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Accepted Janitor Application


Level 4
[OOC section]

In Game Name:

School Employee Role you are Applying For:

How often do you log onto the server?:
I'm playing every day which means I am active almost all the time, I'm playing on for 3-6 hours on regular days and on weekends I'm playing for 3-9 hours. I'm active most of the time between 17:00-01:00 GMT+3. I love playing on the server which is why you can always see me online. I have now 7 days and 5-hour playtime.

Do you have discord?: Yes, I do have discord.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I do have a microphone.

Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?:
No, I have never been banned before.

Can you ensure that you will often come on: Yes, I can ensure you will see me every day for at least 4 hours.

Do you recognise that you can be ICly fired?: Yes, I do.

In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee: The Janitor job is to make sure the school stay clean and checking everything working as it should be. The Janitor need to make sure the place he works for will be in his best, the janitor should do stuff such as cleaning the hallways, cleaning the windows, empty the trash cans, cleaning the bathrooms, cleaning the classrooms and making sure they ready for the next day and even and sometimes ever raise or lower the flags. The Janitor most of the times will do all of this after school to prepare the school for the next day though he can also do his Job while the students still in school.

The Janitor work isn't just cleaning as everyone thinks, its much more than that without the Janitor the school can't function he supposed to make the school a peaceful environment not just for the students but for the school staff too. The Janitor work is essentially to be where ever he needs to be for example if one of the teachers telling him there is a mess in class "104" the Janitor will have to go there and clean the mess he getting paid for this he isn't supposed to do more or less then that.

Do you have any past experience in this type of roleplay?: No, I don't I played in this server just as a student for now, though I have been a teacher in one of the previous roleplay servers I played and sometimes I did clean stuff up in the class.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: I have been role-playing as a student since I started playing in here. I had experience as a teacher in one of the previous servers I played through most of my experience came from Garry's mod, I have played a police officer, shop owner, and prisoner. The rules are almost the same the only big difference was I used my own voice and not chat.

Are you familiar with what your job does? If so, describe it: I'm familiar with what my job does. The janitor's job in the school is to make sure everything in place and by that I mean that everything clean, the hallways and the classes are clean and without you the school won't be able to function, you need to make sure you put an effort in your job. You will use the /me command very often since it's your only given tool.


During a workshift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?:
Normally I will just ignore the student if the student won't stop and keep cursing me I would tell him to stop and warn them that I will tell this to the teacher or higher rank school staff. If the student won't stop after that warning I will write down his name and memorize his face and I will take this to higher rank school staff to take care of him.

You are doing a hazadrous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?: As a janitor, you need to do whatever the School Principal will ask you to do if the job he gave me will be too dangerous for me or the students I will ask him to that and we both together will find something else I can do or even change the job a bit to be less dangerous. If he'd say there is nothing he can do about I will make sure to do this job really carefully and I won't take any unnecessary risks I will also make sure there aren't any students around if this job can get them hurt.

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?: I will try slowly ****yzing the situation and carefully ask this school employee to what exactly is he doing while making sure there aren't any students getting near him. After I make sure there are not students near him I will tell him to stop this since its dangerous for him, for me and for the students. If he won't stop after that I will call the Vice Principal and tell him exactly what happened and leave this for him since it's not my job to punish any school employee.

[IC section]

Applicant Name:
Sasuke Umetsu

Chosen Job: Janitor

Motivation for Joining YHS: Since he was young Sasuke always helped his mother cleaning up the house and helping with all the housework. Every day he'd clean up the floor, windows, bathroom etc. and he notices that he is pretty good at this. Sasuke loves that everything is in place and if something isn't he will probably fix that. Sasuke love to clean everything which is why he think janitor is the best job for him. Sasuke love cleaning its something he was doing for a long time when he was young and from his perspective, he thinks this is what he should do at least for now.

Age: 24

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?: I love cleaning, its something that I'm doing for a long time and I also pretty good at this. I know how to clean stuff quick and efficient. As for right now, the janitor is the best job I can get which is why I will put my best efforts in making my job as good as I can. I love doing things in the best way possible its include cleaning, and this is reflected in my job, I always do my job as good as I can I'm not lazy at all and I know it is a hard work though I have the time, the power and the will to make sure I will do better than anyone else.
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Level 152
Hello @Jeeps544331
After thoroughly looking through your application, I've decided today (02/10/2018) to come with a conclusion on your application to become a Janitor on Karakura High School. Below this said message, you'll find my view on this application and after my judgement.

- Your application is structured very well, following what's wanted from an applicant.
- Your answers are the quality of an applicant.
- Your ban history is hefty. You've been denied as well many times.
- Despite me distrust in you, I believe you'd do quite well in this job.

- You may not resign or apply on another School Employee/Teacher/Shop Owner job on this account for the next thirty (30) days, unless you really want to resign, you'll be dropped to Grade-12.
- Check your Discord Private Messages (PMs) shortl


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