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Jadis Alister - CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY (updated)


Level 0
drawings by me :)

Basic Information

First Name: Jadis
Middle Name: Jane
Surname: Alister

Aliases: A.J., Red

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Date of Birth: October 31st

Place of Birth: Karakura, Japan

Nationality: Australian/Japanese

General Appearance

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 55kg

Build: Small and relatively thin.

Eye Color: Dark brown

Hair: Long, wavy, messy and black

Other Information

Personality: Rather blunt and upfront but still caring sometimes. She tends to throw insults at other people and talk herself up. While she usually doesn't take things very seriously and just makes jokes, she still can be serious if the situation calls for it. Used to being the middle sibling, she tends to be a mum with her friends in those serious situations. She finds it hard to emotionally connect with the people that she likes, mainly out of some kind of fear. She tries to see the best in others and never tends to see things as very deep.

Diseases/Illness: Liquefactive necrosis

Character Voice:
Basically just Emiru but with an Australian Accent

Hobbies: Writing, reading and working out.

Family: Father (Jack Alister - 51), Mother (Melissa Alister - 52), Siblings (A.J. Alister - 26, Constantine Bottril - 20, Confelicity Bottril - 20, Baron Alister - 17, Parker Alister - 14, Alisson Alister - 12, Amelia Alister - 1)

alister family + names small.png


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