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Karakura News | Beach Day


Level 108
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead


Hello Karakura! Jin Kuroki Here! I hope you are all having a wonderful day!
Today’s article is about things to do at the beach!


With Summer having recently ended, this is the last time you can enjoy the beach in its entirety! The list below is just a few suggestions that you can do on a beach day!


This one is a given, but there is only a limited amount of time before the fall starts and the temperature starts dropping too low, which makes this activity something to do now rather than later.



This is another given. Going to the beach for a tan is one of the main attractions. Even if the temperature gets lower, the sun's rays will still reach and give you that lovely tan, even if it takes longer.


A sweet little idea for a beach day! Gathering an assortment of your favorite foods and drinks and spending that time with your close friends or family. Set up a small blanket and share stories with everyone you care about!


Riding a Jet Ski

Want to get a little daring? At the Karakura Pier, you can purchase a Jet Ski for your personal use. Ride them up and down the beach and show off to all of your friends by doing cool tricks!


Playing Volleyball
The beach offers three separate volleyball courts for use. Get a group of people and share some laughs while competing in the lovely sport!


Play Basketball
If you follow the beach past the beach houses, you will find a basketball court. You can use the court to practice your free throws or play a game of ‘streetball’ with your friends!


Gathering around a Bonfire
Similar to the picnic, you can gather a group of people and sit around a fire. You can tell each other ghost stories, stories about your past, or just hold a regular conversation.


Building Sandcastles
What is more symbolic of the beach than a sandcastle? Host a small sandcastle building competition, or work together to make a grand castle to show off!


Visiting the pier
The pier offers many fun things to do! From being able to buy ice cream to shopping at the various stores, going to the end of the piers and looking out at the ocean, or the main attractions, go on the rides! Ranging from a merry-go-round to the teacups, the dropper, as well as the Ferris wheel! You can even end your night by going on the swan boats at the end.


Visit the Lighthouse
Want to see the town from a whole new vantage point? The lighthouse is a beautiful place with an even more amazing view! And at the top of the lighthouse is a little area where you can sit around and hang out!


Go Fishing
Ever wonder how good your fishing skills are? There are many fish in the sea, so let's see how many you can catch! The ocean has a wide array of fish you can catch! Whether you release them right after, sell them off, or take them home for your own consumption, you should try them out at least once!


Star Gazing
A lovely way to end your night. Laying in the sand, either alone or with some company, and staring up and admiring the bright dots littered across the night sky.


That is all for this article! Stay tuned for the next one!
Until next time!
Jin Kuroki


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