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KARAKURA NEWS | A Day in the Life; Ezri Akai


Level 136

Howdy Karakura! This is Dr. Davis back with another report! On today’s report, we’re going to take a look into the daily life of our Mayor, Ezri Akai! Here we’ll learn about what she does on the daily, along with the struggles that come along side being the Mayor of Karakura! Without further a-do.. Here’s insight on the interview given inside the town hall!​

[Davis] "Alllright! I don't really think there's any introduction necessary, you're the mayor of all people and might I say it's a pleasure to have the opportunity to be interviewing you!"

[Akai] "Alright. Happy to be here I guess."

[Davis] "Well let's just get on with it then! I'd like to hear about what the Mayor does each day! We'll start with... how do you normally spend your mornings?”

[Akai] "Well, usually I wake up, then I check my phone to see how many people s*** talked me on social media, and then I usually respond and call them out, after that I check my texts, to see if I have any meetings, Then I get a room temp cup of water, drink it all, proceed to shower and then I get in my car and head to the town hall, I like to arrive earlier than everyone else to plan my daily course of action.”

[Davis] "I see! What's it like being the mayor on social media?"

[Akai] "If I'm being honest It f***ing sucks, however it's kinda cool being one of the seven verified accounts, It doesn't have any real benefits besides besides every post I make instantly is on the trending page, which is kinda a flex I guess."

[Davis] "Ahh I get you. Must be difficult having to uphold the town hall's name on there. Let's elaborate more on your daily course of action! When you get to the town hall what are the first things you tend to do?"

[Akai] "Well, I usually come here, sit down and then check my email, and follow up with anything that I hadn't the previous day, I then plan everything out for that day, and once people start coming in for work, I usually go down and talk with them for a bit, then it's back up to the office as usually the phone starts ringing and people want to have meetings."

[Davis] "And what would you say the people inside the town hall are like? Majorily friendly? Problematic?"

[Akai] "Well, all the government officials are honestly great, I'm very proud of the team I've both created and inherited from my predecessor. I honestly could not be more thankful for their work ethic and upstanding values."

[Davis] "That's wonderful to hear! It's relieving knowing that the town hall continues to run like a well-oiled machine. Once things are settled at the office, what do you tend to do afterwards?"

[Akai] "Well, then it's usually followed by meetings for a good portion of the day, managing the overall town from a government perspective, and handing any requests that come through when others are away."

[Davis] "Ahh interesting. Are your meetings pretty miscellaneous, or do they follow a certain theme on a normal basis? I'd ask for the details... However I don't think I have high enough clearance for that, haha."

[Akai] "Depends on the day usually, some days I'm meeting with civilians, other times it's with government officials, and yeah I cannot really go into specifics of the meetings as those are confidential, I apologize."

[Davis] "Nothing to be sorry for! After your day at the office is over, how do you usually spend your evenings?"

[Akai] "Well, I'll either head to plaza to interact with people, Or I'll head over to my house and relax for the rest of the day."

[Davis] "Ah you interact with the public! I'm honestly not surprised, it's nice to hear that our Mayor continues to interact with the community. That all said, what is that like?"

[Akai] "It's usually a good time, I'm not one to really hide away in my office away from the public, I very much enjoy interacting with people, In life you need perspective, and the best way to get it is by talking to others!"

[Davis] "That's an awesome perspective to have. And once you head home, what does your routine then look like?"

[Akai] "It's pretty much the same as anyone else really, I just sorta eat something, and then I go to sleep."

[Davis] "I see! To be expected really, we're only human after all. It's a wonderful thing that you're in good health and maintain a consistent daily routine! My final question is, do you have anything else to add to this interview?"

[Akai] "It's been a lovely chat thank you so much, and yeah if you ever have any questions at all, do not be afraid to come talk to me! Also we're hiring."

[Davis] "Ah you are! That's brilliant. And I'll be sure to include that as well. Thank you very much for your time again, Mayor Akai!"

[Akai] "Of course, anytime!"

Aaaaand that’s a wrap! I’d love to take the time to thank Mayor Akai again for accepting the interview. It was an honor, pleasure and incredibly interesting to hear about what a public official like the Mayor does on a daily basis. That’s all from me folks, have a lovely Afternoon!​


Level 134
A very humanizing article. Interesting how the duality of her profession shines through, handling traditional administrative responsibilities with light social media management. Interesting.


Level 136
Thread starter
A very humanizing article. Interesting how the duality of her profession shines through, handling traditional administrative responsibilities with light social media management. Interesting.
That was the goal! Often times in character citizens only see Akai as a threat and just another “corrupt” public official, however the interview was given to express to the public that she’s just a normal person like everyone else alongside her duties as mayor


Level 134
That was the goal! Often times in character citizens only see Akai as a threat and just another “corrupt” public official, however the interview was given to express to the public that she’s just a normal person like everyone else alongside her duties as mayor
Responsibility invites scrutiny. It was a breath of fresh air.


Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead
#NOTMYMAYOR >:((((!! !!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !

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