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Karakura News | Akihito Clan: Transforming Citizens


Level 79
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Media Team

October 17, 2022
Barbatos Archon

Good day to all of Karakura! I am here today with a report about how the Akihito Clan has transformed gangsters into upstanding citizens, and how the Clan has helped the people in our town. I have been lucky enough to be able to interview Sir Cyrus Tsuchiyo today about their personal experience with Akihito Clan, how it has changed them for the better as well as give us some insights as to how they work. I hope you all enjoy it!

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[!] The video would start to play, showing Barbatos and Cyrus [!]
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Barbatos would seem relaxed as he sat across from Cyrus, having his hands folded on top of his lap and his legs crossed as he would start to speak, “So Sir Tsuchiyo, can you tell me about your past experiences and how Akihito helped you to be better? How it has changed you ever since you joined them, though, of course, it doesn't have to be detailed if you're not comfortable."

Cyrus sighed, nodding his head, "Of course, I can't say I'm proud of who I was, there's no denial there. Mixed in with different gangs in Karakura and what they all do. I'm sure you're familiar enough with that, I don't need to expand further. My criminal record shows it, I'm no saint." Cyrus moved his right knee over his left, sitting back in the chair slightly to cup his hands and place them over the top of his knees. "Akihito gave me a place to put the energy that I had to good. Stopping fights, instead of starting them. Clearing the streets of crime, instead of being a part of it. And all in all, respect is huge there inside the Akihito Clan. I learned how to respect those who deserve it. Call for things to be better while still remaining respectful and smart while doing so."

Barbatos would have some sort of nostalgic look on his face, his hands clasped together as he had a small smile on his face before replying, "Akihito Clan truly does change a person, no? besides truly bettering yourself when you joined them, were there some roadblocks along your journey while in the Clan? how did you overcome them to get where you are today?"

Cyrus paused for a moment. Nothing out of the ordinary though, just a brief second to think. "I suppose. There was that respect chain that I wasn't used to, making sure that I gave and respected those who were higher up than me. But it was all learnt. Everyone there is kinda like a family. We support and take care of each other."
"We all do start somewhere I suppose when we first join," he chuckled, "thank you for doing this interview, as well as giving us insight on some things that happen in Akihito Clan Sir Tsuchiyo, this shows how much Akihito Clan can change a person for the better despite their past, a person can still truly become better with a push from others."

Cyrus would give a small nod, "I think people my age in crime in this town is a problem. You don't know what you don't know and then boom! You're too far in it, or you feel like you are, to get out." He slid up in his seat slightly, fixing his posture. "But truly the pleasure is mine. The Clan as well as the people inside it have changed me for the better. I owe a lot to them. I truly don't know how lost- or dead. . I'd end up being if it wasn't for them all."

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[!] The video would end [!]
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This interview was quite a treat, not only has it given us more insights into how Akihito Clan works, but it also showed how rough individuals from different pasts can be reformed through the help of others. I once again thank Sir Cyrus for giving us the opportunity to do that interview, to give us more knowledge as I hope in the future we would be able to learn more.

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