the police, yet he still managed to conceal himself barely. His mind was no longer the same after the sequence 011. He became inactive and started risking people's life for his own gain. He started killing, just for the adrenaline it would give him, and within Bonten, council knew he could no longer lead. Not many things are known about his downfall, yet the gang ended up disowning him, and the new leader became KANO, his own brother Tony. From that day on, Shinjiro was alone, but it was not the time yet. He still had lots of things he wanted to achieve. Reaching the top position within gangs, was a fulfilled dream and desire. Yet crime is a cycle that doesn't end so simply. His knew goal was to become big in a new area, even greater than gangs. Black Market was now what he truly wanted to achieve position within them. Before approaching them though, Jett left Karakura..

Back where it all started, Shinjiro needed answers about his life. He returned to his birthplace, to find his actual routes. He wanted to find himself, and also seek for his father. He looked quite alike his brothers from the Hatake family yet there was no actual evidence yet. He first went to the orphanage that took care of him before his parents adopted him. It had been a while, he was now 20 years old, and he asked them to know, who had given him up for adoption. The answers he received where misleading. A DNA test was the only way. He still had Nagato's clothes, as a memorial of his lost brother. Once the results came back, he was shocked. They were positive, and it turns out that Shinjiro was a blood related sibling of the Hatakes. He was one step closer to himself. His father was the only gap in his backstory. And that would change soon. Shinjiro knew where and how to find gang relevant people, from his own personal experience. From asking around and getting small information he learnt that his father had gone with the gang members the day they killed Shinjiro's mom. He was furious, and his mind was filled with thoughts of revenge. One night he grabbed his double blade naginata and went to find the gang. It was quite an easy task, that gang was nothing compared to Bonten. He murdered them all, one by one showing no mercy to anyone, their leader was the only one who could put up a fight. Besides his attempts Shinjiro could easily defeat him. One man was missing from the slaughter, it was his father. He asked the few people that were still alive from the gang, bleeding out and the information he got was that his dad had passed away, after a police officer shot him. His final questions were about the officer who killed his father. They knew him, and he was quite well known for going against the gang. Shinjiro left the ruins of the now dead gang after finishing off the few alive, and went straight into tracking down the police officer. With a simple bait he got him alone and stabbed him in the neck causing his death. He had now erased all of his father's side and completed the task of finding his backstory. Everything that once caused him pain was now gone, dead in front of Shinjiro's custom weapon. He was ready for a new start, a return in town. A position among the most notorious and powerful criminals of Karakura. The black market.

It all comes to the final arc of this story, Shinjiro's return. The ninth arc. After finding out about his passed, and his real bloodline, he returned back in town, during the night where most of the citizens where asleep. As soon as he arrived, he went to confront the hatakes. He wanted to kill them at first but there was a chance that he could find piece among them. Gladly, they accepted him as one of their own. Now only thing left for Shinjiro was to approach the black market and seek for a position within them. During this time, Shinjiro constantly goes on trips, he is out of town a lot, trying to admire the beauty of the world arorund him. He trains daily to reach his full potential once again. Training seems like a big deal for him after all he's been through. He is also getting a new weapon forged for him. He calls it 'The Bonten Nagi' and its a weapon carrying his past as the leader of Bonten. Along with his family, he also seems to be up to something. A business, some type of criminal business. In addition Shinjiro still manages to use his charm to lure people into his traps. After years of experience he is currently confident in himself and succeeding is his only goal from now on. Even after bonten, he still has a big name for himself within criminals and people definitely know him, and some may still fear him. And his weapons, they are deadly, wielded by the right person. That right person, is Jett.

(Some parts of his story might be excluded. At some point I will drop a full novel of his life!)

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer: (This can be anything — a weapon deal, an event they may be involved in, or maybe an interaction with a gang)
A while ago, while still leading Bonten, me and one of my fellow members caught a certain person selling black market weapons for a quite appealing price. As a verified gang leader I knew that the manager of my turf should know. We contacted him and in no time he was standing in front of us. It was our first introduction to a dealer going by 'HERMIAS'. The strange man ordered us to find the person and accept one of his deals luring him into a trap. Once we managed to capture him he gave us a location and one thing lead to another, we were know inside one of his hideouts. It was then I realized that the criminals from the black market are not to mess with at any cause. He showed zero mercy to the man, and had many advanced weapons I didn't even know existed. The seller was tortured and later on killed inside that hideout with zero hopes of escaping. Later on, the dealer kept his word and he gave us some sort of payment before ordering us to leave his area. That day, even as the leader of a big gang, I got intimidated by the man and knew that the dealers of the black market where the best of the best in crimes. I knew that day that I wanted to reach their level one day and compete with them.
That day, was the beginning of a sort of friendship between the two. Jett and Hermias became allies and soon started pulling more hits on targets who sold weapons they bought from him.
Jett speaking
Even a while back before I joined forced with him, we still had a lot of deals with each other. A few days before the war, he was the man who we trusted the most. For certain occasions such as fights with Kaku-Kai we needed him the most. I knew that he was going to side with us the first time I ordered war supplies. I called his number and soon met up with him. I totally blew up my bank and bought baseball bats for the whole gang. Ever since that big deal, we started first collaborating. Either for small stuff or even bigger. I was something like his trusted associate, and along with a member of my gang we helped him stop third party dealers.
It was simple really, we found people selling, gave a call to Hermias and the same day we ended up abducting those dealers and moving them alive somewhere for Hermias to delay with them. None of them ever made it out alive..
It was almost like a system now, no criminal ever considered selling weapons because they all knew that we would find out, and their death would be certain after that.
Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer: (If inapplicable, put N/A)
My character, is a very experienced criminal due to his time as a verified gang leader. Black market dealer, is a role that suits him well because technically it's the step above leading a big gang. He was always involved in crimes ever since day one and he is very developed being my main character for more than a year now. He has been in some of the biggest gangrp events and his overall experience makes him a perfect pick icly as a Black market dealer. He is known to the faction from his old operations with Bonten and he have worked in the past with former BMD's. He is also a criminal with a name for himself.
Some extra ooc information:
Sadly there were some setbacks with the business I mentioned above. I can assure you though that I am currently working on a discord server and I have most if not all of the Ideas ready for the business, and along with my possible acceptance it will be ready soon. What's for sure though is that with this business I am planning on giving BMD a place to sell weapons too combined with it. I also want to add that some of my OOC section answers might be brief, and short. That's because I do not want to flood the application and make it hard to review. Lastly for any questions or further explanations about it, you can DM me on Discord (Jtth_8832). I would also like to attach some images, and I do apologize if my application is a bit bland or lacks images but all my good ones are too large to be uploaded. Lastly, there might be some mistakes inside my application. My keyboard is slowly breaking down and some keys may press twice. I hope you don't have trouble reading it and understanding it.
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Level 92
Thank you for taking the time to apply; however, after some consideration, I have chosen to deny this application at this time. For further information, feel free to message me on discord to discuss what could be improved to increase your chances if you ever feel like applying again.​

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